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Warframe: Vicis


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Vicis, the forgotten Warframe. In Tennos eyes, he was just a myth, a fairy-tale, a superstition. They were wrong. Vicis was once a legendary fighter from the "Old War", he was the experimental Warframe created by the Orokin to maintain order in the galaxy. He had in possession an unexplainable power, the manipulation of Time.





Health: 100 (300 at rank 30)


Shield: 100 (300 at rank 30)


Energy: 125 (200 at rank 30)


Armour: 60


Sprint Speed: 1.05


Stamina: 100


Polarity(s): 20px-Bar.pngx2


Aura Polarity: 20px-Bar.png


Abilities is what I want you guys to think up of! That way we can have a larger spectrum of ideas flowing around to make this a better genuine concept. 




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Fast Forward: Speeds up all allies and enemies.


Slow down: Slows down all allies and enemies.


Pause: Allows multiplayer games to be paused, so everyone can take a break and grab a drink.


Time Warp: Grants the ability to skip to the next wave in defense and other similar missions. If you don't like your reward, you can rewind time and take another shot at it. 

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Fast Forward: Speeds up all allies and enemies.


Slow down: Slows down all allies and enemies.


Pause: Allows multiplayer games to be paused, so everyone can take a break and grab a drink.


Time Warp: Grants the ability to skip to the next wave in defense and other similar missions. If you don't like your reward, you can rewind time and take another shot at it.

Hope that ult is a joke. Rng would collapse

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Pause: Allows multiplayer games to be paused, so everyone can take a break and grab a drink.


Time Warp: Grants the ability to skip to the next wave in defense and other similar missions. If you don't like your reward, you can rewind time and take another shot at it. 

10/10 would use.

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Note that these are not in a specific order from first to ult, but just four possible interesting ones for a frame that uses time.


Timeless slash: designate a landing point in LOS as a trap and opponents coming near or in that spot gets multiple cuts, ignoring armor as it cuts down through the dimension of time itself


Age of times: Debuff on enemies that will slow them but also lets them take more damage, while it is a buff on allies that will give them damage reduction while also giving a speed buff or shield recharge boost.


Stop: Stuns the enemies through a chronomatic time-loop in which time resets the loop before the enemies can even move. Can be either single target, in a cone-wave or in a radial release.


Reversal of fate: Heals damage on allies and yourself, while allowing a small window for reviving ( 3 or 4 seconds before they die if they are in range of this ability for example)

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so you....really didnt give us a single theme or idea of what type of frame this is, how the heck are we supposed to help with ideas? Time manipulation is a broad subject dude

This is why I want you people to comment and share your ideas of what his skills could be. Read the post please.

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