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[Ooc/q&a/recruiting]The Setup, Redux & The Lounge


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Here's a simple OC question; if you character can or could play an instrument, what would it be?


Souna is actually quite musical, that's why her feeling for flow and rhythm in battle are so good. But she never looked into music, deeming it 'unnecessary to a Tenno'. *sigh*


Depending on which phase of her life you look at, she might've become either Heavy-Metal-Guitarist (pre-Collapse), Rock-/Metal-Singing including Screaming (post-Cryosleep 1) or Epic-Melodic vocal (think Evanescence-style, post-Cryosleep 2)

If Souna had not been that musical, Maina would've been. I don't like my chars sharing too many traits. Thus, Maina likes music, but is mediocre at best. She hits the notes just as often as missing them. If it is still a thing in that time, she would love to master the flute.

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Here's a simple OC question; if you character can or could play an instrument, what would it be?


Arthas and Fang would rock an electric guitar, because both are into rock music.


Erida would use a microphone and be a lead singer.


Luna would mostly use a Violin or an electric piano.

Orina would be a singer, not an instrumentalist.


I'm still waiting on things, so why not.


Your OC has just survived insurmountable odds, say a massive 'last stand' sort of situation. Before they get a chance to cheer or congratulate themselves, the dust settles and reveals a much larger army of whatever they were fighting before. Your OC has run out ammo for all their ranged weapons and is down to their melee, and it's pretty much obvious that melee combat is going to be suicidal with the numbers stacked against them.


What would your OC do?

EV, Link, and hope for the best. If Blessing can't save her, she'll enjoy every last second of suffering she causes for those in front of her.

(Of course, if she were Valkyr, it would just be another way of saying "party". Truthfully that's my idea of the perfect Warframe session. No revives, Prisma Dual Cleavers and Eternal War.)

Edited by Rehtael7
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Your OC has just survived insurmountable odds, say a massive 'last stand' sort of situation. Before they get a chance to cheer or congratulate themselves, the dust settles and reveals a much larger army of whatever they were fighting before. Your OC has run out ammo for all their ranged weapons and is down to their melee, and it's pretty much obvious that melee combat is going to be suicidal with the numbers stacked against them.


What would your OC do?

Souna would flee. As long as she lives, she can come back to hunt them. What's the use of dying a futile death? 

So yeah: Try to lose the enemies, put them on wrong tracks, fly where groundwalkers can't follow. Then, improve, do some recherche, and take revenge for the loss dealt to her in whatever way possible.

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I'm still waiting on things, so why not.


Your OC has just survived insurmountable odds, say a massive 'last stand' sort of situation. Before they get a chance to cheer or congratulate themselves, the dust settles and reveals a much larger army of whatever they were fighting before. Your OC has run out ammo for all their ranged weapons and is down to their melee, and it's pretty much obvious that melee combat is going to be suicidal with the numbers stacked against them.


What would your OC do?

What would my cast members do...hmm...Well I flipped a coin and its Four's turn. Let me get the bugger out of her trailer.

[Her team was anahilated, sicarus and hastily boosted Braton giving hungry clicks. All she had left was the Bo and the broken remains of a Galatine. She breathed out, finally finished fighting. Now that adrenaline wasn't flying up and down her nervous systems, she could actually recover! She was about to start struggling to push out a little energy to cast blessing, before the smoke cleared. She saw the masses of Dog men and forlornly dropped the abused weapons. She cried quietly as terror settled in like a cold blanket, and something snapped. The stress finally depleted the exhausted Trinity's medicine supply, and spores started flying from her body like compliments from an over enthusiastic yes-man. She crawled back, the infestation in her body overtaking her mental and physical being. She felt herself gain more energy, the fear drying up and being replaced by a psychotic lust for blood and a empty pit opening in her stomach.

And then, as she switched places with her passenger, it went quiet. The overwhelming peace of it all. She let herself fade into blissful rest as the beast within her satisfied itself, the first body coating her already red armor with more blood.

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Alright, regular posting will return soon-ish. I need a bit of time to get re-aquainted with things and re-decide what I want to do. Not going to lie, in my absence I was thinking about the mini-mission, and I'm thinking of making it more mini. Give you guys more room for your own parts. Haven't decided yet; need to continue to converse with myselves and come to a concrete decision.


As for Xion's questions, another stream could be in the future if you all are interested, especially for those who wanted to be there but couldn't for spoiler/life reasons. Still kind of a noob at that stuff, which is why (I know this after watching the recording of the stream) I couldn't actually be heard during the damn thing unless you were really straining to listen. Need to figure out that problem before I even think about doing a second flight.


But more on that later.


As for what's going on in the foundry... I don't remember, get back to me on that.


Rehtael, regarding your OC submission, I'm still currently analyzing it, but I swear if you bring it up one more time, I'm not even going to look at it again. I'm a busy guy, I'll get to it when I get to it. No if's, not but's, no coconuts! >:(


Now, as for U18 affecting this thread, the answer is a resounding yes, Yes, YES! I loved the lore they added, but fear not; those avoiding spoilers should be glad to know that the way I'm implementing it will not affect their OC's. Confusing? Should be. I'll return later with [spoilers] later containing all the juicy deets. Not only that, but there were some things I really wanted to inform you guys about the thread during the stream, but the question never came up. And, well, you couldn't hear me, but that's beside the point. That stuff'll get its own personal



I'll be around for a bit, so if you need to ask/tell me something, go for it.

Edited by SpaceHelicopters
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Alright, U18 and Rp spoilers:

Alright, so the instantaneous click following the reveal of the Tenno as the Zariman children (Teased in Ember Prime’s Codex) , my mind’s been racing on connecting the Rp’s cannon to the real deal, and after long debate with Irish, we came to a compromise.


So the understanding I came to realistically can be broken down into two branches: Warframes as puppets and Warframes as dependent beings with limited-consciousness.


Before we get to defining the two, we need to establish what a warframe actually is, and the evidence can be found in their crafting, reactions to damage, and need for cryo-sleep to preserve their bodies for extended periods. In short, warframes are biological proxies, mechanical components hybridized with infested flesh formed from plastids, neurodes, and nanospores. They are the perfect machine, modeled after human anatomy and altered to compensate for weakness and channel the Tenno’s energy into fantastic abilities.


As for what a Tenno is, I was rather pleased to see that my initial hypothesis was more-or-less correct (Eye-glow detail for the f@$%*#& win!). The only thing to add on to my initial findings is that due to void radiation over-exposure, the Tenno body evolved not only a resistance to it, but the ability to store and soak it up like a sponge (perhaps even produce it themselves). This is manifested in their direct attacks and abilities when they enter the field, as well as the investigator in Ember Prime’s codex entry’s burns after interacting with a frightened Zariman child.  



So as is evident in the moon reveal, the Tenno control Warframes through some form of neural link that is boosted by the somatic link; evidence of this is apparent in the startling reveal of the Tenno when they fall out of their pod, disrupting the link between the two and causing the Warframe to collapse without any influence to control them. Without the Somatic Link, Tenno can control their warframe through direct contact, funneling their influence via touch. Now in this belief, the warframe is merely a tool: an empty vessel requiring the influence of a being with greater power. This is grounded on the scenes that reveal how dependent on the Tenno the warframes are, such as the collapsing without their operator’s touch.


Dependent with Limited-Consciousness:

Here’s where it gets interesting; though the warframes are revealed to be dependent on the Tenno’s influence and energy, but there is evidence that shows that perhaps they aren’t as helpless as previously believed. This evidence is found in everyone’s favorite Stalker and the final cinematic. Now while it’s completely possible that the Stalker’s Tenno is still alive, there is speculation that his insanity brought upon by seeing the Reservoir could have resulted in the murder of his operator, and through mysterious means, remaining active without their influence. This is merely speculation, however, and shouldn’t be seen as concrete evidence. The primary evidence that supports this is the final seen when your warframe, impaled by War/Hunhow, manages to move independently and destroy the weapon, saving their operator and banishing the Stalker. Whether it was independent thought or lingering influence from the operator that caused this independent movement can be speculated.


So now you’re probably thinking; how does this affect the Setup? Well, I’ve hybridized the canons into one super canon. Your OC is the Warframe, and your Tenno will be an independent character. Now, don’t panic, no major revisions need to be made. Referring to your character as Tenno isn’t entirely incorrect, though it can be seen as not speaking to the warframe, but the Tenno watching through their eyes.


Actual canon would have you believe that the Warframe’s skin is the Warframe itself, though for our purposes, there is a person beneath that armor who is completely independent in consciousness, though dependent on their Tenno for said consciousness.


Just think of it like this: You and your Tenno are separate beings completely capable of acting independently. You can talk to your Tenno, argue with them, hell, you can even be enemies (though why they’re still powering you needs to be established somehow), but should something happen to your Tenno, your OC will be directly affected. Your Tenno gets knocked out somehow, your OC follows suit. Get it? Now, just as with the focus abilities, your Tenno can project themselves from your Warframe with energy, giving off the appearance that they are physically present when in actuality they are safe at home within the somatic link. They can also physically be there, but physical contact needs to be present (ie. Holding hands or being carried) and acknowledgement of the huge risk in having your weakness in full view. Also, multiple frames can be linked to a single Tenno at a time, but do exercise some restraint (ie. Having 20 frames under the influence of a single Tenno).


Full integration of this will wait until the console users are caught up. Now feel free to battle me on this, but know that I’m going to fight back. Sticking to old cannon is too easy and a waste of this new information, my personal want being adaptability. In my mind, I am not a rock, but water, going with the flow as opposed to standing against it. Change is good, change is necessary, and I hope you agree with me.


With this revelation, know that I am completely prepared to lose some of you.


Just thread spoilers:

Though it’s taken some time for me to completely realize this, but I really like being ingrained with the OC’s in my thread. This is why I come up with so many characters, and though I’ve tried to adhere to my own 2 characters max rule, with my style of interaction as OP, this is really difficult. Maybe that makes me a bad OP, I don’t know, I leave that to you to decide.


I like to have a piece in everyone’s story, examples being Irish and I’s intertwined history and Gemini. This allows me to feel closer to you guy’s characters, but also safely buff them when necessary. Ghost, you’ve probably noticed I’m kinda forcing Keya on Hex. This is my way of offering a tech boost to the Arbalest Union and perhaps stress that seemingly endless credit supply you’re so fond of showing off. ;p

If you’re not comfortable with this revelation, just give the word and I’ll find another use for the Grineer Engineer.


There’s another character like this, but they will actually serve and integral purpose in the future of the Rp, so no spoilers there until they reveal themselves to who I’ve chosen.


Alright, Rehtael, let’s finally discuss Orina, shall we?

So a couple things I’m going to need from you are a preferred Arsenal and physical character appearance.

Spoilers, Mr. Frodo!

We have your Teno’s face, but as I’ve stated above, the two should be separate, therefore you need a separate physical description for Orina herself.

Once you’ve supplied that, give me a bit to look it over for any potential error, then you should be golden, Ponyboy.

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I dunno Space, my personal headcanon involving U18 is a bit different, though shares similarities with yours.


In the Orokin Era, there were two castes, if you will, regarding the Tenno and Warframes.

One caste were the Operators, the ones involved in the Zariman incident, and the one that was on the Moon.

Then, there are the Tenno themselves, a seperate caste that, so far from what I've come up with, were normal Orokin humans, simply raised and trained in the Old Ways, and taught to BELIEVE that they think for themselves, when in reality theur purpose was to be put inti Warframes and have their actions primarily controlled by their Operator. I mean, why ELSE would Warframes have gender differences?

This would allow them to actually do that thing that many are fond of in this thread, that is, having their characters REMOVE their Warframe. Because if they removed it now, in U18 canon, they would simply collapse and that's honestly kind of stupid.

In a way, U18 effectively turned all Warframes into glorified Corrupted withiut the face-brain impalement device.

In short, U18 reeks of anime cliché and removes all drama from any roleplay because it's akin to Virtual Reality, or the Matrix, more like.

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I need to think about this.

A lot.


My headcanon says that the operator CAN go into a frame when old enough and matured. Therefore that is why Belrev is inside his Excalibur frame.

Basically two choices:

1.Operator can still control frame from distance.

2. Operator can GO INTO the frame, which is the case for Bel and all my oc's.

And the operator IS the Tenno from what the quest told us.

Now onto the frames:

The frames are hollow, nothing inside them. They are alive yes, as evidenced by the final scene. It has a consciousness on its own, but there is NOTHING INSIDE the frame, so the Tenno(operator) can CHOOSE to go into the frame.

For Belrev, I crafted a story detailing him MERGING with his Excalibur frame, which is him now.

Tldr: The Tenno(operators) can choose to go into the frames.


Once they merge with a frame, they are BONDED with that frame forever. No somatic link stuff. Example: If someone were to shoot Belrev in the head, he would be DEAD.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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...but I like the Matrix...

Your opinion is wrong! >:(

Just kidding, I'm not like that. :)


The two deals (What with the puppets, limited consciousness, and whatnot) were merely what I stated as what I've come to understand as actual canon.


Canon for use in the Rp does not limit the characters physically in terms of forced warframe wearing. In fact, biologically, I still see the assumed peoples in the Warframes apply to what I've established in the Inner-Workings of the Tenno (Which, by the way, contains the answer to the sex question you asked a while back [size=2](Which may be a bit awkward to think about, but in this case, though true, just imagine it applies to the OC's within Warframes)[/size] ). 


I'm also rather fond of the tricked-warrior mentality, and that can apply to the majority of OC's, however created OC's make more sense, basically creating two types of Frame-bearers: War Survivors and Post-War Created.


AND! The link between the two, as I've hinted at above, is not dependent on the warframe, but by a mental connection created through direct contact or amplified by the Somatic Link.  Ya' feel me?



See, my problem with that mentality is the case of decelerated aging, meaning that your Tenno would have to have been out of stasis for quite some time, eons maybe. 


Now, you may be okay with that, but that also comes with rather Op power that I will not allow you to have. The accrued wisdom and experience would be a level greater than any other character and gifts Belrev with a power that really should only be reserved for my position.


I know that sounds selfish, but know that you've already made Belrev powerful enough. I mean, think about it: Belrev's shrugged off injuries that we've all agreed would incapacitate anyone else , plus, he has a personal field-Cephalon dedicated to healing him and repairing his frame.


With that considered, he doesn't need that level of experience and wisdom, and he certainly doesn't need the limitless supply of destructive energy that comes with being the Tenno themselves. Keeping the two separate is not only loosely canon, but also acts as a form of balance that keeps the Tenno OC's from becoming unstoppable and making my job as offering a challenge all the more difficult.


[size=2]( Don't read this as an attack on Belrev, Bats, but as a combative argument/Rather rough (sorry) persuasion/Character critique.)[/size]

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Once they merge with a frame, they are BONDED with that frame forever. No somatic link stuff. Example: If someone were to shoot Belrev in the head, he would be DEAD. Because he is PHYSICALLY there, under the Warframe, making it a great deal EASIER for ANYONE or ANYTHING to MURDERRRRR him.

And Belrev was not up for eons. The story I made has him at 18, merging with his frame, and the rest is history. So he has really only been in the frame for five years. And the injuries thing, I'll admit was rather OP'ish of me.

Grest can ONLY LIGHTLY repair the frame. Still barely usable but a GREAT amount less powerful than it being fully repaired.

Weaknesses of this: Belrev CANT control multiple frames, he has a VERY VERY higher chance of being killed/crippled. As evidenced by the numerous scars and bruises on his body.

In short: Belrev has bonded with his Excalibur frame for five years so far, sustained NUMEROUS injuries, can't control ANY other Warframe except the Excalibur bonded to him, and he knows that at any moment, he could die by a bullet to the head.

The risk factor is DRAMATICALLY raised.

I'm just more on the side of the Tenno being on the front lines, under the frame, getting shot, beat, burned, etc. Whereas with the remote control option, enemies are attacking a basically hollow thing.

Look at it this way. If there any OC's who use the remote control option, it will add a ton more interaction between those in frame and those who RC frame.

Just imagine Belrev wishing that he would've stayed in the pilot seat controlling the frames remotely, and brought back to reality as he looks at his hands which are underneath the frame as a Operator sits next to him, on their frames lap.

Not being nagging about it but this is my stance on it.

I need to think more about this, please excuse the turning of cogs.

*thinking started*

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Shush, Crimson. This is getting interesting and more confusing by every post.

Btw, as someone said warframe can be independent. What about a warframe who tries to "get free" from operator's control? Is that possible here, or is there something more?

Sorry, Spacey.

Edited by XionicoRX
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Someone didn't read my previous post to completion... If you did, your fears would be allayed...



Somewhere else, probably, but here? No. The whole dependency on the Tenno for consciousness is a form of balancing. The closest you could get I would say was if for somehow, the frame-bearer actually couldn't find their Tenno. Basically, Tenno is asleep but conscious, meaning the frame-bearer is conscious but without Tenno support.

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So Belrev can get a high off of Threshcones and it will be entirely his doing, not the operators. So he does whatever the hell he wants, but the operator is just there to keep him alive basically.

He is his own man, he can do whatever he wants, but the operator is just sitting at the Liset keeling him alive.*repeats to myself a thousand times*

Hmm. Still not sure.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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