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Quitting For The Foreseeable Future.


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I think I tire of this game too.  Maybe it's time for a break.  1400 hours is a lot of flippin' Warframe.  Can't even get enough interest to farm for Nova Prime, I just sigh dejectedly when I think of it.  I'm all grinded out DE! Someone needs to sharpen my grinding teeth!

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I completely agree with OP.

I have not invested very much money in the game, but that is because I do not have the money to spend. I am MR18 and have played since early open beta continually. I too can see the direction the game is going in, and soon I may quit playing all together.

How I have seen the progression of the game go.....

>Cool game, needs to add a bit more stuff and diversity to enemies/levels

>Cool game, added TONS of weapons and stuff, a bit grindy to master them

>New warframes WOW (more grind, hmm)

>More weapons (more grind)

>Strange unpopular mission modes

>Cool tiles removed from certain tilesets (Grineer Asteroid in particular)





>Can't even play this anymore. >.>

Started going down a slope I wasn't too fond of, and then BAM it all started changing (before PWE may I add)

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As long as there are new players joining warframe and most people complain about RNG (or just love it idk) but keep playing, Waframe will move on, threads like this are prolly going to be ignored except by people that are in the same situation and that eventually will quit as well. I get the feeling it's easier to just bring new players into the game and feed the not so demanding fanbase then fixing the flaws in the game to please bored veterans.

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try reading the main post again then make a reply






I read the main post and this is my reply. Sorry if you don't like/agree with it. You guys can keep shoving the toxicity down my throat I'll shove my calling out down yours.


You're making a decision to stop playing a game and you decide the community needs to hear your story on it? No all you're doing is generating more heat for no reason.


If you wanna stop playing then leave you don't have to make a thread about it. 

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I read the main post and this is my reply. Sorry if you don't like/agree with it. You guys can keep shoving the toxicity down my throat I'll shove my calling out down yours.


You're making a decision to stop playing a game and you decide the community needs to hear your story on it? No all you're doing is generating more heat for no reason.


If you wanna stop playing then leave you don't have to make a thread about it. 

i made a thread to give feed back on what i thought was wrong and unbearable. none of that is toxic. throwing any and all criticism under the lable of "toxic" doesnt cast a very good light on your self

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I read the main post and this is my reply. Sorry if you don't like/agree with it. You guys can keep shoving the toxicity down my throat I'll shove my calling out down yours.


You're making a decision to stop playing a game and you decide the community needs to hear your story on it? No all you're doing is generating more heat for no reason.


If you wanna stop playing then leave you don't have to make a thread about it. 

He's providing feedback on why he's leaving as well as opening general discussion for other posters.  This is the function of the forums.

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This isn't the feedback section. 



Also, the toxicity isn't the feedback its the "I'm quitting" in your title. And the seeking confirmation from others in the forums that's the bad juju. 

I honestly never have been able to figure out why people make quitting threads.


Just seems like an attention grab to me.



EXACTLY my point. 

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He'll be back.

They always come back.

For the fore seeable future meaning i might come back. im not saying "im quitting forever dis game suxorz.

I honestly never have been able to figure out why people make quitting threads.


Just seems like an attention grab to me.



He's providing feedback on why he's leaving as well as opening general discussion for other posters.  This is the function of the forums.


Im grabbing attention to try and say what is driving me away from the game.

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For the fore seeable future meaning i might come back. im not saying "im quitting forever dis game suxorz.




Im grabbing attention to try and say what is driving me away from the game.

How dare you be proactive and constructive.   Don't you know where you are?!

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i saw but my what was asking what you meant since it made no sence even with the quoted portion

It did.

That was essentially what was being said.

There are plenty of people that stick around that either do not consider all the glaring flaws a big deal or have faith things will change. To imply that players are held here only by being blind to said flaws is redonk.

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It did.

That was essentially what was being said.

There are plenty of people that stick around that either do not consider all the glaring flaws a big deal or have faith things will change. To imply that players are held here only by being blind to said flaws is redonk.


ah, i was one of the ones that saw the flaws and stuck around because i thought them not a big deal due to having faith DE would change and make good on their promise of reducing grind. The reason why im burnt out and dont want to play anymore is that they have done the exact opposite.

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Im grabbing attention to try and say what is driving me away from the game.


Your feedback would not have been lessened by leaving the "I'm quitting" part out.


In fact, it would have greatly improved the quality of your thread. Maybe an actual discussion about the feeback could have been held. Instead, you made the thread about you quitting, instead of the reasons you quit.

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ah, i was one of the ones that saw the flaws and stuck around because i thought them not a big deal due to having faith DE would change and make good on their promise of reducing grind. The reason why im burnt out and dont want to play anymore is that they have done the exact opposite.

And thats fine. I'm not going to debate the issue. I feel like too much of a broken record on the forums anyway.

You have some points I agree with and some I don't.


What I can't stand is the amount of hyperbole, hypocrisy and the toxic attitude so much of the forums have.

"If you don't agree you're wrong"

"WF is so broken and DE is evil" (continues to play years later)

"if you don't despise DE and and/or not extremely bitter then you are a DE fanboy"


The list of examples go on.

Hence me feeling compelled to somewhat sarcastically respond to the post that caused confusion.


I'm at least content to see how things keep going.

Goodluck with future endeavors and hopefully WF takes a turn for the better.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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No, its not that, I CANT bring myself to FARM Rep. I CANT bring myself to go to any of the FARMING places. Everytime I think about it, I get out of the game and start petting Catherine.... she is thankful for that.

This happened to me a while ago. I remember when Mesa dropped I had floated back to the forums to check stuff out as I do from time to time. I saw a new update I read what was in it, updated me game, put my mouse on that launch button...and stopped...I just couldn't do it. I couldn't bring myself to go back just to farm even grindier stuff than before. 


"if you like the game, have faith it will go down a better path, or simply do not take things so seriously as to get your panties in a twist over even the most mundane problem, you are blind and wrong".


The WF forums are so depressing.

I loved this game man. I still do but like so many people we just can't keep our faith alive. When I first heard the game concept I thought I was in heaven. Since I was 10 (I started doing parkour seriously then) I had DREAMED of a game where you could run around doing parkour, shooting people and just generally being a ninja with the addition of guns. Warframe answered that call. I had so much fun playing this game and so did all my buddies, we made our little clan and we were constantly talking about the game, sharing efficiency improvements to maximise survival times e.t.c.

But the game just kept becoming more and more grind focused to the point where it feels like a chore playing because you're always grinding something for ages. I loved this game, but as development progressed it has consistently been going down a path of becoming more and more grindy, more and more RNG based and more and more wait walls have been put in. Throughout that time I've seen countless threads and heard countless pleas from my friends and random Tenno I met in pubs hoping beyond hope for less grind and rng but those pleas have consistently gone unheard.


I am hoping beyond hope (and have been for a long time) that this game finds its way. I desperately want to love the game again but I just can't when all it does is beat me and my friends with a cricket bat while giving us a glimpse at the absolute majesty it could potentially achieve.

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"if you like the game, have faith it will go down a better path, or simply do not take things so seriously as to get your panties in a twist over even the most mundane problem, you are blind and wrong".


The WF forums are so depressing.

You speak as if I never had hope this game would be better. I've been playing for a year and a half. After so much time, I expect less than nothing every update and I'm still disappointed. All the valuable feedback that just gets ignored, all the half assed features, the broken promises, everything.

I'm not joking, you're being ignorant if all the issues in the game are 'mundane problems'. It's fine if you can enjoy the game in its current state, but don't pretend it isn't terrible.

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It isn't.


And if you honestly think otherwise, well, that's okay. But don't go around trying to pretend like your opinion is fact.

well, someone that actually thinks a bit would share my opinion, but I'm tired of trying to convince blind people otherwise.

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