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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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Oh, I thought a lot about that! 
When weaponless, Souna fights in a style of Taekwondo on longer ranges (think of the kick against Volun) to keep, gain or close distance.
When in close range, she uses Wing Chun: Reading enemies attention and energy, sticking to their movements and pressuring them constantly, each defensive action accompanied by a weak or moderate counterattack. When they are physically or mentally worn down and try to pull back, she overpowers them with the forceful kicks again. 

However, she has a few alternative tactics if things go downhill.


With her sword, she's combining fencing thrusts and slashes with a lot of forward momentum with kicks. The latter she mostly uses to recycle the momentum when an enemy dodges her lunge, to realign herself for the next attack.


In both regards, she only rarely blocks force against force. Most of the time, she holds her sword or lower arms diagonally and uses her joints to make the enemies force lever her defensive limb and the enemy's attack out of the way. Like when you try to hit a sphere off-center.

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The style I envision for Belrev is Batman's fighting style from Arkham Knight.

Considering that he is the most trained in H2H in his gigantic family, it makes sense that he has the most efficient style.

Bel utilizes throws, punches, kicks, and all the good stuff.

He moves fast and fluid, although not hitting as hard as his oldest brother. Some signature moves of his are a double spring punch, hitting two enemies square in the stomach using the augmented strength of the frame, to send them flying back. Another move is when he headbutts an opponent, throws them to the floor over the shoulder, and slams his fist into their elbow. He works well with BOTH his allies and enemies.

For a basic summary:

The two video links I posted above is Belrev's style of fighting.

This link shows him fighting with his allies and one enemy.

Celorn utilizes Nightwing style.

Arvia uses Robin style.

Nyssa/Shay uses Catwoman style.

Boom bang pow.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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There were lots of thoughts about this...



What Atlas would Fulg be if he's not a boxer? Just a big immovable mountain.


In short range without weapons everything is obvious, that he would use his big fists and try to block or dodge as much as he could, but a little farther he would use his Fang.


When available he would use both fists and Fang, just to pierce armor and punch the body inside.

Edited by XionicoRX
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I like this character question!


The She-Rhino you all know and love, when stripped of her weapons, uses a combination of fighting styles. The main of which is one dervied from various forms of wrestling, and utilizes a very wide, open stance similar to this. It's mostly used as a way to get her opponent in close so she can grapple with them, wherein she has the advantage. In many spars and duels, she also has some very nasty, painful holds to put her opponent into. However her style does not consist of solely grappling, it incorporates a similar stance, but with arms closer to her body. It focuses more on using her body's own momentum to deliver hard, crushing blows to opponents using her feet and fists, as well as switching her usual hard, force-driven grappling actions to more fluid, almost acrobatic ones similar to the kinds that luchadores are commonly seen using. It draws some coincidental parallels to

from Tekken.


However, with her pride and joy Jat Kittag, one could almost describe Aegia as graceful in its use. She is incredibly skilled in the use of the hammer's jets to increase her own momentum, leading to deadlier and faster blows, but also in its use to launch herself about. She can usually be seen using the jets after a strike to propel the hammer another way, or even taking a perch on the head of the hammer and using it to fling herself into the air for more aerial hammer maneuvers.

I actually had trouble finding a visual representation 'til I had a friend help me out and link me this fun "educational"

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CQ time:

What is your OC(s} fighting style(s)?

Can use pics, video, styles from other media such as games /movies.

Hexer: If Hexer is ever stuck in Melee, he uses his mastery in the art of Confusion Fu.

In other words, he doesn't ever strike the same place twice unless he tries to make you think he's establishing a pattern, so you go to defend there but instead he goes for the nards.

Otherwise, his combat style is that of the Tau, as follows

"Sure, we suck at close-quarters. Shame you'll never get there."

Umbra: Umbra can only be described as 'batS#&$.' He bullet jumps around the place like the Golden Snitch, he fires a shotgun like its a sniper rifle, he uses a sniper rifle in CQC, and he peppers it all with random teleportation knife-in-the-back attacks.

In other words, 'F*** you, I'm an Ash.'

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I used some mixed martial arts for kardin. Since he has a larger frame than any other style frame (give or take other rhino's) he has a size and strength advantage. When unarmed he utilizes judo, muy thai, and then adds a flair of rhinos strength to his attack.

I.e. he blocks an attack, he grabs them and pulls them forward do they're off balance and then puts his elbow or knee into their collarbone or their ribs, then grabbing their hair he would lift them up and put all his power into striking their face with an open handed Palm. (Here he uses a style called hakkesho, or baguazhang. He doesn't use this style hardly, but he does use it every now and then.)

With his sword, he uses the galatine as a force of destruction. Using its weight and destructive power to tear his targets apart with each strike. Kardin doesn't use a particular style while using it, but considering whatever gets hit by it is either dead or wished it were, he just focuses on his power and strength. (I'm pretty sure the one shot deal would also apply to most tenno, since the rhino is able to literally punch holes into metal and rip a zanuka a new one, with nothing but brute strength. Seriously tho why can't we rhinos be as cool as that? I'd love to see DE make the rhinos tear into their opponents with awe inspiring punches and if it kills them; tear their corpse in two,

Kinda like jazz and megatron...)

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Forgot about elderith again -_-

She uses a fancy pansy form of iiado, kinda similar to the flashy and awesome uses from Virgil (devil may cry 3)

Zhou tai (dynasty warriors)

Yuzuriha (under night)

Though she incorporates my own twist, which she becomes invincible for about 2 seconds, reflecting anything shot in her general direction, swinging her sword so quickly she becomes a blur, the downside to this is she becomes severely exhausted and can't use it often. Her arms also undergo a lot of stress from using her techniques, because every one of her techniques involve striking faster than the eye can catch.

In this sense she compliments kardin's style, where he is powerful and slow, she is fast and agile.

Edited by (PS4)akirayokoshima
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I like this character question!

The She-Rhino you all know and love, when stripped of her weapons, uses a combination of fighting styles. The main of which is one dervied from various forms of wrestling, and utilizes a very wide, open stance similar to this. It's mostly used as a way to get her opponent in close so she can grapple with them, wherein she has the advantage. In many spars and duels, she also has some very nasty, painful holds to put her opponent into. However her style does not consist of solely grappling, it incorporates a similar stance, but with arms closer to her body. It focuses more on using her body's own momentum to deliver hard, crushing blows to opponents using her feet and fists, as well as switching her usual hard, force-driven grappling actions to more fluid, almost acrobatic ones similar to the kinds that luchadores are commonly seen using. It draws some coincidental parallels to

from Tekken.
some of kardin's grapples I based off of armor king lol.
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"Ack! Stupid, forgetful, physics-defying pilot, you forgot something!"


Quiet, you, I'm getting to it! D:<


While I have the break, Sharq and Nirvan, I forgot to tell you guys that you were cleared for posting. If you need help making an intro post, I'm sure those here would be willing to help and provide context.


And if they won't, then I'll add their names to the list for the Diskotek, and that is an exclusive party that you don't want in on.

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CQ time:

What is your OC(s} fighting style(s)?

Can use pics, video, styles from other media such as games /movies.



Volun uses two of every one-handed weapon he has. Dual axes, swords, knuckles, dismembered arms-- doesn't matter, long as he's got two of everything, he's all set and ready to bludgeon, slash, or smash whatever's in his way, His reaction speed and attack patterns are lightning-fast (pun intended here), and are designed to weaken down opponents before Volun comes in for a final, decisive blow.

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