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What If Something Like This Happens?


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Hmm, all those games the OP listed have really good lore/plot/stories/personality/dialogue/etc while WF has none of that.


Perhaps if they did these crossovers, some this would give WF the personality it totally lacks! /endorsed!


^This warframe should take inspiration from them as well? Though i think some elements already have been adapted from borderlands halo etc. lol

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Warframe would murder Destiny and Defiance, have a tough fight with Mass Effect, and because I am biased to Halo (grew up playing it) that would win.

Warframe should be a new SYFY Tv series replacing DEFIANCE? lol or maybe warframe charachters can make a cameo appearance in one episode of it and totally pawn them lol

edit: yes I do think warframe vs. mass effect would be an EPIC fight.

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Warframe approves and says " BRING IT ON!" :>


yep and i prob missed some as well Quake, Killzone, DOOM, uhm what else am I missing? lol

Warframe would devastate all of them.

Quake would probably pose a threat but easy

Killzone is simple work

DOOM would probably be a challenge, but they would come through

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I do not see how anything can defeat a black energy Loki/Ash... they are invisible to everyone and can teleport...


Or even better, use Ash's augment to give any other frame invisibility. Limbo can troll in the Rift. Trinity can give 99.999% damage reduction. Booben could spam Bastille and Vortex. Nekros can resurrect the other game's OP characters to fight with him. Mesa can aim-hack. Excalibro can remove their vision. Wow... Tenno are OP.

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Honestly, I'd vouch for the Tenno is most fights.

Mainly because of how well tuned they are for war. Sentient creatures, with amnesia, and ZERO mercy...

Nice description for us Tenno and that is why we will always be superior lol

I do not see how anything can defeat a black energy Loki/Ash... they are invisible to everyone and can teleport...


Or even better, use Ash's augment to give any other frame invisibility. Limbo can troll in the Rift. Trinity can give 99.999% damage reduction. Booben could spam Bastille and Vortex. Nekros can resurrect the other game's OP characters to fight with him. Mesa can aim-hack. Excalibro can remove their vision. Wow... Tenno are OP.


Tenno OP :D

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I have a feeling the only thing able to stand up to a Tenno would be a space marine from the 40k universe. Even then, it would be close. Gotta keep in mind, isn't Warframe supposed to be set over a million years in the future?


Are the space marines from war hammer 40k that powerful? lol

You forgot Warframe vs Star Wars XD


Was already mentioned buy a guy in comment page 2 I think lol

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I'm curious if we could apply the kicking the everlasting crap out of people makes them your allies rule here as Zer0 would be an interesting "Warframe" to say the least.

But seriously only Space Marines could contest with us mercenaries.

OP 8 vault hunters would smash the Tenno, they are far more durable and can put out more damage.
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I do not see how anything can defeat a black energy Loki/Ash... they are invisible to everyone and can teleport...


Or even better, use Ash's augment to give any other frame invisibility. Limbo can troll in the Rift. Trinity can give 99.999% damage reduction. Booben could spam Bastille and Vortex. Nekros can resurrect the other game's OP characters to fight with him. Mesa can aim-hack. Excalibro can remove their vision. Wow... Tenno are OP.

Again OP 8 vault hunters could take the Tenno, they could take the damage and they have far more OP weapons and stuff.
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Tenno would obviously decimate all of those.

Someone like master chief wouldn't stand a chance against, for example, Rhino.

I see no reason to tell why this would be the case.

It should be obvious.


So we can only dream and await for their confrontation then lol


The game could be called DECIMATION lol

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