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What You Think About New Syndicate Void Key Packs?


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I dislike the fact that I already am stuck with 70 T1 Defense and 80 T2 Defense and will see those be a possible drop on those packs constantly.


What do I do with all the keys I don't want, don't have the patience to trade with others and that I won't play because I find them boring, even if new prime parts get added to them, I avoid going to them...

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I think DE shouldn't have ignored the pool. I mean I'd totally be willing to pay 25k rep for 3 random keys, with one guaranteed T4 or T3. But One guaranteed T3 or T4 and two guaranteed T2 or T1? Nope. Should be 20k rep in my opinion.

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Not that bad. Got a bunch of rare keys; t1 t2 t3 T4 Sabotage t3 ext t3md t3 surv.  t3 t4 cap ... bought 200.000 standing worth of keys.


Expensive, got a bunch of useless T1 and T2 keys (aside t1 cap & sab ,T1 and T2 is of no interest to me).  


But,when one has bought all that a syndicate has to offer ,the void key packs are kind of a mandatory purchase...with the standing cap and all...

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The 5x T4 keys for 5k Rep was too much, that change was inevitable. I'm not sure if I like the new packs yet.


People should keep in mind though that the Syndikates shouldn't do the key farming for them. They should be half the solution in my eyes. Maybe these packs allow Veterans to get T1 and T2s, alongside some higher keys, without going to Mercury or Venus with late-game gear (let's not forget new players who activate Life support at 95% and leave after 5 minutes). That way, Veterans can focus on getting T3 and T4s.


We need more changes to key aquisition though. The fact that T4 is Interception only is bad game design, as it forces players to play that game mode (I don't hate it, but it gets dull). Also, Defense and Interception should have guaranteed Keys at B rotation, not a chance at a key at C Rotation.

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My thinking about the Key Pack .....

Well it is never worth the price, even if they would lower the price to 15k rep per 3 keys

(where 2 are T1 or T2 and only 1 T3/4 it would still be wasted.


I stay with strategy of selling every 2-3 days a weapon for 20p or mods for 5p each.


The only thing that would change my mind would be 5x R5 Fusion Core packs for about 15k rep

(would be the only thing worth from syndicates after you bougth everything else)

Edited by Nakimato
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My thinking about the Key Pack .....

Well it is never worth the price, even if they would lower the price to 15k rep per 3 keys (where 2 are T1 or T2 and only 1 T3/4 it would still be wasted.


I stay with strategy of selling every 2-3 days a weapon for 20p or mods for 5p each.


The only thing that would change my mind would be 5x R5 Fusion Core packs for about 15k rep

(would be the only thing worth from syndicates after you bougth everything else)

Oh ye that thing about fusion cores is a totally other discussion, a lot of veteran players would like to see this option available in the syndicate market!

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I think this is yet another decision based around slowing down players, making "content" harder to obtain but what i don't like about this is that, it's not based on skill or fun, it's just rng and grind, i think this kind of decisions are very disrespectful toward us, players, i buy platinum (or used to until a month or so ago) very often i support the game, i like the game at it's core, i think running around in my frame is fun, i think the weapons are fun, but lately most decisions and changes made have clearly been made to slow us down, to try (unsuccessfully) to make content seem more than it actually is, what DE NEEDS to realize is that faithful players will stay and buy their damn platinum if the game is fun, not slow, they keep making everything harder and slower and putting rng on top of it, but the game doesn't need to force us to live inside of it, it just needs to be fun.

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I think two keys provided should be specific to each faction, and that the tier bought should be a selectable choice.


Faction specific availability was done with large restores, but that was silly because you have 4 BPs split between six factions in ways that punish you for not struggling through antagonistic factions together. It should be such that if you follow Arbiters / Suda or Perrin / Loka, you can still manage to acquire the same keys, with Steel / Veil on the side.


(that said, the ally / opposed / enemy statuses seem completely arbitrary in relation to syndicate goals, and should be changed or better inform the players as to why it's not so)

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Get over yourselves, 5k rep for 5 t4 keys was way too unbalanced


 Yeah it was unbalanced BUT(T) 25k rep for 2 lousy t1/t2 keys and 1 T3/4 key isn't unbalanced .....

(be carefull there is sarcasm added in this post)


If they would drop the Price to 15k rep and the true words Random 3 keys ONE guaranteed T3/4

then would it be balanced so you could say per key 5k one is T3/4 the other two can be anything from T1 up to T4.

Edited by Nakimato
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It was really weird that t4 keys were the most common ones with the syndicate thing even thou they're supposed to be the rarest ones and everyone forgets that before syndicates you had to farm for keys and you wouldn't have any way of getting a guaranteed t4 or t3. 

Edited by Meganin
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