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Who Uses The Ammo Mods Anyway?


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I would use them early on when my other mods only had 2-3 levels in them and having a 5 shot magazine in the snipetron felt like a great improvement but now. Even with Orokin Catalysts there's not enough mod room in the weapons to justify them.


What it comes down to now is getting the most damage per shot and I can no longer afford to mod things like "reload speed" and "total ammo capacity"


When the skills get really high I don't even have room for things that increase firing speed.


Look at rifles.



Armor piercing

crit chance

crit damage




I want to have puncture but in a few more level ups I won't even have room for that any more.


The pistol and melee weapons have a little more room but even those will soon be refined to a few bare bones skills.



I purposely exclude all elemental damage mods because they turn the fights into a congested mess of fire and ice and lighting and they also give enemies prolonged death animations which means they stand around waving their arms in the air while they are in fact dead which at best makes me shot them more than needed and at worst make them catch bullets that are intended for the enemies behind them. Turning them into immortal damage absorbers.



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Ammo mods depend on the gun. I find both slip magazine, and trick mag amazing on the furis/afruis. And for a snipetron yes having one extra round per clip is not worth the points. It's because of percentages. To get the most out of a weapon you should buff what it already has a lot of already. 20% of 5 is 1 where 20% of 100 is 20. You get back more from 20% of 100.

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One of my friends and I have talked a bit about this and the only initial thing that we came up with was combining them. So clip size and ammo capacity become one mod, and don't change the cost. I feel the same way about fire rate and reload speed (at least on rifles, it‘s different for pistol and shotgun due to mod costs).

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Ammo mods depend on the gun. I find both slip magazine, and trick mag amazing on the furis/afruis. And for a snipetron yes having one extra round per clip is not worth the points. It's because of percentages. To get the most out of a weapon you should buff what it already has a lot of already. 20% of 5 is 1 where 20% of 100 is 20. You get back more from 20% of 100.

 This. Also if you have viper or twin viper you actually need more than the max ammo mods can provide.

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Grakata chews up ammo so fast, ammo mods can't save it.  Hate to say, I shelved the thing until it actually makes sense to use it when the Gorgon, Boltor and even the normal Braton exist.


However, mag size mods on shotguns are enormously useful to me.  I have a large enough one to give me a 9 round mag on the Strun, and I can't take it off.  Ever.

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i use it for the Grataka and the Twin Vipers. they eat up bullets soooo fast


But the only free ammo the mods give you is what you start with. If you have +20% ammo that means one set of 20% at the start of the map. It has no effect on the ammo you pick up.


On a normal defence map I at least pick up three times the ammo I start with and even a normal map I pick up twice what I started with so the total ammo effect is reduced to 7% and 10% respectively.


if you have +100% damage that means you get double the damage for the same amount of bullets and it stacks with all the bullets you pick up. Crit adds even more damage and multi shot doubles it yet again.

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I've never found the game required me to do max damage, or die, so I use whatever mod I feel like sticking in there. If they made the game challenging I might try and max my damage but for now... burning bodies or exploding corpses make me laugh so I use the mods.


Also just because you can max a mod doesn't mean you should. 1 shotting an enemy with a rank 6 mod makes ranks 7-10+ pointless most of the time and if it keeps you from putting in other mods the weapon may not be as combat effective.

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In addition to being dependent on the weapon, there is also personal preference involved. My personal pet peeve is ssllooww reloading speed so it's usually the first thing I max out on every weapon. Other players may not feel the same so they are free to mod however they like, but I absolutely hate being stuck inside a mob of enemies while I frantically run around waiting for my weapon to reload and I also hate having to constantly babysit my gun by pre-reloading just in case there is a bunch of trash mobs waiting to run full-tilt at my face around the next corner.


Reload speed also affects dps , so neglect it it you want (along with elemental damage mods) but you're only gimping yourself by doing so.

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But the only free ammo the mods give you is what you start with. If you have +20% ammo that means one set of 20% at the start of the map. It has no effect on the ammo you pick up.

Where did you get that information? Every time I've used it while I was doing mastery on the Gorgon, I refilled to my max ammo+the additional max caused by the mod. By how I was reading that line, you're saying it'll just fill with spare ammo up to the default 500/200/120/70 or so for each weapon style, respectively.


As for the respective ammo mods, they're useful for the ROF weapons if you have room past the more useful effects. RE: Gorgon, Grakata, Braton, (Ak)Furis, (Twin )Vipers, and the ones for clip size more useful for the large clip weapons (For example, of the past examples the Vipers would be bad for this). From there it'd be a personal preference choice, as it fluxuates what's max ammo for weapons all over the board with a max mod. Sturn it's useful as you got more ammo to finish off the crowd with, though it'd be nigh useless on Hek or Snipetron. And I pity the fool that tries to use it on paris.

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I used to use the ammo mods, especially for my gorgon. But with the increase of credits gained, especially from the alerts now, I just buy ammo boxes and use the mod points towards damage and other things.

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In addition to being dependent on the weapon, there is also personal preference involved. My personal pet peeve is ssllooww reloading speed so it's usually the first thing I max out on every weapon. Other players may not feel the same so they are free to mod however they like, but I absolutely hate being stuck inside a mob of enemies while I frantically run around waiting for my weapon to reload and I also hate having to constantly babysit my gun by pre-reloading just in case there is a bunch of trash mobs waiting to run full-tilt at my face around the next corner.


Reload speed also affects dps , so neglect it it you want (along with elemental damage mods) but you're only gimping yourself by doing so.



I'm more likely to gimp myself by adding mods that give me one set of more bullets than a mod that makes each bullet mean more.


reload speed only increases DPS when you reload instead of shooting.


For example compare fast hands (reload speed) and ammo drum (max ammo)  to Serration (damage)


For 7 mod points Fast hands gives 30% reload speed. Ammo Drum gives you 30% ammo and Serration gives +60% damage


The Gorgon has one of the longest reload speeds in the game at 4,2 seconds. let's compare this with 100 bullets.


30% reload speed means the Gorgon reloads 1,2 seconds faster. This is only a bonus for the reloads you do while shooting. Every reload done while looking for a new target or in between fighting is unaffected.


+30% ammo means a bonus of +30% damage. Assuming that you would have run out of ammo without the mod. If you never reach the original ammo cap then it has no effect but let's assume the worst. So at best you get 30% more damage for an original 100 bullets.


Serration on the other hand make 100 bullets do the same damage at 160 bullets for the same amount of points.



To say that a weapon needs max ammo is ridiculous because the game has so many mods that flat out increase damage that there's no point to make them do less damage just so you can carry more bullets. All you do is end up spending more bullets on each target



Where did you get that information? Every time I've used it while I was doing mastery on the Gorgon, I refilled to my max ammo+the additional max caused by the mod. By how I was reading that line, you're saying it'll just fill with spare ammo up to the default 500/200/120/70 or so for each weapon style, respectively.


As for the respective ammo mods, they're useful for the ROF weapons if you have room past the more useful effects. RE: Gorgon, Grakata, Braton, (Ak)Furis, (Twin )Vipers, and the ones for clip size more useful for the large clip weapons (For example, of the past examples the Vipers would be bad for this). From there it'd be a personal preference choice, as it fluxuates what's max ammo for weapons all over the board with a max mod. Sturn it's useful as you got more ammo to finish off the crowd with, though it'd be nigh useless on Hek or Snipetron. And I pity the fool that tries to use it on paris.



Ammo found along the way is not effected by max ammo increasing mods because you fire your weapons on the map.


if you start with 600 max ammo and I start with 500 ammo then those 100 bullets is all the bonus you get for the whole map because we both loot the same amount of ammo on the way.



What you don't do for Ammo mods I don't do for Crit Mods. I don't know the base Critical Chance of all weapons so I knida question if a 2.5 multiplyer is worth it.


Crit is realistically a flat increase to damage. As is the bonus to crit damage.

Edited by Zephyrine
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Magazine size does have its uses, like I always ran ammo stock on my Strun since the 3 extra shots i got meant that i could take down 3 more enemies before having to find cover to reload.


Haven't tried it post nerf (been leveling Grakata among other weapons) but since I used to use it close quarters anyway i dont think there will be a huge difference now.

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Base Damage & Multishot are my first two, without discussion. Then, I add Freeze and AP. Another slot is for an enemy-specific damage (fire - Infested, electricity - Corpus), leaving me with 3 slots. Those can either be Crit (Grakata) or Reload Speed. Since my mods are pretty high up, that usually maxes the gun.


Puncture is too weak, Firerate does not augment bullet efficiency and reduces ammo efficiency, Max ammo is more resources, Mag ammo is less reload - but I rather have 48% faster reload than 30% more mag size.

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Think whether the mods are needed or not depends greatly on individual playing style. There are those that find 1 extra round per magazine is not worth it, then again, there may be some which feels that it is worth it. The mods are just there. What we need is to make up our own choice that best suits our own playing style.  Even when I find some "mods" redundant, I am actually glad that all the options are there for all weapon types, awaiting possibly exploration (who knows, some updates later may actually make previously useless mods useful, though it may also make previously useful mods less useful)

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Think whether the mods are needed or not depends greatly on individual playing style. There are those that find 1 extra round per magazine is not worth it, then again, there may be some which feels that it is worth it. The mods are just there. What we need is to make up our own choice that best suits our own playing style.  Even when I find some "mods" redundant, I am actually glad that all the options are there for all weapon types, awaiting possibly exploration (who knows, some updates later may actually make previously useless mods useful, though it may also make previously useful mods less useful)


With the exception of puncture. Regardless of playstyle, it is down right underpowered and very situational, and by that I mean only really good for shield lancers, compared to all the other mods. A max puncture rifle mod costs you 15 energy and can barely penetrate one full body. A max reload mod and a max ammo mod will cost you a total of 14 energy and provide much more versatility. I mentioned those two because they have the same polarity as the rifle puncture mod.

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With the exception of puncture. Regardless of playstyle, it is down right underpowered and very situational, and by that I mean only really good for shield lancers, compared to all the other mods. A max puncture rifle mod costs you 15 energy and can barely penetrate one full body. A max reload mod and a max ammo mod will cost you a total of 14 energy and provide much more versatility. I mentioned those two because they have the same polarity as the rifle puncture mod.

Agreed. as of current update... But you know, updates can cause world-shaking changes... ;)

if Hek can become a water gun, then Puncture may actually become useful in the future...

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Magazine size does have its uses, like I always ran ammo stock on my Strun since the 3 extra shots i got meant that i could take down 3 more enemies before having to find cover to reload.


This! 9 shots makes a lot of difference compared to 6. Reload speed for the Strun is excruciatingly slow, so having a bigger magazine helps.

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I use an ammo mob in my Boltor. I've got that thing spraying bolts everywhere and for certain bosses or long running defense missions, you really need that extra ammo.


But again. The extra ammo is just one set of ammo from the start. It doesn't make you pick up more ammo than you normally would.

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