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The Void Trader Is Dumb, And Will Always Be So.


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I feel like every week the void trader is disapointing. But I've realised it isn't the rotation that's disappointing; But the entire concept as a whole. 


What we originally asked for was a place where we could sell prime parts for other prime parts. What we were told we'd get was a place where we could sell prime parts for other rare/valuable items (not a terrible deviation). What we got was a mess. 


We've got reskins, and we've got random five rank mods, chosen arbitrarily, to be ten rank mods of legendary status, with little to no thought put into it.  as extra poison icing for this already sickening cake; The rotations are stretched out needlesly, with offerings in each rotation so sparse that items like shoulders and spurs are sold separately to make it look like more is being sold. The two week rotations serve no purpose, other than to create cheap method of artificial rarity so that these items need to be traded for some players, boosting the plat trading economy a little. 


The mods? They fall under the following categories;

Well balanced, but sufficiently powerful for lategame players (continuity and flow) 

- The Original should have been buffed, Priming these mods is just creating a powergap that's ultimately harmful for balance; Don't buff shotguns and only the very wealthy get good shotguns, Do  buff shotguns and everybody gets good shotguns, except a few with game-breakingly OP shotguns. 

- Mods that were originally fine and powerful, yet specific. Heavy trauma for instance didn't need a buff and is only useful on a minority of weapons, and if you're going to buff Just fire-damage then you might as well buff every element for every weapon; We don't need this many credit sinks: There is currently nothing in game that will give you the cores you need for so many niche mods, nor is there high level content ready for  a player with several legendary mods on one weapon. (and don't bring up endless missions to refute that; Dealing damage is not the issue there; taking damage is) 


The cosmetics/reskins? Bah. The mara detron? invalidates the efforts one goes through to get the regular detron. The eos set? Devalues the original (and mostly forces you to use a dark energy colour, ruining energy syndanas) The prisma gorgon? Seems like something the player should have made. 


update: Reach? Ok. Ammo mutation? AHAHAHAAHAHA. No. 


Conclusion: the whole thing needs a rethink and a rework. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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Its definitely concerning how most Legendary mods so far raise the bar for damage even higher when we're already pretty capable of dishing out high damage with the classic mods as it is. It doesn't help that Primed Point Blank and Heavy Trauma weren't even necessary when the original mods could've just been buffed.


Plus with the supposed advent of removing/changing base damage mods like Serration (and Point Blank) I'm worried the Devs are digging themselves into a hole by releasing even more damage mods that require even more investment, which will create even greater backlash when trying to adjust the damage/mod systems.

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Inn_flo, I feel like your day job is writing snarky critiques about restaurants and such, but none the less, I do share your general feeling towards Baro ki teer.

I'm a student. I study literature. I can't afford restaurants. I have too many ideas of what I want to do when I graduate. All of them dangerous. 

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Primed Rifle Aptitude, do it.

How many of these arbitrary credit sinks and re-skinned mastery fodders/placeholders will we see before actual stuff for Void trader shows up? The whole thing really seems just like a delay tactic and a hole DE digs further for themselves.

Mara Detron, and now a shiny Gorgon, with nary a trace of a solitary f*ck given to its stats. Really? I wasn't expecting a new Tenno reinforcement but...really...?

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Oh, forgot to mention; The pyra syndana is awesome... More awesome than all my paid-for syndanas. Not entirely sure why DE didn't try to sell it for plat. It's the one of the more solid addition to the void trader, with Flow and Continuity being it's only equals



Fast hands isn't a bad thing to prime, but it doesn't work in the context of warframe's weapon modding; Where it's all about damage. Plus; The original needs a buff. The original should give 55% at five ranks, the primed could give 105%., or something to that effect. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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The tone of your recent posts are rubbish, you have crossed the border of constructive criticism into straight up insulting. I highly recommend you take a break from this game for a long time, maybe a month or so. When you com back, and it's not to your liking, seriously, stop playing. 


That being said, yes, the majority of "new" weapons and mods are nothing but slightly buffed re-skins, this includes baro's gear, syndicate stuff, and to a degree, all prime material. Warframe is expanding in playerbase at a constant rate and it's veterans are getting bored (some), so DE needs to create more and more content to keep all these lovely players content. Reskins are a sad byproduct of this situation, and will likely not change for a long time, if not ever. Deals with it! This is way that warframe is heading. Voicing your discontent is fine, just not with the tude dude. 

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The tone of your recent posts are rubbish, you have crossed the border of constructive criticism into straight up insulting. I highly recommend you take a break from this game for a long time, maybe a month or so. When you com back, and it's not to your liking, seriously, stop playing. 


That being said, yes, the majority of "new" weapons and mods are nothing but slightly buffed re-skins, this includes baro's gear, syndicate stuff, and to a degree, all prime material. Warframe is expanding in playerbase at a constant rate and it's veterans are getting bored (some), so DE needs to create more and more content to keep all these lovely players content. Reskins are a sad byproduct of this situation, and will likely not change for a long time, if not ever. Deals with it! This is way that warframe is heading. Voicing your discontent is fine, just not with the tude dude. 

You're less constructive here. I am not insulting the developers. I'm not using bad language, and I'm raising valid points. 


As for what DE needs to do to keep veterans from getting bored; the opposite is true. We don't need quantity, We've got more than enough quantity. we need quality. Hooking enemies and enthralling gamemodes. More improvements to mechanics. Just offering more grinds and waits is cheap. If you're a person who needs to get everything you're likely to just play, grind the new item, then wait for the next new additions. It's not sustainable. DE should work on reducing 'burnout', not more things to burn; a better way to burn.. Year of quality , remember? If you want to make the game better as a whole , then making improvements that improve the whole, rather than the niche, is where you should go. 


DE could have done the void trader better justice. Not saying that it needed to be the prime-part trading that we all cried for, because it didn't. Selling prime parts to get other items is,by itself, not a bad thing. It's what's added on that causes the disapointment; The mods that shouldn't have been primed. The odd business choice of improving the plat-trading economy (in arguably a low-blow with those huge wait-walls) but weakening the value of the eos set shouldn't be happening. The better-easier detron, and likely something in the future, aren't 'quality' additions. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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The title. As a thread of constructive feedback you may want to rephrase the "your thing is dumb" part.  


Also making the assumption that it always will be, whether true or not, is exactly that: an assumption. This is the tone I'm talking about. 

Here's a few definitions of the word. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/dumb a few of which are not offensive, and describe well the void trader. 


as for the 'it will always be so' It will be true without radical change; and were the void trader to undertake radical change, would he be the same void trader? 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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I agree. The deals are underwhelming, yet necessary because we don't know how long a rotation cycle will be (and because the guns give mastery). I feel like I'm pushed to grind the crap out of the void just to get ducat fodder :/


The cosmetics may be pretty lame (Eos, not the sugatra), but they work great IMO. The problem is separating the cosmetics that cost platinum and the ones that cost time, and I won't say "all cosmetics should always be paid for in real cash", but this does sound counterproductive.

Maybe the dude should just sell resources and fusion cores for ducats. That would be enough for me ... not that there's any chance of DE changing him now, I think that boat has sailed.

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1:  The void trader is temporarily speechless, and will always be so.

     - that can't be, pretty sure he talks.


1.1:  The void trader is amazed, and will always be so.

     - maybe i guess this one works, but then shouldn't it be you has been rendered speechless?


2:  The void trader was born deaf, dumb, and blind, and will always be so.

     - surely thats not what you meant, as he can cleary speak. Unless of course you have a problem with deaf-mutes. Shameful.


2.1:  The void trader is naturally unable to speak, thus should be pityable, and will always be so.

     - Do you mean he is deserving of our help in some way, that we should pity his wares? That one maybe.


3:  The void trader is stupid, and will always be so.

     - Thats an insult.


4:  The void trader has no independant processing capability, and will always be so.

     - Highly doubt you meant that one, although he is just a bunch of computer code.



1:  The void trader has simplified trading to be more accessible to a broader playerbase, and will always be so.

     - I guess this could be what you mean, but I highly doubt it, as not a lot of newer players have enough prime bits kicking around to afford his stuff.


1.1:  The void trader has become less intellectually challenging, and will always be so.

     - I guess he has, but most video games kinda do that anyway right?


2:  The void trader has silenced me (or someone else), and will continue to do so.

     - Maybe that's appropriate if you reworded your title. I dunno.


Even reading the origins of the word on that link you supplied make dumb out to mean stupid or mute.


So, which definition were you refering to? The really obscure one that no-one ever uses, or assumes that that's what you meant?


Also, the void trader can still be the same void trader if he suddenly has a bo prime handle next cycle. It would be neat, surprising move on their behalf, which would leave me dumb, but its best not to make that assumption, because none of us here work for DE. 

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The tone of your recent posts are rubbish, you have crossed the border of constructive criticism into straight up insulting. I highly recommend you take a break from this game for a long time, maybe a month or so. When you com back, and it's not to your liking, seriously, stop playing. 


That being said, yes, the majority of "new" weapons and mods are nothing but slightly buffed re-skins, this includes baro's gear, syndicate stuff, and to a degree, all prime material. Warframe is expanding in playerbase at a constant rate and it's veterans are getting bored (some), so DE needs to create more and more content to keep all these lovely players content. Reskins are a sad byproduct of this situation, and will likely not change for a long time, if not ever. Deals with it! This is way that warframe is heading. Voicing your discontent is fine, just not with the tude dude. 


Well, sometimes that's needed. He does explain what the problem is; it's just not phrased politely - that doesn't disqualify it from being constructive feedback.


As was said on another forum I visit, every once in a while, a creative mind needs someone to peek over his shoulder at what they're doing, give their work a good examination, before finally whispering into their ear: "That's stupid".

Edited by Taranis49
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Well, sometimes that's needed. He does explain what the problem is; it's just not phrased politely - that doesn't disqualify it from being constructive feedback.


As was said on another forum I visit, every once in a while, a creative mind needs someone to peek over his shoulder at what they're doing, give their work a good examination, before finally whispering into their ear: "That's stupid".

I believe the theory is 'fail faster', the sooner you realize you've made a mistake the better

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So, which definition were you refering to? The really obscure one that no-one ever uses, or assumes that that's what you meant?


Also, the void trader can still be the same void trader if he suddenly has a bo prime handle next cycle. It would be neat, surprising move on their behalf, which would leave me dumb, but its best not to make that assumption, because none of us here work for DE. 

(well, from the recent visitors,a mod seems to have looked at my profile, probably for this thread. Since I'm still here, and the title hasn't been force-changed, i think I'm in the clear on the subject of the word 'dumb'. but, might I add; you can use the term 'deaf' metaphorically.)


that second part... somewhat straw like. You're taking  things literally when you shouldn't, and,well, when you say 'it's best not to make that assumption' you give the wrong reason. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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