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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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"Its going good. Just worn out." Belrev sighed. Truthfully it was NOT going good at all. He has a broken ribcage, a whole layer of new scars covering him, and an ear splitting headache. The perfect combination for relaxation.

'Just perfect.' He thought in his head, his face expressionless.

Of course there were the threats still present. He could count the threats that are still lingering on one hand. The abduction of Quin, the threat of Omnipotentence arriving, and the mission itself. It may be over for him and his squad, but there were others still in that ship.

The bullets impacting the ship didn't make his headache go away either.

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In a hole...


Hexer would find himself in a simply storage outlet; shelves of rather caustic looking industrial solvents, some rather archaic-looking, manually operated sanitation apparatuses, and a bucket of what was hopefully at one point water. A single drop of that liquid would be capable of effectively ruining any article of clothing that it came in contact with, staining though layers and permanently applying a stench so powerful, no amount of cleanser could possibly return it to it's prior state.


The outlet seemed to lock from the outside, but with a little finesse and some guess-work, the General could possibly locate where the back of the electronic lock was and crack the door open. After that, entering would simply be a matter of combating the torrent of escaping air. It would probably be wise to get the group together before opening the door, allowing all to enter and the door to be shut behind.


On the navigation deck...


Azelie murmured in her unconscious rest as the nanites worked to remove and repair the burned skin.


"Hmm... Maggie, not so rough... Stop laughing Nish..." the Ember mumbled as her brow furrowed.


The group was now standing at the entrance to the navigations deck, a spacious room with massive windows and rows of terminals surrounding a massive holographic projector. Sadly, the primary navigational computer had been sabotaged and most of the terminals were smashed, which coupled with the stars moving past the windows, left no way of controlling the ship. But while the primary computer couldn't be salvaged, one of the rear terminals didn't seem to be as destroyed as the others.


Other than the group, the room was empty, and all other entrances had their pneumatic bolts locked in place. If they were to escape this room, they would need to find another way out.


Inside Vidic's Cichlid...


The blue lights of the holographic controls illuminated the layer of sweat on the Corpus Pilot's face as he worked tirelessly to prevent the ship from taking any worse of a beating as it was currently. He exhausted every maneuver he knew and diverted all non-essential energy towards the ship's afterburners and shielding, doing his damnedest to keep both himself and his passengers alive. 


A plodding missile banged against the east shutter-door, tearing it off of it's pneumatic guide-rail and revealing the ship's contents to the firefight outside. The environmental field held strong, preventing the passengers from being sucked out and keeping life-support inside the ship, but it wasn't defense shielding. Ordinance would pass through without any effort, endangering everyone aboard.


"Ytak! Ykip! Tuyk! Ah, yot-ot-a-tipyk!" Vidic cursed in his native language, adrenaline coursing though his veins with renewed vigor as his fingers scrambled across the interfaces, diverting shield-strength to covering the new hole in the hull as emergency inner-shields activated and separated the cockpit from the passenger area to protect the pilot. 


The once dulled explosions now rang out with full volume, bright light flooding into the Cichlid and washing out the red, emergency lighting. Rounds capable of piercing ship plating collided violently with the weakening proto-shielding, threatening to tear the ship in half.


They may not be inside the Cargo Freighter anymore, but they were far from safe.

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"..." Duo had finally gotten over the one track mindedness of getting through the vent and to the deck to see what was right in front of it: rows of disappointment. All of the terminals (save one) were obviously not going to be any help. It's breathing became more labored and aggravated the longer reality took to settle in. The claw-like edges on the armors fingertips were drawing blood from its host's tightening fist.

Duo felt feral rage building in what counted as its heart. "Nearly burned alive...and we only get—" before it started another rampage Duo heard Azelie regaining consciousness. It promptly walked over and pimp slapped her. "Rise and shine Matchstick, we might need you to melt something" though privy to her potential as an Ember, getting whatever they could and out was more important. Bloodied fingers pointed to Nium "You, that one terminal still looks like it works, use your computer skills and suck that thing dry"

Not thinking of the command being either ill received or open-ended, it pointed to Ghostar "You, either help me wake her up or help Nium"

Edited by Exoteran
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In a hole...


Hexer would find himself in a simply storage outlet; shelves of rather caustic looking industrial solvents, some rather archaic-looking, manually operated sanitation apparatuses, and a bucket of what was hopefully at one point water. A single drop of that liquid would be capable of effectively ruining any article of clothing that it came in contact with, staining though layers and permanently applying a stench so powerful, no amount of cleanser could possibly return it to it's prior state.


The outlet seemed to lock from the outside, but with a little finesse and some guess-work, the General could possibly locate where the back of the electronic lock was and crack the door open. After that, entering would simply be a matter of combating the torrent of escaping air. It would probably be wise to get the group together before opening the door, allowing all to enter and the door to be shut behind.


Hexer let out a squeak of delight when he found the door. He wondered why there was a window, and how the hell it survived the railgun blast, but who cared? There was a door, and inside it, precious respite room! Though that bucket did look rather dodgy.

A few moments later, both Sab and Sebastian might have seen the General poke merely his head up. If not, they most certainly would have when he spoke.

"Hey guys, I found a door we could go into and rest for a bit!"

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Nium was still in the process of healing Azella, happy that the Ember was speaking. He was not happy about how Four straight up slapped her. The AI was just about to say they should find a terminal when the sound rang out like an old slapstick movie, inciting Four an eyeless glare from the Bot.


He didn't trust her, but the Trinity had a point. They had to access the terminal and fast, Nium was the best for the job. Several glaring seconds later the Bot slowly rose up, snatching his Soliac off the ground before looking at Ghostar.


"I'm fine on my own, Ghostar help take care of Azelia."


Turning around he quickly sprinted off to the one working terminal, placing his whip into its holster before accessing the hardware.





Sab's head snapped to Hexer, flipping around in mid air to look at him. She had to get the most important question out of the way first.


"Does the room have snacks?"

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Maxi looked at Arino, before signing. "I doubt either of us are 'wanted'. That was simply a warning not to do that again. If you want to get into that dojo, we can find another way in." She said.


Ghostar looked at Duo before looking at Nium, and then back at Duo. "I think Nium has that handled. I'll help you awaken Azelie." He got up, and went over to her. He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her violently. "Come on, we all need to be awake for us to get out of here." He said.

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Hexer's mention of the bucket sparked an idea in the Valkyr's mind. It was sick, twisted, inhumane and completely psychotic, but it was an idea. One could tell the horridness of a Sab's idea by the length of its grin, and this one went cheek to cheek.


If this didn't work she could finally toss it away on the premise of being completely dead.


"Still not as good as snacks, but it'll do."

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"Grab Sebastian and come down here. Also, be careful, the room is probably still pressurized, so it might attempt to launch us into space. Or spill stuff over us, I don't know. Either way, I'll try and make a start on getting it open." Without another word, the General ducked back down, went back to the door and started looking immediately for a way to open it, starting with attempts at hacking and hoping the terminal was still connected to power. If that failed, he would try manually jury rigging it. If that failed, he'd get a Tenno to do it.

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Inside Vidic's Cichlid...

The blue lights of the holographic controls illuminated the layer of sweat on the Corpus Pilot's face as he worked tirelessly to prevent the ship from taking any worse of a beating as it was currently. He exhausted every maneuver he knew and diverted all non-essential energy towards the ship's afterburners and shielding, doing his damnedest to keep both himself and his passengers alive.

A plodding missile banged against the east shutter-door, tearing it off of it's pneumatic guide-rail and revealing the ship's contents to the firefight outside. The environmental field held strong, preventing the passengers from being sucked out and keeping life-support inside the ship, but it wasn't defense shielding. Ordinance would pass through without any effort, endangering everyone aboard.

"Ytak! Ykip! Tuyk! Ah, yot-ot-a-tipyk!" Vidic cursed in his native language, adrenaline coursing though his veins with renewed vigor as his fingers scrambled across the interfaces, diverting shield-strength to covering the new hole in the hull as emergency inner-shields activated and separated the cockpit from the passenger area to protect the pilot.

The once dulled explosions now rang out with full volume, bright light flooding into the Cichlid and washing out the red, emergency lighting. Rounds capable of piercing ship plating collided violently with the weakening proto-shielding, threatening to tear the ship in half.

They may not be inside the Cargo Freighter anymore, but they were far from safe.

"Doors blown out, find some form of cover!"

"Avoid being caught in the line of fire!" Belrev said, as his helmet materialized over his exposed head. "Kage, bunker down!" Belrev's strained voice boomed, sending the armored Kubrow into cover.

Dragging Vandal behind the wall of the Cichlid, Belrev breathed heavily.

He took a small peek outside, before leaning back into cover. What he saw was complete chaos.

The light was blinding to his eyes, even if he did have the helmet on. Not to mention the ear splitting explosions that threatened to make him deaf. It took him a few seconds to readjust his vision and hearing, but even then his eyes still watered from the light.

He can only hope that they survive the trip back home.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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If Hexer had seen what was going on, he probably wouldn't have thought 'why the hell do people think I can see everything going on? I'm not that good?' Because if he had seen what was going on, he wouldn't have a reason to.
But since he didn't he also didn't think it. Because he was still working on the panel.


Not to mention he probably wouldn't have caught Sebastian in the first place. Inertia is a *@##$.

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