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Oceania Needs A Chat Kickbot


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As per subject line. I'm going to find out if my blocklist has a limit soon. Half the chat in Region is either trading or recruiting. Anyone who mentions the other channels is shouted down. It's anarchy. Why are we being neglected like this?

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we dont have the size for DE to worry about adding kickbot, sure kickbot was here ages back and every now and then comes back for a few hours at a time, but unless oceanic can grow to the size of the EU or US player wise i doubt we will see him permanently

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I personally feel that Oceania doesn't need it, the population is nearly empty or gone to other regions due to the lack of players. The reason why they post in region chat is because very few people look at trade/recruiting chat since the entire place is so empty. And there's no reason to block someone just because they posted WTB in a comatose region.


If I were you I would move to North America - East or West. There's more players, better chat systems and strangely enough the connections (at least for me) are more stable and don't have any lag.

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  • 2 months later...

"Letter13" is in Oceania region now, functioning as moderator. However, he is presumably human and won't want to sit there forever. Can we get a proper kickbot? That way the rules will be applied 24x7. People are right now being booted left and right because the rules haven't been applied before, and in 15 minutes or an hour or at the end of his working day, Letter13 will leave, and people who weren't in Region today will have no idea not to recruit in region.


Consistency would be good.

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Letter13 is abusing other players right now with kicking and blocking. Great moderator he is, so far everyone in oceanic hates him.


If by "everyone" you mean you and a few other people who can't take the hint, then sure.


Region is the most active I've seen it in months and I love it.


Edit: also, he's kicking. Not banning, not blocking, not gagging, not penalising in any other way. It's literally the lightest of any punishment you can get for breaking the rules.


Letter13 for prez of Oceania!

Edited by ACorpse
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I'm not sure what chat you are looking at Acorpse but Oceanic region chat has never been flooded with spam. For the most it has a good community that gets on well and was currently working fine.


If you are hyper sensitive to 1 short line of "LF something" invading your chat and would rather sit these people in a corner then you're welcome to an opinion I guess.


Having a mod just appear in a channel and start kicking people, as well as not stopping while getting negative feedback and then warning said people ( now in recruitment tab ) to not have conversations in the recruitment channel is counter-productive to a community supported game.


People were not spamming clan recruitment or any such garbage they were just enjoying the game as they are used to the impact on chat was minimal and those people were still allowed to be part of the community region chat.


Sure you can be a hard nose and say well the tabs were there so screw you do it the way I dictate but segregating people then warning them to not do what they are used to doing it just dumb.


<insert rules are rules reply> 

a community cannot function well when you start segregating people, without warning and people start logging off because they are pissed off with someone just mass banning.


Learn to manage the community more effectively, educate, give plenty of notice of intended enforcement and provide an alternative way for the community to continue conversing as a community. sending in a hard nose with threats is the wrong choice.

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I'm not sure what chat you are looking at Acorpse but Oceanic region chat has never been flooded with spam. For the most it has a good community that gets on well and was currently working fine.


Wait, spam? I'm not seeing any spam. Please explain what you're calling spam because your definition is very different to mine.



If you are hyper sensitive to 1 short line of "LF something" invading your chat and would rather sit these people in a corner then you're welcome to an opinion I guess.


It's 1 line, per recruiter, per 20 seconds. It made all other conversation difficult. There was no reason for it to be in region especially given that there is a dedicated place for it, namely the recruiting tab.



Having a mod just appear in a channel and start kicking people, as well as not stopping while getting negative feedback and then warning said people ( now in recruitment tab ) to not have conversations in the recruitment channel is counter-productive to a community supported game.


Coming in hot isn't my preferred way of re-introducing the moderation that has been missing for too long, but other than some waffly "Be advised, Oceania will now be moderated" that everyone would ignore anyway, what would you suggest?



People were not spamming clan recruitment or any such garbage they were just enjoying the game as they are used to the impact on chat was minimal and those people were still allowed to be part of the community region chat.


Region was dead as far as general banter goes. Normal chat had been pushed aside by recruiting, and the traders were also moving in. There was no impact on chat because there was no chat anymore. It had been entirely choked out. Try visiting other regions and see how chat works there.



Sure you can be a hard nose and say well the tabs were there so screw you do it the way I dictate but segregating people then warning them to not do what they are used to doing it just dumb.


<insert rules are rules reply> 

a community cannot function well when you start segregating people, without warning and people start logging off because they are &!$$ed off with someone just mass banning.


Learn to manage the community more effectively, educate, give plenty of notice of intended enforcement and provide an alternative way for the community to continue conversing as a community. sending in a hard nose with threats is the wrong choice.


Wait, so we're speshul and can't keep two or three separate subjects entirely separate? We need to be given leniency because we're too dumb to click other tabs for other purposes? I don't know why we don't have a kickbot, but saying "it worked for me grampappy and it'll work for me" is not a way of making any progress.


In the end, the fact that this is now up for a healthy discussion is, in my opinion, only a good thing. I hope we get an official [DE] reply to indicate whether the days of the Wild West are over, or if this is a drive-by moderation only.

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I'm with ACorpse on this.


All the folks crying about the events in Oceania Regional Chat, are the ones ignoring the rules or who believe they have the right to do whatever they please, without consequence.


The rules have not changed, they have been consistent since I started playing Warframe. There is no fault but your own in having totally disregarded the rules.

Then some players have the audacity to complain when they have to relog after being kicked for disobeying the rules.


Big deal.


The moderators have the right to moderate in Oceania Chat (or any chat). DE would not have empowered them without ensuring their integrity, and from what I saw in the chat after the moderator made his presence known, a few of you are very lucky not to have blanket bans.


People using the "we should be warned first" argument is so typically Oceania. 

We'll do whatever the eff we want, ignore rules, spam chat, etc. Woe to the person that lets us know we are doing wrong.


No wonder Oceania is largely ignored by DE. Who would set themselves up for such abuse?



Some advice:

1) Read the rules, or TnC (which you would have had to agree to, when you signed up)

2) Stretch your fingers. Click on Recruiting and Trade. Post.

3) Harden Up. Whingers and whiners are at most, embarrassing.


Really easy. 


and yes I edited my post to make it a little more lucid. I was tired and annoyed when I posted last night.

that's my excuse and I am sticking to it.

Edited by muzashi1963
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oceania population is so low it doesnt need to be regulated 


So small countries need no laws? I don't understand this assumption.


just people talking in region alone is a miracle in itself lol


Maybe there would be more normal conversation if it wasn't flooded out with inappropriate crap (and yes, it's inappropriate because there are other channels that are appropriate for it).


forum moderators have no place in the games chat, who ever thought this was a good idea made a terrible mistake 

and especially if they are not from that region, oceania demographic hold different standards to elsewhere


If forum moderators have been given moderation rights on ingame channels, then they are judged by DE to be suitably equipped for moderating ingame chat. And if you somehow think Oceania is "better" than other regions, you're deluded. Just because we have lower population doesn't mean we're more mature. As evidenced by the mouth-foaming brigade who flipped their S#&amp;&#036; utterly when the rules were applied for once.

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"Letter13" is in Oceania region now, functioning as moderator. However, he is presumably human and won't want to sit there forever. Can we get a proper kickbot? That way the rules will be applied 24x7. People are right now being booted left and right because the rules haven't been applied before, and in 15 minutes or an hour or at the end of his working day, Letter13 will leave, and people who weren't in Region today will have no idea not to recruit in region.


Consistency would be good.

Well I can say for a fact I have not once seen him there in all my hours of gametime

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Well I can say for a fact I have not once seen him there in all my hours of gametime


Yeah he was there for a few hours a couple of days ago, but he hasn't been back since. Not a rewarding experience I expect. :p

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Yeah he was there for a few hours a couple of days ago, but he hasn't been back since. Not a rewarding experience I expect. :p

We need a permanent moderator or kickbot. There's constantly people spamming recruitment and trading messages in region chat, and think they can get away with it because so far no ones doing anything about it.

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