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It's Too Hard ..... Draco Inter.


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Wait, you mean people go to Ceres instead of Pluto for high level interception?   The Corpus are far easier on higher levels to kill than the Grineer with their high damage units.  Sure, it is a far larger map, but I very, very rarely ever have issues doing that with public groups.

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I must be cheating if I manage draco with banshee solo for 8ish waves. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact I've over a years experience or anything. Not to mention I wouldn't know how to use a hack if my life depended on it. I'm not that computer savvy.


OP is Draco hard? Sure, depending on both you and your teams skill.

Is it doable with pretty much and 4 frames? Yep.


I hate to throw this around but its pretty much a case of "git gud".

But heres a nicer way of putting it: Try getting a coordinated team together. One that has a few people that know what they are doing.

With enough practice, I'm sure you will manage.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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the game is too hard ... just tried to get some T4 keys from draco on ceres ... the thing is beyond hard to the point where you have to have tanks .. like rhino /zepher/mirage/ect. to get it done ...
i think thats bull .. you should beable to walk in there with any 4 warframes and beable to get a T4 key .. frames like ember and banshee dont stand a chance ...
why make it so hard that you have to have a cheat to play it ??? cause you know half these players in the forum yelling its too easy have a hack .... i have played warframe and nothing else for the last year and have spent a good bit of money doing it .. its fun .. but things like this draco makes me wanna play something else ..
i challenge you (DE)  to grab 3 other players and play draco .. 
and to think nightmare mode is offered right now for draco ...
why make a game that only cheaters can play ???
DE you need to grab 4 guys stick them in a room and make them play this  !!!!


I don't know if you are serious or trolling...but that game isn't hard at all. And I'm not a pro player (I don't even have all the mods maxed).

I play it regularly with Saryn and it's highly doable. At least the first 4 rounds, which are enough to get the T4 key, are handy.

Isn't all about the Frame itself but mainly about tactics/strategy and decent team mates. That's all.


Also let me give you a hint...if you can't handle Draco...do Stephano...I farmed most of my T4 Sabotage keys there...

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Ceres is an outer planet. It's not supposed to be "easy".


Having said that, if you've paid your dues, it's certainly doable. If you're a new player, you have no business here. Get the mods you need. Get the forma in to use the high end mods. Get the experience to know how to use your chosen 'frames in hectic missions like interception.


And, yes, I solo Draco frequently (not by choice--sticktoitness is lacking in the community these days). It actually is pretty easy with a tuned up Nyx or NyxP. It's mostly a matter of getting the initial caps then putting out fires for the rest of the round. Nevertheless, you need the capability to put out those fires quickly and that's something you gain with experience and proper build strategies.

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the game is too hard ... just tried to get some T4 keys from draco on ceres ... the thing is beyond hard to the point where you have to have tanks .. like rhino /zepher/mirage/ect. to get it done ...


i think thats bull .. you should beable to walk in there with any 4 warframes and beable to get a T4 key .. frames like ember and banshee dont stand a chance ...


why make it so hard that you have to have a cheat to play it ??? cause you know half these players in the forum yelling its too easy have a hack .... i have played warframe and nothing else for the last year and have spent a good bit of money doing it .. its fun .. but things like this draco makes me wanna play something else ..


i challenge you (DE)  to grab 3 other players and play draco .. 


and to think nightmare mode is offered right now for draco ...

why make a game that only cheaters can play ???


DE you need to grab 4 guys stick them in a room and make them play this  !!!!

I would give you some advice but since you are pulling the "anyone who can do things easily is hacking" card I lost all reason to give you advice. I don't find this mission hard.

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the game is too hard ... just tried to get some T4 keys from draco on ceres ... the thing is beyond hard to the point where you have to have tanks .. like rhino /zepher/mirage/ect. to get it done ...
i think thats bull .. you should beable to walk in there with any 4 warframes and beable to get a T4 key .. frames like ember and banshee dont stand a chance ...
why make it so hard that you have to have a cheat to play it ??? cause you know half these players in the forum yelling its too easy have a hack .... i have played warframe and nothing else for the last year and have spent a good bit of money doing it .. its fun .. but things like this draco makes me wanna play something else ..
i challenge you (DE)  to grab 3 other players and play draco .. 
and to think nightmare mode is offered right now for draco ...
why make a game that only cheaters can play ???
DE you need to grab 4 guys stick them in a room and make them play this  !!!!




I've played for less than a year and it seems fairly easy with a group of decent players, regardless of frame. You may excel in a different type of game. I think Tetris is FTP.

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...why make it so hard that you have to have a cheat to play it ??? cause you know half these players in the forum yelling its too easy have a hack ....



This guys just a troll, can't play the game so he calls people who can cheats using hacks? This is on Ceres (end Graneer planet) and Draco starts at 35-37 and you think it's going to be like Earth? Leave some damn places for higher end players. Can't cope, that's your problem, don't make it ours.

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This guys just a troll, can't play the game so he calls people who can cheats using hacks? This is on Ceres (end Graneer planet) and Draco starts at 35-37 and you think it's going to be like Earth? Leave some damn places for higher end players. Can't cope, that's your problem, don't make it ours.




Seriously though the vast majority disagrees with OP

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I accidentally got left behind for round 5 on draco, all by myself, with just my excal, 300 health, 300 shields. So you know what I did? I pressed 4. I'm sure that with 2 novas and a trinity it wouldn't be at all hard to make it 50+ rounds in Draco. Nobody cares how long you've been playing. 

I think a pretty big part of your problem is that in the year+ that you've been playing, you've only got 400 hours, you're only at MR13, you've got 32% weapon accuracy, and your most used frame is EMBER. On top of all that, looks like you're a Boltor Prime scrublord.

There are no cheats or hacks for Warframe. Get good or get out.

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4444444 22222

I cant even hold all this oro cells

YOU ARE A @(*()$ LIAR.


I had tons of Draco runs and so far only 5 orokin cells. OR ARE YOU SAYING THAT YOUR HANDS ARE THAT LITTLE.


On Topic. 


Draco is not hard, its annoying but not hard. I usually go there with my max range 240/240  hp shield Mirage. I make life easy for them, they resurrect me when i get downed(which i do alot since those goddamn slash procs are killing me before my shield goes down).

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So spamming 4 is being good ? That's nice to know.


Tried to solo it after reading this topic with my Trinity and 5-forma'd potatoed Amprex. Left at the end of wave 1, defeat was really close, just a few %.


There are just too many enemies spawning at the same time in different places. I think that if I had used a weapon like Boltor Prime, I would have had no trouble defending all 4 points by killing enemies from relatively far away, but I just can't use Boltor Prime. I don't like its look, nor do I like the fact that almost everyone uses it.


I feel like Interception is not meant to be soloed anyway.

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