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Paris Should Have Been Buffed Not Snipertron!


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The snipertron IMO was already better than the  Paris except the reload and the fact it wasnt AP. Now that it is the Paris needs a damage buff or a faster projectile speed or both just to make the Paris in equal standing with the snipertron.

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The thing is, before these nerfs to Shotguns and Gorgon, the Snipetron was NEVER seen and was rarely used. 


It just didn't fit the game properly as the Hek was about as good as sniping as the Snipertron.



After they nerfed all the other guns range, it was a nice buff to the Snipetron and people started to use it more.


Now they've realised they over nerfed the shotguns and gorgon, but to leave the Snipertron's edge, they gave it a small buff.


Paris is silenced as well, meaning it has that advantage over Snipertron...

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You have got to be kidding me. The Paris made the Snipetron absolutely obsolete, as it has natural AP, natural multi-hit, and the same damage as the Snipetron. The Snipetron really needed this buff to be viable. If you couldn't handle the travel speed of the arrows on the Paris, then sorry. But really, as a certified self-proclaimed sniper, I can tell you the Paris outclassed the Snipetron in every way.

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The Paris is prob the most OP weapon currently. A fully charged headshot with a capped Paris and good mods will kill anything. Even low level ancients probably. So obviously, we should make the OP weapons OPer. C'mon guys, thought y'all were smart.

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The Paris is prob the most OP weapon currently. A fully charged headshot with a capped Paris and good mods will kill anything. Even low level ancients probably. So obviously, we should make the OP weapons OPer. C'mon guys, thought y'all were smart.

Let's certainly by pass the skill-factor needed to use the Paris...makes perfect sense.

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Let's certainly by pass the skill-factor needed to use the Paris...makes perfect sense.

Skill? The only skill needed is the ability to lead your enemies. And it's not hard

Edit: you just have to know the weapon

Edited by Feldgrep
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The Paris is prob the most OP weapon currently. A fully charged headshot with a capped Paris and good mods will kill anything. Even low level ancients probably. So obviously, we should make the OP weapons OPer. C'mon guys, thought y'all were smart.

This is sarcasm, right?

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The Thunderbolt mod for the Paris is not a game-changer. I got it a couple of games ago; the explosion chance for an arrow is 30% and costs 9 points maxed at level 3. A waste if you ask me, low proc rate mods is fine on a rapid firing weapon but near worthless on anything as slow firing as the Paris.

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The Thunderbolt mod for the Paris is not a game-changer. I got it a couple of games ago; the explosion chance for an arrow is 30% and costs 9 points maxed at level 3. A waste if you ask me, low proc rate mods is fine on a rapid firing weapon but near worthless on anything as slow firing as the Paris.

Multishot maxed should bump it up to around 50%, tried that?

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Snipetron (before buff) can shoot 4 rounds per magazine, with reload being 5s. 4 shots takes about 3s, that's 8s. With 8s, Paris can shoot 4 charged shots with around 100 damage, and with innate AP and some aoe. I don't know how you can say snipetron is better than paris prior to buff.  Also, the better player will make all the guns better.

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Lol. Paris is the only weapon in the game currently that, when kitted right and hitting weakpoints for massive damage, can one-shot even high-level anchients. And you want it buffed more? ;_; What did the Snipetron do to you, murder a puppy nearby?


...Wait, Infested missions. Nevermind forget I said that.


Butstill. Kinda surprised me that Snipetron didn't have innate piercing anyway at the start. The whole point of the snipers having rare, heavy-calibur ammo types was it was supposed to be awesome, and in all regard Snipetron never really delivered. Now it got a chance.

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You have got to be kidding me. The Paris made the Snipetron absolutely obsolete, as it has natural AP, natural multi-hit, and the same damage as the Snipetron. The Snipetron really needed this buff to be viable. If you couldn't handle the travel speed of the arrows on the Paris, then sorry. But really, as a certified self-proclaimed sniper, I can tell you the Paris outclassed the Snipetron in every way.

EVERY WAY? sorry , but *@##$ pls, snipertron have its own advantage over pari due to the fact that it has a faster fire rate then paris (charged shot). i can kill 3 enemies with snipetron , and 1 with paris given the same amount of time. 

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Then just use snipetron, don't use Paris. If you want two weapons to be similar (or the same), the better just make them as one, not two separate weapons.


Edited by Ksdsdf
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why all ppl cry so hard about the paris? its my maind wpn and its absolute balanced like it is. maybe for a "gauss/magnetic" bow a bit slow but still thisweapon should stay like it is . . awesome

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EVERY WAY? sorry , but $#*(@ pls, snipertron have its own advantage over pari due to the fact that it has a faster fire rate then paris (charged shot). i can kill 3 enemies with snipetron , and 1 with paris given the same amount of time. 


and when you are reloading the paris already killed 10 griennes....

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I had this long response typed up, but I think its better to just say this:

While you are bickering over the comparisons between the Snipetron and the Paris, the Lex is sitting over there basking in the glory of being a  better pick than both of them in MOST non-boss situations for most, if not all, of the game.


I mean, the only noticable disadvantage it has in these situations is the lack of innate armor piercing, which is kind of unnecesary when using a hitscan sniper weapon against enemies who's heads have hitboxes making up around 1/5 to 1/6 of their entire hitbox, at least.


The main problem snipers currently have is thus: The lex can do a pretty decent job at sniping, and is actually superior for many situations as I've said. Even when it isn't though, and it does get outperformed eventually because pistol crit mods are garbage compared to the rifle ones, it still does a pretty dang good job at it. This means if I want to snipe, I can take a Lex and then have ANOTHER gun in my main slot, one that better cover the weaknesses of the Lex, which is to say, fighting swarms. (The lex is also generally more useful in close quarters than the other two snipers, and this aspect remains pretty constant, due to it's larger ammo pool and faster reload and such)


So, if I take a Lex, I could then proceed to take a Braton, or a Hek, or a Gorgon..... You get the idea. If I take a Paris or a Snieptron what are your major choices? well, not much. I wont go into the lengthy details. But after you get that choice, you then run into another problem: Ammo. Pistols have a much lower base ammo pool, and the pickup is less common than Rifle (Though more common than sniper and shotgun, at least!), which means keeping ammo could be hard, ESPECIALLY if you're using the (A)furis or Viper(s).


And then, EVEN THEN, there is one more thing: The Lex is much better at being a sniping weapon than pretty much EVERY OTHER PISTOL is at being whatever it is they are, be this because of ammo usage, damage, or whatever else. Why, then, should I take a main-slot sniper weapon and another pistol, when I could INSTEAD take the Lex, still snipe perfectly adequately, if not BETTER, and then ALSO have my main-slot open for something with substantially more firepower than I'd get from the pistols I'd have to use with the Snipetron or Paris?


Don't get me wrong, it's not a crippling problem. Ammo boxes are cheap and such. But it is a thing.


Anywho, overall I think the paris is in a DECENT spot. It performs well enough for it's job, and the Thunderbolt mod should prove interesting. It's probably in a better spot than the Snipetron, actually :P


EDIT: I'm not claming to know everything. I might have missed stuff. However, I can say from experience that I've found a Gorgon/Lex combo to be the most versatile AND damaging weapon combination thus far, including those made with the Paris and Snipetron, though I do also love my Paris and run with it quite often.

Edited by Slifar
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Sssh about the Lex. The Gorgon, Hek and Boar nerf was a big enough of a mess, if people start crying about the Lex the devs might suddenly decide that the Lex is OP and give it shotgun falloff mechanic, the accuracy of a Furis and the damage of a Lato.

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Sssh about the Lex. The Gorgon, Hek and Boar nerf was a big enough of a mess, if people start crying about the Lex the devs might suddenly decide that the Lex is OP and give it shotgun falloff mechanic, the accuracy of a Furis and the damage of a Lato.


That would be exceptionally silly, as the Lex is probably one of the most balanced guns in the game right now. I find myself using it EXACTLY in the situations it is intended for: Taking out enemies at long range and/or taking out single/very small groups of enemies where my Gorgon is the least effective. It has decent drawbacks as well: It has no innate armor pierce and is terrible against swarms and not nearly the most effective option in close range, ESPECIALLY if one is running a close-mid range Frame like Ash or Excaliber (I currently run Ash, though I might swap to the Engineer frame if he is indeed about to come out from this event!)

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Yeah the Lex is a pretty good sniping weapon.


Going back to the snipetron versus the paris, I've got to thinking today, the paris has a very slow charge time between shots, but needs to be charged to match the snipetron for damage per shot.  On top of this, the snipetron has no disadvantages for shooting at all ranges (hitscan weaponry) versus the paris which has an exponential chance of missing a ranged opponent as they spaz about because of travel time.


I'm not saying the paris is bad, but it's not quite as satisfying for damage as the snipetron.  I'd prefer if it had something to balance it out a little more in part of the triangle:  Faster draw speed, faster flight time, or higher damage (base and/or potential).

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