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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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Huh... I'm not sure. I think Aegia would end up in the Dark Souls universe, honestly.


She'd never go hollow because she's got a driving purpose behind her whole journey there.

Though that journey may ultimately be fruitless in many regards.


Hell, it may even be more apt to put her in the Fallout Universe, but only in Dead Money from New Vegas. Points for you if you can figure out why exactly she'd be in Dead Money.




Hey Space, you said there's a limit to two OCs you can have in at once, would it be okay if I added one in at some point? After posting the sheet here of course. I figured I'd ask first, seeing as how there are a lot of characters currently.

Edited by Starnsy_Warnsy
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Speaking of character-amount: 


Is it possible to compile some kind of list of all OCs currently active in the RP? Because, with something like 20 OCs around most of which I have not yet interacted with, I am kinda confusing some of them at this point. For example, I think Orion was one a Cephalon-Character. But I am far from sure. And it is _very_ tedious to search through 140 pages of OoC to find each one's applications. Maybe have the first ooC-Post edited to refer to each character's introduction, so we can look them up when necessary? Even worse when it's about the state a character is currently in, different from the usual status... *feels like I will need pages and pages of notes*

Edited by ArrexDrandko
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How would your character interact to Omnipotence, my character? Would they like him, hate him, etc...


Refer to page 42 for Omni's spreadsheet if you don't know him.

Hexer: Recon, focus EMP charges. Bring him down to our level. Let's see if a god can bleed. *charges Schrodinger*

Response: A narcissistic, self-obsessed bastard determined to bring down the Tenno? Yeah, that's definitely going on the S#&$-list


Umbra: Wait, a Sentient? With a death wish? *Holds up absurdly overpowered Hek* Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


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Amber, can you tell me what kind of tech the Aeon use in SupCom?

I'm not able to check everything they got in detail, but from the top of my head:


Pewpew lasers

Sonic technology

Time distortion

Mind Control (Don't mess with the Princess)

Hover tech for land units

A generator that creates near limitless resources

Standard Sup-Com Tech:

Inter Galactic Teleportation

High tech sensor technology

Fully autonomous army (exception ACU and SACUs)

Fully capable army, airforce and navy

Capability of airforce to operate in space

Capability to absorb surrounding matter for mass

Capability to use mass to create super bots

Capability to capture enemy units into your own ranks

A single ACU teleported onto a planet can within the hour create a base capable of creating entire armies/airforces and/or armadas within minutes using nothing but mass from the ground and continuous energy generation from their generators.

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Hm, let me try one of these things.


This time with a slight twist, you aren't gonna be doing this for your character, instead, you choose someone else's!

Basically, pick two (or three!) themes for someone's OC: Their theme in battle, another for their last moments (be they going down fighting or whatever), and optionally, one for peacetime, like right now.

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I choose for everyone various themes from Civ V and its expansions/DLC.

I will not list any, because doing so would be tedious and I am lazy at this point in time.

*falls unconscious due to lack of sleep*




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I was thinking more of the Civilizations own themes, not the menu music.

Besides, the Brave New World menu theme kinda grates on me.

My Country, I Vow To Thee, on the other hand:

GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! *charges with an army of Longbows who were upgraded into Bazookas*

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BGM for others, only one comes to mind, and it's for Hex.



I just imagine this plays as all hell breaks loose around him, chaos following him around like a loyal puppy because he fed it once.

While listening to this, I imagined Hexer being chased by Corpus, Grineer, Infested and a bunch of angry people in the cartoon style of the Total Drama series.

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Dear @(*()$ god the new Payday 2 music is awesome.

-no need to take so much space second time-


Apply these to whoever you want.

Also, these soundtracks are so awesome, I think they fixed my headphones buggy audio.

I totally agree with you, but most of them I like "Use of Force".
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Anyone found the "Just Do It" speech motivating? :P

Kinda...for me.

Don't open this spoiler...like...seriously...


You've been warned...


Bonus question for daring to open those threat-less spoilers :P

Which version of the Batmobile is your favorite Batmobile?

1989 version for me, followed by Tumbler. ( Idk why people hate it :/. Complaining about it being a Tank and stuff...after all...it's not just a car :P ) Then, it's the Batmobile that's gonna be in the upcoming film Dawn Of Justice :P

Edited by (PS4)qwerty1310
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Alrighty, here we go. *cracks knuckles painfully*


For Hexer~

And his final moments when he somehow manages to die


Und Sab

Fjinal mjoments would be...


Souna's took me a bit.

Final moments are as follows



Belrev c:

You know what comes next~


Last one here I've thought of is Sebastian.


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