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Can The Panthera Get Another Pass?


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I recently got to use the Panthera and I can't say I was as impressed as I was hoping. With Mesa having such interesting animations for a lot of her stuff and a lot of the design of the game getting upped on brand new weapons, I was excited to hear of a new buzzsaw gun. But my experience didn't really match my hope, this video sums it up well...





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It's a little shuriken spinning on the tip of the gun, of course it's not going to display or cause chainsaw levels of gore. You guys have weird expectations. A pizza cutter can hurt you bad, but it's not going to do it in a spectacular way.


If the shuriken were Glaive-sized, now we're talking, it would be like a circular saw chewing up everything in your way, crazy rumble in the controller, screen shake, the works. Severed limbs everywhere, bloody stumps galore.


Actually, even then it probably wouldn't be satisfying to use because DE would have to make custom over-the-top gory animations for every single enemy getting hit by this thing, and that's a lot of time and energy for just one weapon.


*watches video*


Come on DE! fIX pANTHERA1 dO IT NAO!!!1!! :(

Edited by DarkTails
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Actually, even then it probably wouldn't be satisfying to use because DE would have to make custom over-the-top gory animations for every single enemy getting hit by this thing, and that's a lot of time and energy for just one weapon.


Yeah and I'm not saying they need to do that, but if it could atleast have a slight better sound and visuals, I'd be all for it. I'm not asking for a full on chainsaw gun here, but what sounds like a machine breaking apart while visually looking dull just seems weird, why even bother to make the weapon and program the unique features if they're not going to be worth it?

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I really hope that DE takes another look at it. The secondary is passable, but the primary is just plain bad. I mean a miter uncharged blade spam is better in EVERY way (check the stats, every single stat on the miter is better, and that is just the uncharged shots). I was looking forward to taking a buzzsaw to the grineer, but I guess its just not meant to be.

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Played with Pathera some more-


The Primary shot is awful. By the time the blade reaches the target, they've already danced around it like 10 times and backflipped out of the way, or worse, simply teleported to cover 10 feet away because of lag or whatever.


Secondary feels good, the range is good, but the size of the blade sucks. I would change it to use up 3 bullets per shot and have it launch 3 saws in a horizontal row to have a greater chance of actually hitting something.

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Played with Pathera some more-


The Primary shot is awful. By the time the blade reaches the target, they've already danced around it like 10 times and backflipped out of the way, or worse, simply teleported to cover 10 feet away because of lag or whatever.


Secondary feels good, the range is good, but the size of the blade sucks. I would change it to use up 3 bullets per shot and have it launch 3 saws in a horizontal row to have a greater chance of actually hitting something.

Try using it vs Infested, a natural choice people might think, then you use secondary vs volatile runners and watch how they detonate catching you in the blast all the time.Trying to shred a mob of volatile runners with the secondary is a sure fire way to kill yourself if you do not pay close attention. Flawed concept is flawed. 

Primary fire is kinda meh

Secondary is still too weak and flawed vs certain enemies, better served to just use quick melee. 

Still no zoom


But DE apparently hates weapons like this, they nerfed the Miter so hard it is not even funny. The completely uncalled removal of its high punch through on charged shots made it completely useless, the 1 m it has now is completely pointless. The Panthera is still nothing more than a gimmick weapon. Well maybe if people keep on complaining they will make it useful like they did with Kohm but I somewhat doubt it.

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I never melee or saw the exploding infested, thats just dumb. The secondary works great, obviously you cant use it effectively in all situations. I dont call snipers a flawed concept just because their zoom is useless at close range.

Comparing close range secondary fire vs close range enemies being useless to sniper rifles and scopes vs close range enemies....worst comparison ever. Facepalm. Apples and oranges no more like eggs and turds.

Edited by Hatzeputt
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The difference is this time I'm not making you cry just for the lulz, it's clear they're using the weapon ineffectively, just like the shotgun whiners.


Actually it's exactly the same situation. And that's fine, tears are delicious lel


Also, to clarify, all that's been said here is:


"Pathera's secondary sucks against exploding infested"


"Totally agree, don't use it against exploding infested, try a different strategy against them"


And that's great and all, but using a weapon 'right' doesn't change the sound or animations it makes.


Those things are unrelated, and I already addressed the sound. Sorry about the strike through, probably makes it hard to read.


If you want meatier sound, the blade itself has to be meatier to match. That, or we could do what new cars are doing and install speakers to play fake engine sounds in electric cars lol

Edited by DarkTails
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+1 op


2x current damage to show it's worth considering the use of a Miter in construction.


Removal if the multiple rounds used per firing unless they make it a 5 round shot burst weapon.


Increase flight sped of Projectiles so it is not another exercise in futility attempting to use the thing.

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some change ideas I have had for this weapon is:


1. make it full auto

2. 1 disc fired is 1 round spent 

3. increase the damage of the discs so that they are 25 impact 25 puncture, 70 slash.

4. increase fire rate to 8-9

5. change the ammo spent with the melee mode to 1 ammo per second.

6. remove the melee mode and make the fire mode more effective.

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