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Why Do People Think High Mastery Rank = Good?


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Usually i gauge a player by looking at there profile event scores, game-play hours, and mastery rank.  To me a player with high event scores shows skill.  A person with high game hours (over 1000hrs) shows experience. High Master Rank shows higher overall weapon and warframe knowledge because of the necessity to level weapon and gear to get to rank up. But this is just my opinion.      

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Usually i gauge a player by looking at there profile event scores, game-play hours, and mastery rank.  To me a player with high event scores shows skill.  A person with high game hours (over 1000hrs) shows experience. High Master Rank shows higher overall weapon and warframe knowledge because of the necessity to level weapon and gear to get to rank up. But this is just my opinion.      


I'll go along with this myself. That's a great set of criteria, and I should use it more.


The only addition I'd give is 'give people the benefit of the doubt.' I've seen it happen before that people tend to judge books by their cover.


Sadly, that tends to be how it is online - It seems that if you've got a bigger MR number by your name, people think you're automatically good. It's a psychological phenomenon - such as grouping, or the Gestalt Laws of Perception, namely the Law of Proximity or Law of Similarity. There's a natural human tendency to think 'more = better', so I guess that's just this happening again online.

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Because there is no other way of perceiving "skill" in this game, people will by default try to find something that can measure someone's skill. 


That notion, however, makes no sense considering that this is mainly a PvE game focused heavily on grinding.  What seperates a "good" warframe player and a "bad" one is mainly just understanding what weapons/frames/enemies are capable of.

Edited by DayInTheSun
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Because there is no other way of perceiving "skill" in this game, people will by default try to find something that can measure someone's skill. 


That notion, however, makes no sense considering that this is mainly a PvE game focused heavily on grinding.  What seperates a "good" warframe player and a "bad" one is mainly just understanding what weapons/frames/enemies are capable of.

Even that is complicating the fact that skill in this game is very, very easily measured . . . it's the last guy standing, lol . . .

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because 90% of the time High Mastery=Good. Leveling all those weapons is bound to give you some sort of experience


OK, Max, what % figure do you see ?


2+2=4 100% of the time

saying this=this implies an absolute

So there we go... MR does not infact = Good.


OK, Max, which % figure are you using ?


Notice any change ?


Apart from that if you wish to present it as a valid argument do it as a syllogistical/axiomatic one with 2 premises and a conclusion . . . just sayin'

Edited by CaptainEras
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You guys have a communication problem....


We are talking about probabilities here. We don't talk about that one special guy that is MR 18 and cannot even hold a gun straight or the MR0 that can shoot rainbows from his &#! and we certainly do not talk about the MR1 that has put 4k hours into this game.


We talk about probabilties here.


And if you cannot get behind the thought that someone who put 1k+ hours into a game is PROBABLY better than someone who put 2 hours in it, well, then we can really stop the discussion .

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Once you get to around MR6 (where every weapon cept the D Nikana is unlocked, we all can and likely do have a lot of the same equipment that you do. I'm MR7 and personally earned 90% of the mods I own. The only mods I don't have are event mods, and Blind Rage. By the time I'm MR8 I will have leveled half the frames in the game. Yes, there are others who don't have as much, but if I could get them they could.

Lots of the posts here are exp = skill. When it simply doesn't. Does it make you more likely to have it? Sure. But leveling gear takes no skill. After the last 4 frames I'm currently building (Ash, Saryn, Loki P, and Nyx P) that's about all the frames I actually want. I'll get the others to level cuz I "should" but they won't be as fun as others. After I level all 4, if I level no new weapons or anything else, I'll STILL not have MR8. With the last few weapons I have interest in, I'll prob be halfway to rank 9.

Is that not enough gear for you?

So if I have all the gear you need, short of a few mods (which most weapons and frames don't need anyway), you're saying I'm not going to be competent to go to 20 mins in T4S? Which by the way is overrated in difficulty.

I'm not even gonna say that I'm as good as MR18's or anything. But unless you're going on a hour long T4S run, why do you need everyone to have MR10 (the rank where everyone seems to stop calling it low rank)? And why do some of you have to be rude about it? You only need one good gun, one good frame, one good melee, and you should be fine. Just because I've never played Raid, or don't have the Gate Crash Mods, or levelled weapons I doubt I'd like, doesn't mean I'm bad or you're good, and it doesn't even imply skill. Simply put, you leveled all the frames and all the weapons. But we've all played all the missions and enemies and blah. Seen em once, seen em a million times.

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You guys have a communication problem....


We are talking about probabilities here. We don't talk about that one special guy that is MR 18 and cannot even hold a gun straight or the MR0 that can shoot rainbows from his ! and we certainly do not talk about the MR1 that has put 4k hours into this game.


We talk about probabilties here.


And if you cannot get behind the thought that someone who put 1k+ hours into a game is PROBABLY better than someone who put 2 hours in it, well, then we can really stop the discussion .

Hahaha . . .does it sometimes feel like you're banging your against a brick wall ?


Too many just cannot, or refuse to, see that a MR of say, 14 (oops, just like mine), is like having a Uni. degree (in principle), it isn't all about what you studied but your capability to study.

Many grads do a job not remotely connected to what they studied but the pass tells an employer, "this guy can learn, retain, and use knowledge to a high level".


The only time I insist on high MR for a mission is when I need them, like T3/4 Survival/Interception. I've had too many low rankers who dream they can do the levels and all it does is waste my time.

Not only that I am thoroughly pissed off with all the low rankers hosting missions they cannot handle so leave within a few minutes.


I've also had quite a few missions where all 3 left and I finished the mission on my own, particularly Archwing Interception where you need at least 3 rounds to get a part, so they could have hung around and let one of the old guard show them how it's done.


I've said before and will again, with me it's usually first come first served but for god's sake all you low rankers, stop imagining you are better than you are, my thousands of hours in the game tells me you are not . .

Edited by CaptainEras
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You guys have a communication problem....


We are talking about probabilities here. We don't talk about that one special guy that is MR 18 and cannot even hold a gun straight or the MR0 that can shoot rainbows from his ! and we certainly do not talk about the MR1 that has put 4k hours into this game.


We talk about probabilties here.


And if you cannot get behind the thought that someone who put 1k+ hours into a game is PROBABLY better than someone who put 2 hours in it, well, then we can really stop the discussion .

Sure.. probabilities... your absolutly correct, although your using extream examples... and I dont no why thats even a discusion. The title of the thread is High MR=Good, and being judged by a number.

And I'll restate that = represents an absolute... which it is not. Indicitive of platnium spent, yes probobaly, indicitive of throw away weapons lvl'd io increase the MR probobly..

Some people (like myself) like to take a more traditional mmo/rpg aproach to how they play, taking their time with frames and weapons before moving on to the next. 

I play on the xbox.. WF's been out since late Augest... theres alot of players MR 17-18... do they have the same experiance and knowledge that pc players have that garnered their MR over the course of two years? Is it = ?

The MR system is a great system for DE's revenue because it encourages players to rush out and lvl as many weapons as they can, which promotes the purchase of wep/frame slots which is money in the bank for DE... thats good i want DE to make money.


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Sure.. probabilities... your absolutly correct, although your using extream examples... and I dont no why thats even a discusion. The title of the thread is High MR=Good, and being judged by a number.

And I'll restate that = represents an absolute... which it is not. Indicitive of platnium spent, yes probobaly, indicitive of throw away weapons lvl'd io increase the MR probobly..

Some people (like myself) like to take a more traditional mmo/rpg aproach to how they play, taking their time with frames and weapons before moving on to the next. 

I play on the xbox.. WF's been out since late Augest... theres alot of players MR 17-18... do they have the same experiance and knowledge that pc players have that garnered their MR over the course of two years? Is it = ?

The MR system is a great system for DE's revenue because it encourages players to rush out and lvl as many weapons as they can, which promotes the purchase of wep/frame slots which is money in the bank for DE... thats good i want DE to make money.


i like mr too. and i am very sure that high mr = good. because you must SHOW other players that you are useful.

many guys misunderstand that high mr doesn't mean SKILL. i can create mr 0 account with no mods and I WILL BE BAD! i will offer nothing to group and would be a leecher. thats simple and very important things.

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i like mr too. and i am very sure that high mr = good. because you must SHOW other players that you are useful.

many guys misunderstand that high mr doesn't mean SKILL. i can create mr 0 account with no mods and I WILL BE BAD! i will offer nothing to group and would be a leecher. thats simple and very important things.

But can a MR 10 be just as " Good " as an MR 15 ?

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So why is MR used to gauge a player instead of conclave? I mean, you can spam 4 with 3 other people and manage to get a high MR and have friends give you most of the gear or take a new player taxied around n such.

Conclave means you HAVE put in the time, levelled the mods, levelled the frame, and overall indicates how much beefed up equipment your bringing to the fight.

So yeah, am I missing something?

I am constantly leveling gear, and my conclave is consistently significantly lower than my teammates, because I will always have 1-2 pieces that are leveling. I would agree that conclave is a good way to tell if a player has a maxed load-out equipped, but it fluctuates based on equipped gear. IMHO you only need a good frame or a good weapon and you can do most things in the game well. I would say a combination of conclave and MR is a good way to judge a persons potential for a mission. As others have said though. MR4-6 to me means you have a basic grasp on the game.

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Did a 1 hr T4 survival with a rank 13, a rank 8 and a rank 9.

I am 18 myself though.


But admittedly, I am painfully aware that a lot players filter by MR.

Personally I try not to judge a player though and will give them a chance even if they are of lower MRs.

But if they start to die and yet refuse to listen to my recommendations, I have to start putting them into the ignore lists.


Like me telling a rank 4 don't solo def D on T4 interception as he kept dying 2 to 3 times per round at D point. However he was too stubborn to go to B where it is easier for higher MRs to keep an eye on him. In the end I had to end the game at wave 7 as my other team mates were dying just trying to rush to ress him. 


But I still hope most people aren't that bone headed eh ?




Good point. High MR rankers know their capabilities, low rankers usually don't so just imagine they are high rankers and cause havoc in the mission.

For me personally the best thing about mastery is - more loadouts. Gosh i can never have enough of those. How is this thread still going btw? o.O

Don't cream your pants too soon, lol . . .

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i like mr too. and i am very sure that high mr = good. because you must SHOW other players that you are useful.

many guys misunderstand that high mr doesn't mean SKILL. i can create mr 0 account with no mods and I WILL BE BAD! i will offer nothing to group and would be a leecher. thats simple and very important things.

I don't know how you can say MR doesn't equal skill ? . . no-one seems to mention the actual test we take to move up . .it relies on skill.

I'm still trying to crack the new lvl 15, but more skillful friends of mine have already done it . . . and I'll get there but, please, the tests are there to test our skill not how many times a hour we scratch our arses.

Edited by CaptainEras
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I don't know how you can say MR doesn't equal skill ? . . no-one seems to mention the actual test we take to move up . .it relies on skill.

I'm still trying to crack the new lvl 15, but more skillful friends of mine have already done it . . . and I'll get there but, please, the tests are there to test our skill not how many times a hour we scratch our arses.


While I agree with you that MR implies skill, I don' think MR test is the good argument to bring up (hint: loki :D)

Edited by PhoenixWingz
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While I agree with you that MR implies skill, I don' think MR test is the good argument to bring up (hint: loki :D)

Yes but I do, otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up . . . would I ? . .ever heard of freedom of speach ?


I'm assuming the hint about Loki is to do with invisibility ? . . try seeing any advantage in the new lvl 15 test using invisibility.


I'm an old bugger who doesn't believe in cheating myself by using shortcuts for passing a test, it's delusional, and there are plenty like me.

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Yes but I do, otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up . . . would I ? . .ever heard of freedom of speach ?


I'm assuming the hint about Loki is to do with invisibility ? . . try seeing any advantage in the new lvl 15 test using invisibility.


I'm an old bugger who doesn't believe in cheating myself by using shortcuts for passing a test, it's delusional, and there are plenty like me.


Maybe I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about the MR15 test, he was just talking about mastery tests in general, many of which require no skill to complete ala using a couple simple tricks here and there. Loki is one such character that has a nicely sized bag of tricks - ergo why he mentioned it. That being said, he is certainly not alone.


And if by plenty you mean a small minority - I totally agree.

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Maybe I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about the MR15 test, he was just talking about mastery tests in general, many of which require no skill to complete ala using a couple simple tricks here and there. Loki is one such character that has a nicely sized bag of tricks - ergo why he mentioned it. That being said, he is certainly not alone.


And if by plenty you mean a small minority - I totally agree.

This is just your opinion, as in ONE opinion, so why do you insist on talking for more than one person ? . . 


"plenty" can indeed be a small minority in the overall amount.

So what I should say is that "plenty", even though amounting to a small minority, have a sense of fair play, doing it in the correct spirit of the game . . . where the rest are just trash who will employ any shortcut and cheat because they don't know any better . . .hows that, better ?

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