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[Suggestion] The Rapier.


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Me and a friend of mine with some people in his stream talked about this and we thought a Rapier would be a great new melee weapon on Warframe, it is mostly used for speed and piercing while it's cutting damage is average but it's piercing / stabbing power is really high, there's various ways you can build this weapon / make it look and it would be a good new thing over the two handed slow swords or the quick small daggers.


What does the rest of the community think?


I'd like to get feedback on this idea.


Friendly greetings,



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Only if it has different attack swings. Like stabbing moves. But a rapier's fighting style is a very fancy fencing type of thing, i really cant see tenno doing this and still looking ninja. On the other hand it would be useful if it was something like it did passive piercing damage without needing mods, but other drawbacks for balance.

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I would love to have a rapier style weapon, it's no less ninja than axes and warhammers. If we where stuck using only historically accurate ninja weapons we would have nothing but converted farm implements since it's arguable they ever even used swords.


I see it as a high rate of fire, single target, armor piercing weapon with good reach. Proper combat rapiers have an edge for slashing but they would definitely need a new animation set with lots of thrusts and charges. Maybe on a charge attack they could make a short dash, like a watered down, one target version of Excal's basic power.

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Isn't this basically just the chronus? or the pangolin? 


Not that I wouldn't be against a "true" saber, that lopped limbs off our enemies, but as far as saber-ish weapons, the game's got a few already. 

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rapiers are mostly weapons to stab ppl :3 with a few exception like, my favourit, the schiavona its made for stabing but also for slashing and we dont have even one stab action melee


i would love having my beloved schiavona spam e and make slashed and then a charged attack where you just impale a target and push it to the ground

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Isn't this basically just the chronus? or the pangolin? 


Not that I wouldn't be against a "true" saber, that lopped limbs off our enemies, but as far as saber-ish weapons, the game's got a few already. 


It's not like a Saber at all nor is it like the Chronus or the Pangolin.


Rapiers are mostly used for stabbing but some are able to cut too, primary attacks are all stabbing so nothing like the weapons you describe therefor it's under a completely new category.

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I can imagine it becoming a longer-ranged Ankyros or Furax. The charge attack would be a leaping stab, impaling your enemies upon your blade! But it's quite interesting! Would make an excellent hit-and-run weapon.Though, perhaps I'd like to draw attention to something the devs mentioned before: LASER WEAPONS! You think they'd get us some new animation for this? :O It'd be pretty sweet. Since Skana and stuff are all single-target anyways, the rapier wouldn't be that huge of a change, except for the animation and charge attack.

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It's not like a Saber at all nor is it like the Chronus or the Pangolin.


Rapiers are mostly used for stabbing but some are able to cut too, primary attacks are all stabbing so nothing like the weapons you describe therefor it's under a completely new category.


How on earth did I mis-read "Rapier" as "Saber". Must be my inherent preference showing through ^_^ 


Carry on carry on...

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I can imagine it becoming a longer-ranged Ankyros or Furax. The charge attack would be a leaping stab, impaling your enemies upon your blade! But it's quite interesting! Would make an excellent hit-and-run weapon.Though, perhaps I'd like to draw attention to something the devs mentioned before: LASER WEAPONS! You think they'd get us some new animation for this? :O It'd be pretty sweet. Since Skana and stuff are all single-target anyways, the rapier wouldn't be that huge of a change, except for the animation and charge attack.

Laser ? Rapiers? Laser-rapiers? Laser-swords? The direction this is going - I like it.


Rapiers on the other hand.. to make the animation might be difficult - because it would be the same every time  To fight someone with a rapier is very special, it can't be compared to normal sword fighting, because it's very dependent on agility of the user, dodging and scheming for the ultimate thrust that ends the fight.


Rapiers = one hit weapons. 


You also could go pseudo-rapier-style with a charged 100 thrusts attack Kenshiro would be proud of. But normal attacks would still look weird IMO. 

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I've always imagined rapiers to be, like most edged weapons with a point, a very flexible weapon. The animation wouldn't be the same every time, I would imagine: There is power behind every thrust; Every step, every lunge. In battle, rapiers were used to eviscerate an opponent, bleeding him to death mid-battle, almost as much as some would impale their opponent, if not more. 

But as for normal attacks, I can imagine it may replace the typical animation in that every time you use the melee attack, you'd take a step in that direction, like a charge attack, and then a quick step back, rather than just twisting your body and moving in a separate direction. A duelist's weapon of choice, certainly, and quite unsuited for crowd control, though great for hit-and-run tactics.

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Hmm, I understand what you mean. Still, all melee weapons are the "in your face" approach, sidestepping and backstepping would feel kinda weird because it's obviously not needed in Warframe's melee system, but it'd certainly interesting to see if your idea would be viable.

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Haha, wow, let me first say that it's a surprise: The developers took the downvote off! Whew!

But at any rate: I totally get what you mean, that's what I thought as well, for a while. But when the OP came up with the rapier idea, I considered that perhaps this is the sort of thing people want: Not just a reskin with a little bit of stat difference, but something with a completely different play style. A little bit of everything for everyone. We already have a few weapon types which work somewhat differently: The long swords, daggers, dual weapons and heavies. They all have their own play style, geared towards different approaches. So, why not add another exciting mixture?


The rapier covers what all the above do not: Long range, high mobility, single-target melee weapon. The high mobility and single-target weapons now are all short ranged and do light damage very quickly. The rapier would be the opposite of that in this regard: It covers more ground, and does more damage per attack, though at a slower speed.


Also, I want to impale things. That would be awesome. And in completely unrelated news: DE ADDED A SCYTHE <3 

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I would love to have a rapier style weapon, it's no less ninja than axes and warhammers. If we where stuck using only historically accurate ninja weapons we would have nothing but converted farm implements since it's arguable they ever even used swords.


I see it as a high rate of fire, single target, armor piercing weapon with good reach. Proper combat rapiers have an edge for slashing but they would definitely need a new animation set with lots of thrusts and charges. Maybe on a charge attack they could make a short dash, like a watered down, one target version of Excal's basic power.

 This and it would have a unique ability such as "Metal Auger" but for melee use, which would pierce your target and damage the one behind him.

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Saw some discussion about how animations might not fit with the space ninja style, but honestly a lot of good martial arts action movies use what I would think to be suitable forms to allow a stabbing sword. Crouching Tiger comes to mind. Anything with Jet LI and a sword I think. His form has him using the tip of the blade most times. Just a thought.

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Ha ha, that guy looks so much like the Dread Pirate Westley!


That reminded me of another dueling weapon I've never seen in a videogame before.


Dueling Shields






I think they are super cool looking. I don't know if they really have a place in this game, but they are neat and I thought I'd share :)

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