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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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Here's a question that doesn't pertain to OC's, but may prove helpful to me, and entertaining for you lot, in the future.


So normally I avoid making up species for Rp's since it feels wrong, dirty, and isn't already existent in some shape or form in the Warframe universe, however one cannot deny the distinct lack of Technocyte evolved fauna in the game.


We have Kubrows, Lanx, Skates, and soon to be Kavats, but those don't really seem to be enough to really populate the planets, now do they?


So here's what I want from you guys: for reasons I'll leave unexplained to increase fun-factor, I want to see you guys come up with some ferocious wildlife that can offer a challenge. 




Anyway, you guys's turn!

Okay, so I feel really awful right now, so this is gonna be short:


Originating from carnivorous plants on earth, the Technocyte put these genes to use on a larger scale. Hidden in the typical infested overgrowth that covers infested areas, maw-like trap doors are reportedly opening when stepping on them, dropping from the ceiling or extending from the walls. Especially dangerous in cavernous, narrow surroundings where completely fake passages are basically just one large mouth for prey to walk into.


I guess you can imagine it. Point taken. More flesheating walls.

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I honestly spent way too long on this question...

Name: The Wendix

Residence: The deep jungles of earth

History: The origin of the Wendix is a disputed, though it is often concluded that they were an Orokin creation meant to serve as hunting dogs, sent out to chase down fugitives that attempted to escape into the dense Orokin jungles. What remains now are the wild descendants of these hunters, still prowling in the jungle depths in search of pray.

Appearance: The Windex resemble tall, hairless and skinny humanoids with a long and boney tail that ends at the sharpened point of an exposed bone which can be made to drip with a clear toxin to attempt and induce intimidation.

Female Wendix possess a thicker torso than their male counterparts than their male counterparts, though they do not possess any further difference between the genders nor any visible sexual organs.

A Wendix's hide is made to resemble that of tree bark and, dependant on their area of raising, can be coated in a layer of moss to blend in with the trees of the jungle.

A Wendix possess sharp teeth typical of any carnivore, having two sharp fangs on both rows of teeth. They have long and pointed ears that are able to twitch and swivel around to the source of a sound. The Wendix possess large serrated claws on their hands and feet that are as capable of climbing the large trees of the jungle as they are in rending steel and tearing flesh.

The Wendix sound loud screams and shrieks as their only form of verbal sounds, though this is only used for intimidation or for distracting pray. Instead the Wendix communicate by releasing pheromones which are read by their snake like tongues. While the Grineer have developed a technology capable of detecting these pheromones these are only ever handed to important teams with a high likelihood of encountering the predators, and even then it only tells them that the Wendix are stalking, but not where they are.

Wendixes generally travel on all fours, scuttling along the ground and silently leaping from tree to tree. They are however able to walk upon two legs, allowing them to reach the heights of the average Grineer bombard, though "Alphas" have been observed reaching even greater heights.

When a Wendix moves along the ground it travels low on the ground, generally only reaching up to a person's legs. A Wendix's joints at the knees and elbows are highly flexible, allowing it to move low despite its long limbs.

Behaviour: The Wendix are pack hunters, generally operating in 5 - 20 strong packs. A Wendix pack travels in their territory by quickly traversing the ground on all four or leaping swiftly from tree to tree. When finding pray the Wendix will silently stalk from the trees, co-ordinating their attack using their pheromones. When the target is within reach the Wendix will pounce and swiftly bring it down, sharing the pray between the rest of the pack. Should the pray be larger and more dangerous however, some of the pack may take to distraction roles through shrieks and other methods while the rest wait for the right opportunity to pounce

While omnivorous the Wendix greatly prefer meat as their primary food source, whether it be fresh, scavenged or cloned. However should meat not be readily available the Wendix have been observed eating the fruits and berries found within the jungle.

When being hunted by a Wendix pack it is crucial to stay where you are and not attempt flight. You and your group should start to discharge your weapons in all directions, making sure that atleast one person is firing at all times and that no corner goes unwatched for too long. The goal here is to intimidate the Wendix and make you and your group seem not worth it as pray. Should you be alone or the Wendix attack... may the Void help you.

The same applies when facing a Wendix one on one. Do not run and discharge your weapon at the ground to try and ward it off.

Any attempts at domesticating the hunters have resulted in failures, including the time when an infant of the species had been successfully secured. The infant had been assigned to an individual trainer and, while distrusting at first, the infant eventually developed a trusting bond with its trainer. Upon reaching adulthood however the specimen instantly and unexpectedly grew completely hostile. During a routine visit the specimen lashed out, killing its trainer and three guards before finally being out down. No cause of this violent outbreak has been discovered as of yet.

There are rumours however of the species possessing a sense of "honour". Stories abound of explorers discovering members of the species crippled and wounded and healing them only to have the Wendix run away to return with its full pack bearing food and protecting the explorer from threats. These are only rumours however and no case of this actually occurring has been properly recorded.

Capabilities: The Wendix are incredibly strong for their thin stature, able to lift and throw an average human with ease. Their claws are also incredibly strong, and coupled with their strength allows them to rip through a Butcher's armour or Prodman's shield in one swipe.

A Windex's tail is strong enough to punch through the average Lancer's armour and injects a powerful toxin that attacks and destroys a victim's nerve cells. Due to this the Windex generally aims for the spinal cord, paralysing the victim when struck.

The bone tip, while strong, is easily capable of breaking when trying to pierce sufficiently strong armour.

The hide of a Wendix is strong enough to survive several seconds of sustained fire and has a particular resistance to impact, blast, electricity and radiation, though extremes of temperature will significantly weaken the hide (though are generally ineffective at killing the Windex directly, though heat will easily scare them off) while attacks of a corrosive nature will strip it near instantly.

The Wendix are incredibly fast on all four, able to outrun a zooming Hellion, though they arn't able to outrun the average Tenno on two legs. The Wendix are also able to leap great distances through the air rivalling the distance and outmatching the speed of the Tenno bulletjump and Manic leap. Their speed and leaping abilities combined ensured that no pray are capable of outrunning their speed.

They are however not great endurance runners, relying on leaping between trees during a prolonged chase.

The Wendix posses a more refined sense of sight, smell and sound than that of your average human, along with a much swifter speed which they utilise when hunting especially dangerous prey.

Perhaps the most frightening aspect of the Wendix however are their intelligence. The Wendix have observed to possess a primate level of intelligence in their hunts and have even been recorded using basic tools, such as throwing rocks to mislead their prey.

Many Grineer patrols have been lost to these fiends, though luckily they've observed no sign in spreading out of their deep jungles.

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Probably depends on who gets the drop on who.

Though I can imagine a pack of Wendix just standing around and screaming at them til they went away.

And oh god, C&C.

The nostalgia.

1: And that would work up until the ones behind them decide to pounce.

2: I got a box set that had all CnCs prior to TW3 (Red Alerts 1 through to 2: Yuris Revenge, Renegade, etc.)

I only ever played about 4 games of Generals, and I religiously played Red Alert 2.

Renegade wasn't too bad either, and I genuinely miss that one.

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2: I got a box set that had all CnCs prior to TW3 (Red Alerts 1 through to 2: Yuris Revenge, Renegade, etc.)

I only ever played about 4 games of Generals, and I religiously played Red Alert 2.

Renegade wasn't too bad either, and I genuinely miss that one.

I remember playing some of the first CnCs and Red Alert (though I don't remember exactly which ones I played, I'd have to find the disks). Those were some of the first games I ever played along with the Battle for Middle-Earth series.

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Creature builder?

Ok, I have a few in mind literally off the top of my head...

1 that's feasible to war frame lore: malukser. Aka "the Mahler"

Natural habitat: saturn

History at a glance: these things once were kubrow at one point or another. grineer were smuggling them to Saturn, for some purpose or another. On the way there, the kubrow became mutated by a strand of t virus. Making their already aggressive behavior even more aggressive. The mutation caused them to lose their fur, and twisted their upper torso, one of their forelegs merging with the rest of their body, the other twisting at the joints to move to the center. Their mouth became split in half, as most of the head was also merged into the merged leg. They gained a fresh row of teeth that inflict poison. Their hind legs are relatively unchanged, and the tails grew extra bones, appearing as spikes or barbs. Their claws also mutated, increasing in size and shape. It is unknown how the t virus made contact with these poor kubrow, but one thing is fact: they are NOT man's best friend.

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Here's another one, but this one probably can't exist outside of my imagination

Name: d.I.a.b.l.o.s.

(Destructive interface anti black list operation system)

Appearance: created by corpus tech, this proxy was designed with one purpose: destroy. With two modes already pre installed it would switch between attack and mining functions. Standing at 7 feet tall, weighing roughly 5 tons, this is one machine that is rough and tough. Standard features are: shielding, ferrite plating, twin laser repeater cannons, heat sinks, experimental laser guided technology, as well as experimental power cores. Also included is a ferrite shoulder mounted, mobile cover/shield.

A bipedal proxy, resembling a human, every single unit came with its own a.I. personality software, capable of rewriting it's own programing.... which led to the malfunction of their core processor. A hack into one unit made all diablos link together under one personality core, and since then have been under the control of done unseen force...

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For some reason, I can easily adjust myself to the left-mouse-does-all and everything-on-mouse-does-something.

Probably just me growing up using both schemes all the god damn time, it's ingrained in my memory.


*Proceeds to amass an army of Warriors + Magicians + Flying Dragons*
As the Chess Players say, checkmate.

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I have spent the last two days doing nothing but powering through Fallout 4

I have gone through a @(*()&#036; M. Night Shamylan twist that would spoil damn-near half the game if I told anyone.

Railroad (Freedom for Synths!) Institute (We SAY we want to help people, but we're all morally ambiguous.) Minutemen (People of the Commonwealth unite!) or Brotherhood of Steel (I don't care what anyone thinks, if they have zeppelins, they're either Orcs or Nazis.)

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Here is an interesting question "what if" question to your OC's: If your OC got genderbent to another warframe or just the opposite gender if said OC is not a tenno, which/what warframe/gender would it be? Would they be the same personality wise or would they be different?


I have actually spend some time in-game to take screenshots of my oc's genderbent warframe. Will post them later when I have uploaded the pictures to Imgur, most likely through an edit of this post. Check my profile if you want to know my oc's warframes and color scheme :P (You don't say)


Edit: Here is the pictures I took in-game:














Fang and Luna would look better with the immortal skins, but I don't have enough plat to buy each skin, yet.

Edited by WolfmanX9
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Mr. Souna would be a rather similar person than Mrs. Souna is, and use a Limbo. Just a spontaneous answer, I never thought of it.


Mr. Maina would be somewhat different. I don't know how, but I don't think I would play a man to be that.... 'soft' and cuddly. Too many people would be disturbed by it, I guess. Warframe would be Oberon, though.

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