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Comics By Yuikami [Added: Doodle - What I See, New Stalker...]


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I just don't know what to say.... yay? Some how I don't see this implemented in warframe but your creativity knows no bounds. I give you many congratulations on achieving umm this unique sense of style on this very special warframe. XD

Edited by PureBeurre
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Ya know I knew Yuikami had some S&M in that mind somewhere. Apparently it just needed to break out of bondage. Now she can whip her mind back into shape. Hopefully she will not torture us with, well drawn, but scaring images. Now she can get back to her signature brand of comedy gold. Remeber that saftey word is Bannaner. XD





(just had to do it forgive me, or not, I don't care I may never meet you)


(but if I meet you do forgive me)

Edited by PureBeurre
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I smell a premium skin! Also, latex.

Ohh yes, gotta love em Latex <3


Ya know I knew Yuikami had some S&M in that mind somewhere. Apparently it just needed to break out of bondage. Now she can whip her mind back into shape. Hopefully she will not torture us with, well drawn, but scaring images. Now she can get back to her signature brand of comedy gold. Remeber that saftey word is Bannaner. XD





(just had to do it forgive me, or not, I don't care I may never meet you)


(but if I meet you do forgive me)

WHY AM I SEEING ONLY BOLDED TEXT!!! Nooooeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss!!!

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Told you my mind was pretty umm raunchy would be the polite term. I have about a million thoughts pass through my brain every second due to my ADHD. Not all of them are naughty, but reading manga doesn't help that. Anyhows I leave you with this world as I am tired and awake a 12 am in the moring and am using that as an excuse to be a bit naughty.


Mag: Oh Volt please it is so hard

Volt: I know it is the perfect size isn't it?

Mag: Yes it looks so great.

Volt: Yes I am suprised how flexable it is.

Mag: Plaese show me I want to know.

Volt: Ok but be careful not to touch it

Mag: I will please be gentile. 

Volt: You know it is my first time using it



Mag: Yeah the Bo staff is really dangerous with that fire mod on

Volt: I hope so I plan on using on the Greneer later

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Told you my mind was pretty umm raunchy would be the polite term. I have about a million thoughts pass through my brain every second due to my ADHD. Not all of them are naughty, but reading manga doesn't help that. Anyhows I leave you with this world as I am tired and awake a 12 am in the moring and am using that as an excuse to be a bit naughty.


Mag: Oh Volt please it is so hard

Volt: I know it is the perfect size isn't it?

Mag: Yes it looks so great.

Volt: Yes I am suprised how flexable it is.

Mag: Plaese show me I want to know.

Volt: Ok but be careful not to touch it

Mag: I will please be gentile. 

Volt: You know it is my first time using it



Mag: Yeah the Bo staff is really dangerous with that fire mod on

Volt: I hope so I plan on using on the Greneer later


Nyx: Pssss Mag, check out Amphis, it sure is thicker by the tip!


Anyway thanks for sharing, I'll be imaginin' fabulous Volt and his fabulous Bo t'night!

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"Lets play catch a ride <3"


Sprint speed base 2.0!!!!!

Has the power to fart sparkling and double rainbows ALLLL THE WAYYYYYY


Now we need Frost to carry that uni-frame closer, so he/she/they can hit them with their rainbows.





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1:00 pm I wake up massive hangover.... "uggggg what happened last night" looks in forums O-O "ummm did I really say that?" *turns red in disbelief and emarassment* Looks at relating comments "Well at least yuikami liked it..." Note to self I am unable to control the ecchi that runs deep in my veins whenever I am drunk, try to avoid posting on the froums at those times. "now to drink a whole pot of probably now cold coffee (my microwave doesn't work and I have no more coffee grounds to make more T_T) and take a cold shower (my heat got turned off due to the old one getting replaced tommorow T_T)" 

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The funny part about it is, Volt is male.


Just because he is a man does not mean he can not be fablous, anime taught me that.


The thing that gets me about this pic is that Nyx is tossing money at him. I'm not sure if shes trying to buy his suit off of him or if shes trying to get him to do a strip dance. If it's the latter then I would love to see both frost (prime?) and volt strike a pose with Nyx throwing a pile of credits at them.

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Bumpity Bump for our favourite Comicframer. Working on anything yuikami?

Thanks XD I was farming in game way too much anyway here comes the update!


1:00 pm I wake up massive hangover.... "uggggg what happened last night" looks in forums O-O "ummm did I really say that?" *turns red in disbelief and emarassment* Looks at relating comments "Well at least yuikami liked it..." Note to self I am unable to control the ecchi that runs deep in my veins whenever I am drunk, try to avoid posting on the froums at those times. "now to drink a whole pot of probably now cold coffee (my microwave doesn't work and I have no more coffee grounds to make more T_T) and take a cold shower (my heat got turned off due to the old one getting replaced tommorow T_T)" 

there there, it's ok ;w;/ get some rest dude!


Lol nice man..

Thanks! XD


Hmm, perhaps one based on the almost inevitable fun-slide at the twin platform extraction zone of the snow maps?

Twin platform??? D:


Just because he is a man does not mean he can not be fablous, anime taught me that.


The thing that gets me about this pic is that Nyx is tossing money at him. I'm not sure if shes trying to buy his suit off of him or if shes trying to get him to do a strip dance. If it's the latter then I would love to see both frost (prime?) and volt strike a pose with Nyx throwing a pile of credits at them.

Yes Fabulous man is smexy<3

Nyx was just play along with him being fabulous, throwing in money like he's some sort of stripper, then probably collect them back after ward LOL

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I've been farming in corpus maps too much ;w; ENJOY!









 Lotus don't even make coffee in the morning, she don't even bother to change the filter!



What could they have possibly been listening to set Nyx off?

Ohhh 0.0'


Corpus always struck me as Daft punk fans





Buddy the Tenno ruin Everybodies day.

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