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Comics By Yuikami [Added: Doodle - What I See, New Stalker...]


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(ಠ益ಠ) wot...

Don't worry yuikami I am done for the early morning. It is just that when I am REALLY tired I see things alittle more clearly. But you need wisdom from noone you are already amazing. Have a good sleep when you get it yuikami.




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I already have all the stalker weapons, maxed and polarized twice... so yes I need prime to put in my collection :<

Y'know, the funniest thing happened just now. I was discussing Mastery Ranking with my clanmates (Lone Rangers) and we were talking about the Kunai. I was originally going to just wait for the Stalker Kunai Despair to drop for me and use that, but my clanmates told me to just get the Kunai, rank that up for mastery and THEN switch to Despair when i do get it. It made sense for me, and then one of the guys invited us to a Tier 2 Void run. We went in, and within the first 5 minutes Stalker shows up trying to kill me. We kicked his &amp;#&#33; (well, my mates kicked his &amp;#&#33;, i was focusing on surviving above all else) and, guess what. He drops Despair BP.

Oh Santa Stalker, I love you :)

P.S. still crafting and ranking Kunai first :/

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Writing a new fanfic-ish diary now... cause this weird idea just came to me while exploding some Grineers' heads ._.;


But no worry, I'll try to keep my comic updated daily still, if I'm not lazy lol

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This Thread is my favourite place in the whole forum :)

So many fascinating personalities here, almost as many as in my head :P

@Erebus: Grrrr, how did you know im a Corpus? well, youre right, up to the point that i WAS a corpus crewman, till i got infestet with the technocide pleague :D

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This Thread is my favourite place in the whole forum :)

So many fascinating personalities here, almost as many as in my head :P

@Erebus: Grrrr, how did you know im a Corpus? well, youre right, up to the point that i WAS a corpus crewman, till i got infestet with the technocide pleague :D

Well in that case.

*whammed on the head with a 500 page book*

You're coming with me.

*drags body to EREBUS CHAMBER*


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This Thread is my favourite place in the whole forum :)

So many fascinating personalities here, almost as many as in my head :P

@Erebus: Grrrr, how did you know im a Corpus? well, youre right, up to the point that i WAS a corpus crewman, till i got infestet with the technocide pleague :D

Yayy thank youuu XD really glad you enjoy it here! Fan zone is totally the most peaceful place in the forum lol

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I hate you.


If you wan to hate someone go to the off topic forums and complain and whine there don't come to a thread that isn't your own and say this shizz I am getting tired of it. I am not always on topic I admit, but at least I am generally nice about it while you are not.

Edited by PureBeurre
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Tenno are Transhuman, right? No Gender issues there, sir! That's sooooooo 21st Century.

I reject your reality and substitute my own. Here have some 2+2=fish and a bucket full of jello to eat. You reality was so drab and boring I had to spice it up. So here have a jalapeno 

168231_std.gifON  A STEEK!

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If you wan to hate someone go to the off topic forums and complain and whine there don't come to a thread that isn't your own and say this shizz I am getting tired of it. I am not always on topic I admit, but at least I am generally nice about it while you are not.

I'm not exactly sure if you're serious or not.

By the way, this isn't Erebus talking right now.

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