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Will There Ever Be A Grineer Gas Stronghold Tileset In Saturn?


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We know that DE is developing a Grineer Underwater Tileset, probably set in Sedna or Uranus or Both. They were thinking about that each Planet should have it's own Unique Tileset. But How about a Gas Tileset in Saturn?


A Grineer Gas Stronghold in Saturn makes sense. If the Corpus can develop and implement that kind of technology, why not the Grineer? They could fuel an Entire Ship's Hydrogen Cells using Saturn's Atmosphere. They could even find Orokin Towers deep within the Clouds. Ruk can easily refuel and combust anything around him because of free hydrogen and the oxygen life support that the Stronghold provides, but he's not endangering it because there's little if no Oxygen in the actual Atmosphere of Saturn. The Skybox in Saturn would look much Bleaker and Duskier compared to Jupiter's Eternal Sunset because of the fumes that the Grineer would usually throw out.

Edited by AridTeflon
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Here's a breakdown of DE's track record and projected schedule as I've gathered it to be in regards to new tilesets.



There are currently 6 dedicated tilesets for the following planets (chronologically): Phobos, Earth, Jupiter, Ceres, Eris, and Europa. As Uranus is going to most likely receive the underwater set, that makes 7 out of a total of 14 planets. As Mercury and Venus are somewhat considered 'finalized' even though they don't have dedicated tilesets, that brings us to 5 planets left that do not yet have or plan to have dedicated tilesets: Saturn, Sedna, Neptune, Mars, and Pluto. 


So far, DE has averaged out at making approximately 3 new tilesets per year, or 1 every 4 months, but this can vary greatly. The past schedule of planet specific tileset releases is as follows (this is complete permanent introductions, not previews):


Phobos - Grineer Desert [August 9th, 2013] - Update 9.5

Jupiter - Corpus Gas City [November 20th, 2013] - Update 11

Earth - Grineer Forests [February 5th, 2014] - Update 12

Ceres - Grineer shipyards [April 10th, 2014] - Update 13

Eris - Infested Ships [July 18th, 2014] - Update 14

Europa - Corpus Tundra [October 24th, 2014] - Update 15

Uranus(unconfirmed) - Grineer Undersea [February(unconfirmed), 2015] - Update 16(unconfirmed)


DE has been (loosely) alternating factions per tileset/planet rework. If this pattern maintains, the tileset/planet after the Grineer Undersea set will be a Corpus one (hinted: Mars), followed by another Grineer set (Senda or Saturn are the likeliest possibilities), followed by another Corpus set (Neptune or Pluto), and so on.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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It's not just gas. Unlike Saturn and Jupiter which are classified as gas giants, Uranus and Neptune fall into a separate category known as "ice giants". 

Still makes it gaseous and impossible to have an ocean in. My guess is that the seabases are on some of the moons.

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That would be extremely awesome. / now want to see b/g &#! gr/neer strongholds float/ng on gas, would be so cool.

/ already love the Corpus gas city t/leset, so th/s would be just ep/c.

Because The corpus control the planet...

S/nce when?

/s Sargas Corpus?

/nterest/ng theory.

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