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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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He was given a BF Sword, and can now fire energy blasts like Excal can. And the fight in the Moon was annoying like frack. I went lightning melee-blitz demon on the Shadow, tore four-fifths of his health off, then died, and revived and finished him off. And I think the Stalker is actually wearing the frame, as opposed to controlling it like mine is.


I think so Crimson.

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Personally, I

hope we get to see more of Hunhow. He's currently the most legitimate threat we may see in the near future, moreso than the Queens.
Hell, we might even get to do some missions for the Corpus and Grineer leaders to deal with the Sentient threat. We might meet the Queens! Or the Corpus Board! Wouldn't that be awesome?

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When U18 hits the consoles, I'm gonna make baby Belrev.

Spoiler above.



Your OC is trapped in a mental asylum, doors shut, only one way out but they have to find it. (Be creative with that)

The patients run free and so do the insane doctors.

How do they get out?

Do they kill?



How did your Tenno merge with their current frame?

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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When U18 hits the consoles, I'm gonna make baby Belrev.

Spoiler above.



Your OC is trapped in a mental asylum, doors shut, only one way out but they have to find it. (Be creative with that)

The patients run free and so do the insane doctors.

How do they get out?

Do they kill?



How did your Tenno merge with their current frame?

Hexer would make it seem like he isn't there at all, right up until he has decked everyone across the face, nicked all the keys, stripped everyone down to their jocks (underwear) and left.


Umbra, being Umbra, would just switch his revival nanites to 'deconstruction' and melt a hole in the wall/s and walk out.


Spoiler Answer

Umbra was using a Warframe designed to be worn instead of controlled remotely. He fully merged with it when a Liset landed on top of him engine-first, causing the intense heat to fuse the Warframe to his skin and exposed muscle tissue

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@CQ: Souna would map out the building, patrol routes and times... totally complicated, typical professional. 

If there's no gap to escape by that way, behave and try to gain favors to exchange to get into a fortunate position to slip away. Being nice to the guards, pass up some advantageous opportunities, sell out other inhabitants...


Maina would not escape. She'ld simply make the best of the situation, becoming like a sister to those who need it. BAsically, what she always does. Seriously, are a Relay full of Tenno and an asylum that different? Except the Tenno still have weapons? 

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So you put the stuff here? Okay.

Name: Lucien Noxhill

Frame: Limbo

Syndicate: Cephalon Suda. Gathers data for her in his spare time.

Personality: Polite, honourable, in situations that he deems as important, usually involving higher ranking people, but to others that are equal, he is sarcastic and generally not nice to be with. To people that are lower ranking than him, and the general population, he sees them as a sort of meat shield, and enjoys watching others in difficult situations. Towards his enemies, he sees himself as some sort of cosmic judge of their actions, and happily ends their lives, as well as making them terrified of him to the point of scarring. He can be cruel and vindictive, but makes up for it by expressing these emotions towards the enemy in violent, destructive, and ultimately fatal performances.

Appearance: His frame is coloured with a white suit style with a beige shirt, with light blue energy. He wears the Artemis style helmet, and black metallic tints on the knees, ankles, cuffs, and helmet. His face has his energy colour, light blue, in his eyes, and he has white hair that flows backwards. His face has a pointed jaw and thin cheekbones, and he looks to be in his early 30's.

Brief History: He was awoken from cryostasis by the corpus, and was going to be executed for his Warframe parts, however a sabotage was conducted by other Tenno to slow down the Zanuka Project. He, along with other Tenno, was rescued, but before he allowed everyone else to extract, he demanded revenge against the doctors who experimented on him. He brutally murdered said doctor, and then left with those Tenno that rescued him, to a Relay. He met Cephalon Suda, who provided him with shelter and food as long as he supplied her with info.

Is this long? I dunno. I wanted to make a deep character. If it is, screw you, mines bigger than your's, therefore its better.

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I like it.

I can see potential friendly-not so friendly interactions between him and my baby boy(Belrev DUH.)


Also to add to the CQ:

Post face claims for your OC's!

If they don't have art, your choice actually)

Here is Belrev's face claim:


Just put in some white streaks of hair, red eyes, and a scar on the right cheek and you got Belrev.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Anyway to ans. the qn...

Evan would avoid killing since after all, those patients and doctors are just insane, still human. He would ask some of the..."not so insane" ones about a possible way to the exit. He may even bring them along.

Ivan would just kill anyone who stands in his way and force doctors/patients to tell him where the exit is. WHERE IS IT?!


Hm, I hope PS/XB1 players get the promo codes thing. We need 5 fusion cores to make our mod station look like a piece of cr@p de damn STALKER NOGGLE.

Edited by (PS4)qwerty1310
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I tried out that Speed of Lightning Volt whatever build and the Volt the 'Immortal' build, switching out weapons and mods for each.


I both admire, and pity the bastard who made those build paths now.


I'm darn near unkillable when using the Immortal build, and my screen tends to crash whenever I use the Lightning build.


I think the builds are... wicked.

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When U18 hits the consoles, I'm gonna make baby Belrev.

Spoiler above.----CQ TIMEYour OC is trapped in a mental asylum, doors shut, only one way out but they have to find it. (Be creative with that)The patients run free and so do the insane doctors.How do they get out?Do they kill?Etc.Oh and SPOILER QUESTION BELOW

How did your Tenno merge with their current frame?

I had the best escape but then I forgot my tablet was around 5% so you can cleverly suggest what happened to that -_-

But how my Tenno merged? Cant say since I've yet to get more details.

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Gaius would probably just smokescreen and teleport his way out. He would open up a door into a hallway, see the mass of insane and violent patients and just find whoever was closest to the door, teleport and keep moving. I doubt Gaius would kill any of the people there. If anything, he would try to save as many people as he could.


For Sebastian, Bastille for days. He would literally just walk out, with a trail of Bastille balls behind him.


Quinn is very heavily ability focused, and as such can manipulate her Prism in a lot of ways. She would just find a quite room, condense the Prism to shoot only one, highly concentrated beam into a wall, making an exit for herself.


I'm too lazy to go and find pictures for Gaius, Quinn and Sebastian.

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 "Tis' the season for spoilers!

And monitoring the thread,

Silently sat Spacey -

Writing talent bleeding out in their head.


Dying and shriveled from overuse,

current projects left his 'want' damaged from abuse.

But soon, oh yes soon, these projects would come to an end,

Leaving the OP wanting, but with no talent to lend.


More time was required to repair the damaged thoughts,

But the need to tend to the story, from their words had been wrought.


Twas' an injustice to those who participated - Spacey knew this well,

But was there an idea in that damaged head?

Well, it would be hard to tell.


Of it's quality, at least: cooperation would be required.

For the task of writing, this author was well tired.


But speak - yes, that was something they could do!

Oh, and play Warframe! (They wanted to do that, too.)


With plan formed and little time to spare,

Spacey darted off to his thread to share!"


So my work will be finished by the end of this week, but to be completely honest with all of you, MAN, AM I SICK OF WRITING!


In other words, while I want to continue the story in the thread, almost every drop of creative writing has been squeezed from the mass of grey matter between my ears. Fear not, this is not a doom post, the spark is still very much alive, I'm just in no condition to post interesting content of the caliber you all have become accustomed to at this current point in time. After some much needed rest, I'll be revved and ready to continue.


In the meantime, out of curiosity, I figured out Twitch, and with the new update out and lots of content to explore, I'm eager to test out streaming. So, either this Friday or Saturday, I'll see if I can get IrishHades online so we can have some Space-Ninja fun with you guys tagging along for the ride. Speaking is much easier and faster than writing and editing eloquent passages, so I encourage you to drop by and enjoy the game-play and ask me the questions whose answers you've been craving. This invitation is not just for this thread's members, but also to the silent stalkers who I know are lurking in the shadows and the passerby's who accidentally scrolled in here and happened to see this post.


BE WARNED! This stream will contain spoilers, for update 18, this thread's IC, and everyone's favorite physics-defying rotor-craft pilot (Don't be expecting a face-reveal, though ;P). If you don't want to know anything more about U18, the IC, or have to edit your image of me, I suggest you avoid this event.


Who knows, if this turns out to be popular, maybe I'll do it again and invite some of you guys to join in on the mission.


Now if you'll all excuse me, Spacey needs to get back to work.

(Save me ;n;)

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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Nice to hear of you, Space, but if you really want us to drop by your Twitch, you will need to tell us what channel exactly that is. :P Or just leave us guessing. 


(*rides onwards on a white Ancient to save you, since there are no horses to be found in Origin*)

Edited by ArrexDrandko
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I'll tell you the channel name closer to the date. Seems more fun that way.


Don't expect a logical argument on that, because none exists with me holding up the other end. Just acting on a whim. :P


(With a blast of void energy, the neural sentry protecting your OP (Who is currently tied up western-damsel style) turns your albino Ancient against you! Oh noes! Cackling maniacally, the sentry somehow says, "All your Ancient are belong to us!.")

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I simultaneously want to join, but I have a fear of being known.

Then again, when I started playing BL:R, I appeared in a Dev Stream for all of about 2 seconds.
And I kicked the arse of the Devs. Though they DID kill me more, I just killed their team more.


I was hyperventilating after that.


And to the tiny text thing:
Hexer: "Since when did we have an ancient? Since when were we in the void? Wait, is that...
Umbra: "Eeeeee! Pet ancient!" *melts the ropes* I am going to hug him, and squeeze him and name him George."
Hexer: *scans it* "It's DNA is primarily taken from female sources.

-awkward pause-
Umbra: "I am going to hug her, and squeeze her and name her Georgina."
Hexer: *facepalm*

Edited by Ghost333
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