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I Feel Like Community Hot Topics "conveniently" Ignores Some Extremely Hot Topics


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Yes please move all complaints to sub sections hardly anyone visits.... all those unhappy players will just disappear if you move and ignore all these threads.

The reason people hardly visit these sub-forums is because other people keep misusing General Discussion.  Properly used, the lack of visibility wouldn't be such the issue that it is now. 


As far as the OP, DE isn't the best at communication sometimes.  There's a possibility that they have seen a certain topic and are doing something but have failed to let us know about it.

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Any thread can get visibility from Beta Testers if we work enough to keep it alive. The thread was moved, and if you agree or disagree with the change, just work to keep Cyrus106's idea on the front page. There is nothing else we Beta Testers can do (unless you feel messaging staff directly about the matter is your thing).


I disagree that this can be discounted as "lack of communication" from DE and its forum staff. Even if something is being done about the matter of Rotation C rewards having been stealth nerfed (which is a fact), ignoring the very existence of the thread in a HOT TOPICS is absolutely not alright, especially due to how much discussion Beta Testers had on the matter in said thread. Beta Testers already changed the format of Hot Topics, when everyone realized they were being used as advertisement venues rather than communication channels. Hot Topics was changed to include pools instead of advertising new content, and that was for the better.


Hopefully this thread causes a similar change, and I will see that I visit it every time I visit the forums, and keep it alive if I have anything at all to say.

Edited by Dogoframe
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It's doubtful that DE will deign to admit this problem even if they do address it with code changes.

Ever since they were busted for screwing up the drops in the void over a year ago, they're extremely gun-shy about speaking of it with the community. (for obvious reasons)

A month of crap drops at rotation C right after a new prime access pack drops... and they stealth nerfed it? riiiiiiigggghhhttttt.

they're not going to apologize for that, as it's obviously intended.


after a year+ of playing WF, i just don't get excited about these types of things much. i have my opinions about it, and frequently get on the forums to air my frustrations, but my expectations are very low. as usual, they'll increase (or "fix") the problems with barely a head-nod to those that called them out on it and go on with their business as usual.

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Which is really sad xethier, eh? Insisting on practices and experiments that were clearly shown to be unhealthy for communications between company and Beta Testers will eventually cause the Beta Testers to lose faith in the company, even the most supportive ones.

Edited by Dogoframe
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Which is really sad xethier, eh? Insisting on practices and experiments that were clearly shown to be unhealthy for communications between company and Beta Testers will eventually cause the Beta Testers to lose faith in the company, even the most supportive ones.


As much as I'd like to continue this myth that we're "beta testers" we aren't. We're customers.


I've been a DE customer / supporter for over 20 years. (yes, i've played solar winds... when it was new) -- I was 11 or 12 at the time, but that's not the point.


They still maintain a higher quality of F2P game than most (these types of debacles included)

And while I'm frustrated about these aspects, I realize that it's a free game that I'm under no obligation to spend any money on. And with that in mind I keep my expectations low for brand-new hard-to-acquire items... knowing that their acquisition only becomes easier with time.

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Oh I feel you there. I personally dont believe the Beta or Beta Tester tag, but after...experiences...in the forums I try to stick as close as possible to facts. And the fact is that officially the Beta tag hasnt been lifted.


And I am proud owner of an Unreal Tournament game, CD and hard cardbox cover as it was released here in Brazil. I had to buy it after playing Unreal (and it cost me an arm and a leg at the time too, as far as games go). Cant say I was 11 or 12 at that time tho, sadly =)

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I just hope they do the right thing. I have stuck with this game for 2 years, and I want nothing but the best for it


That is another very good point, as the Beta Testers who have been here for longer (and have a memory) will always be able to tell newcomers how satisfied or not they are with this Beta experiment.

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So, Dev Stream 45, 38 min mark and a question was posed to DE_Sheldon. It was based on cyrus106's topic (but not very close, as it was more about rotations and their rewards instead of aiming to address the stealth change).


DE_Sheldon likes the idea of adding rewards for Beta Testers who stay longer in endless missions, but he also said the idea is not new so telling if he likes it AND will include it would be inference and guesswork.


As for the stealth change in Rotation C... It seems the Beta Testers get the D. Hopefully you folks like it, it is not really my thing. (this is a joke obviously, and used in the Dev Stream itself. Moreover, this is aimed at the Beta Testers and not the company providing the Beta, and there is no dev-joking, much less dev-bashing, intended).

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