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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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The heavy footsteps could be heard trudging along through the halls of Donn Waystation, a bit of grumbling being heard from a helmeted head upon somewhat broad shoulders. It was mostly unintelligible, save for a few key phrases such as: "What do you mean 'modifying it further could be catastrophic and dangerous.' Hmph, we'll see how catastrophic it is when you've got a couple extra jets added to you. Unauthorized length my !, my shotgun'll be as short as I want it to be." Of course, none of these "threats" could be called based in reality. Or even threats for that matter.


Aegia didn't even know where to find jets that would fit onto a hammer.


Yes, this was Aegia, a Rhino. A female. Rare, but not unheard of. Slimmer frame, no telltale Rhino codpiece, contours, all that jazz. Whatever jazz was. She sighed as she entered the main lounge area of the waystation itself. The smell of cheap Corpus knock off cigars could be smelled from a dim corner where businessmen performed whatever shady transaction that would benefit them. At least the air filter in her helmet was working. A bar with what looked like a human chew toy experiment gone wrong among other things, the halls leading away towards the various services the Waystation offered. Coming to a stop and looking around, Aegia wondered exactly what she would do to kill time as she waited on her Liset's drop pod to be fixed. It didn't exactly like to magnetically hold her in place any more, much to her dismay when it left her stranded on an exploding Corpus ship for about a half an hour. So after a few snide comments and banter about it possibly having to do with her weight -which is completely fine mind you- she was here killing time while they replaced the entire pod.


But Aegia wasn't exactly focused on how the repairs were going right now, as she began to make her way over to the bar. The lone figure there had caught her eye, namely because she looked like she'd been through hell and back. A couple strides later and the Rhino was sitting down on a barstool to the right of the mangled Grineer female. "You know, I heard alcohol is a good disinfectant but it only works if you're putting it on you, not in you. You should really get some medical attention." Aegia frowned under her helmet. "Replacing the lost blood with booze doesn't work, at least not on a Tenno. I don't know what the hell Tyl Regor's been up to, but if those are the new strides in gene molds, then we might just see more drunk Grineer." Aegia looked up, trying to imagine how that would look, an injured Grineer Trooper hastily uncorking a bottle of vodka and downing it. Emergency first aid stations would just be a bunch of taps that dispense draft beer. It made her giggle a bit.


It wasn't that Aegia was insensitive to whatever had happened to this particular individual, it was that humor was far easier for her to communicate through. Sure, she could have been incredibly serious about the whole situation, but that was less likely to get through to someone like this. If you're missing an arm, you definitely need something to lighten the mood.

Or at least another arm.

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A couple strides later and the Rhino was sitting down on a barstool to the right of the mangled Grineer female. "You know, I heard alcohol is a good disinfectant but it only works if you're putting it on you, not in you. You should really get some medical attention." Aegia frowned under her helmet. "Replacing the lost blood with booze doesn't work, at least not on a Tenno. I don't know what the hell Tyl Regor's been up to, but if those are the new strides in gene molds, then we might just see more drunk Grineer." 




The battered pilot's head slightly tilted upward to face the unwelcome intruder of her personal space with a scowl capable of peeling the hull off a Galleon. Her orange irises pierced straight through the Rhino's helmet, and flecks of red mixed in with the sea of black that was her scleras only confirmed that this woman had definitely been to hell and back. Her hair was somewhat scorched and unkempt - blown back forcefully -, soot and small burns revealed themselves on what was visible of her face, and the tattered remains of her bodysuit was synonymous with members of Steel Meridian.


"Stomp off, 'Tin-man'. If I wanted medical advice, I wouldn't have scared off the first nurse that tried to help me," the woman growled, voice seeping with hardly controlled rage. Her left hand gripped the shot-glass harder, the glass creaking as it was strained. It was clear that this Grineer was in no mood for humor.


"Bad ide~a!" the Nova Specter singsonged as she skipped past. The staff nearby began to stir with discomfort as well, all definitely in agreeance that disturbing the volatile individual was a terrible lapse in judgement. 

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Not exactly the response Aegia had expected... Well, honestly she didn't know the response she'd expected. But it certainly wasn't that. She tilted her head to the side, now more curious as to just what had happened that landed her here. So she decided to pry, certainly not one of her better judgement calls, but since when did good ideas ever get her anywhere? "Alright, alright. Not gonna try and help. I hear war-torn is the 'in' look these days anyway." She drummed her fingers against he countertop, thinking silently for a moment before ordering a drink, something light, mixed, and fruity, that kind of thing. "So what exactly happened to you, hm?" The Tenno asked, leaning her back against the bartop, watching the specter skip merrily by, rolling her eyes. She knew it was a bad idea, of course.


Aegia just really really couldn't let something go if it piqued her curiosity. Besides, what else was she gonna do to kill time? This was far more interesting than messing around with the dueling simulations.

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Not exactly the response Aegia had expected... Well, honestly she didn't know the response she'd expected. But it certainly wasn't that. She tilted her head to the side, now more curious as to just what had happened that landed her here. So she decided to pry, certainly not one of her better judgement calls, but since when did good ideas ever get her anywhere? "Alright, alright. Not gonna try and help. I hear war-torn is the 'in' look these days anyway." She drummed her fingers against he countertop, thinking silently for a moment before ordering a drink, something light, mixed, and fruity, that kind of thing. "So what exactly happened to you, hm?" The Tenno asked, leaning her back against the bartop, watching the specter skip merrily by, rolling her eyes. She knew it was a bad idea, of course.


Aegia just really really couldn't let something go if it piqued her curiosity. Besides, what else was she gonna do to kill time? This was far more interesting than messing around with the dueling simulations.


The woman produced an exasperated growl as she returned her forehead to the counter. All she had wanted to do was enjoy some peace and quiet and get hammered while she licked her wounds until she either passed out or couldn't feel anything anymore. She was a critically injured being, not a damn toy to be played with to kill time.


"That's a story I ain't in the mood to tell," she barked, glancing at the offending Tenno out of the corner of contempt filled eyes. Her grip intensified, a crack shooting up the side of the glass as her arm tremored slightly with building rage. Those nearby shifted uncomfortably, fearing what could possibly become of the situation.



As for her drink, the kitchen wasn't really a bar. Any drinks would be self-service, though not much alcohol was kept on the station, even less for public access. Usual guests were pilots after all, and everyone knew that alcohol and piloting shouldn't mix and don't do so well. 


The bottle of 'Napalm: Grineer Cinnamon Whiskey' that the battered Grineer pilot was drinking was actually a gift to the staff from Milton to celebrate the end of the shift. Mostly everyone knew this, but they weren't about to incur the Grineer's wrath.


That, and Milton insisted it was alright; the heart of gold he possessed big enough to be capable of understanding the enraged stranger's hurt.

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Under her helmet, Aegia could only roll her eyes, producing a silent sigh as she stood. "If you say so." To top it all off, she couldn't even get a drink here. Why did she have to figure out the problem with her Liset here of all places in the system. It was just, so... Irritating. She wasn't the kind of Tenno to not be doing something. When she wasn't busy with something, it made her anxious, when she was anxious, she thought about a lot of things, a lot of those things were the kind she didn't exactly want to think about. She gave a little half wave to the battered Steel Meridian woman and the staff she'd be leaving. Though it was less a wave and more of a flourish of her hand as she made her way out.


"What to do, what to... Do." She spoke aloud to herself. Docking bay? No, she'd probably just get in the way of important repair-y things going on there. Though when she had arrived, they looked like they were just lounging around... Maybe they'd be up for conversation! Aegia's mood was instantly brightened up once more now that she had something to look forward to (hopefully). Plus, the jaunty tune over the PA put a spring in her step, and she couldn't help but walk along to the beat. Such a small incident couldn't get her down, she was like, the happiest Rhino she knew.

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Souna is only mildly surprised that the young woman does not take the Ash's hint seriously. The severity of what it means to be a Tenno is not a gift, but reward for hard work, and it takes time to achieve this. She takes the man's word that she will learn it when her time comes. 

But what she really wonders at is the calm, analyzing gaze the girl appraises her with. Curiosity, gumpiness because of the teachery advice, or even boredom would not have surprised her, but a young one, with negligable experience, watching her surroundings like this? That does make Souna a little uneasy, and form hazy theories about where it might come from. That girl being a Specter, though, is none of them.


"Exactly." She agrees with Gaius' words about neutral territory, shaking her head slightly when he asks for her occupation here.

"No, I do not think I would fare well as a member of organisatory staff, nor would it put my primary expertise to use. I am simply interested in buying an individualized piece of equipment from a specialist. When clanless, one can not hesitate to use the assets given by non-Tenno as well." This time, she is not that dismissive towards the "non-Tenno", cedeing them their own strengths and advantages, from which she is trying to profit.


Meanwhile, Nisha's clone had walked off. Souna just looked at her in the distance, until she disappeared from sight shortly after. Strange. Souna can not recall seeing children that happily toying around. She can not recall having behaved that way herself. Often, memories come back to her one bit at a time when prompted, only to fade away again. This time, there is nothing. Just young faces filled with childish disapproval, grumpy refusal or forced discipline. The more they aged, the more genuine discipline and devotion became. Nothing of that is simliar to the girl, except for her desinterest in older Tenno's teachings. She remembers that all too well.

"I feel that she might not be easy to teach. The vivid ones are often the most stubborn. She has not been chosen to become Tenno until after her childhood, I recall?"

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A Hero’s Welcome


On the Donn Waystation’s docking ring, dock workers continued to lounge about and socialize since there wasn’t much work to be done. They were merely bidding their time until their respective shifts were over.


Until a pair of transport ships docked on the ring. The mood changed on the ring, as if something bad was going to happen the moment the pneumatic ramps came down. Conversations ceased as workers climbed down from their perches, an uneasy silence falling over the area.


Emblazoned on the hulls of these civilian ships was the symbol of the Crimson Lotus: a stark white lotus with wilting petals covered in a spray of blood. The ramp lowered and several dozen clan members spilled out, a combination of Tenno and Tenno Sympathizers aligned with the clan’s cause all armed to the teeth. They immediately went to work taking over the station; ordering confused dock workers around and entering the center structure.


A volunteer, seeing the intruders, immediately reported to the senior member in charge. The Corpus was in the canteen, enjoying a merry conversation with the head surgeon, unaware of the trouble that had arrived on his doorstep.




The Perrin Sequence Partner – Donn Waystation’s patron – stepped onto the docking ring, flanked by a Tenno on one side and an operative on the other.


“What is the meaning of this? You didn’t hail us on our frequencies and this is an agreed upon truce zone. If you’re trying to pull a hostile takeover, know that you’re only making yourself an enemy of the Perrin Sequence, New Loka, and Tenno.” The aged Corpus stood rigid with an air that demanded authority. This was his station, and he’d be damned before he let it fall.


“Hostile takeover? Perish the thought…” echoed out from one of the transport ships. Stepping out from the darkness and onto the ramp, light glistened off the Tenno’s gilded trim. Like the other Tenno with the boarding party, he bore the insignia of the Crimson Lotus on his right shoulder, and the only weapon he carried that was visible was a pair of crossed Fang Prime that rested on the back of his waist. He was a Volt Prime, and the new right hand of the clan after their change in leadership.

“I had hoped that you would be a more gracious host, especially to a Tenno in need, a Prime no less,” the Volt tutted.


“Well forgive my manners,” the Corpus replied with a matter-of-fact tone, “But surely you must understand my dilemma. A Tenno boards my station with a squad of armed men and starts to order my men around, so what else am I to assume than the worst?” The two on either side of him flicked off their safeties, but did not dare raise their weapons. Nearby workers refused further orders as all attention on the ring was focused on the two leaders.


The Prime chuckled, “I assure you there exist much worse than a hostile takeover, but I’m not here for idle chit-chat.” The Volt Prime held out his hand, energy swirling and gathering in his palm as a screen manifested itself.


“Lower your guard Espera, they are not our enemies,” came the calculating tone of the Perrin Sequence leader.


The Corpus on the other side of the screen stiffened, his men confused and worried. Issuing a soft grunt of concession, the Partner lowered his head slightly, “As you wish, sir. What would you have me do to accommodate our new guests?”


“Listen to this one’s orders. Were it not for their clan’s scientists, we wouldn’t have the technology we have now. We are in their debt, and this temporary control over your station is the price they have named.”


The Partner raised his head and dismissed his men, who reluctantly left his side, “As you wish, sir.”


“Thank you, Espera. In the name of Profit.


In the name of Peace.” Espera spoke softly, completing the Syndicate’s mantra.


After this exchange, the screen dispersed. Again, the Volt chuckled, “I’m glad you understand your position.”


“Give your order,” the Partner stated flatly, cutting to the point directly.


The smile behind the Prime’s helmet faded. He had wanted to revel in this small victory longer, but he would get no satisfaction from this man. “Ships carrying wounded, but more importantly our technology are inbound. Let them land, and them alone. I want this entire station on lockdown until we sort out our little problem. No one gets in or out without my say so.”


“Then you shall have it,” the Corpus replied simply. He nodded to the workers, who reluctantly resumed taking orders from the Prime’s men. He then exited the docking ring, taking the lift up to his office and locking the door behind him.



“Exiting the rift in T-minus ten minutes and counting,” Vidic called out wearily over the comms. 

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"Understood. You did good Vidic." Belrev grunted with a small smile, helping up Vandal in the process. In just ten minutes, he would finally be able to relax. Relax without getting punched by a Bombard, or get his ribs injured by a cybernetic Grineer who fought just as good as him, maybe even slightly better. But then there is the array of other problems. Usual monitoring of his favorite psychotic assassin, or receiving messages from a entity that knows everything about him despite never meeting it. Or possibly getting scolded by a Trinity if there is one, for rejecting medical evaluations.


He is just stubborn pretty much, but hey. It's part of the charm.The charm that gained him a following of Insane Tenno who want to rip his organs out.


Perfectly fine.


"You three are getting to the infirmary first. Don't worry about me. I'll go last."

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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Vandal sighed and shook his head, pointing at Belrev and sticking up one finger saying that he should go first. Vandal only got his appendages blown off and his vocal cords damaged from a bullet, Belrev went through all kinds of hell. He needed the visit first.

Before the Station went in Lockdown, an active camouflaged Liset quickly got into the Station. It gently hovered over the Hanger's grounds. The Liset was grey in colour with a few olive green specks added here and there, like grass or plants. Nobody came out of it yet as it still hovered silently.

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"You are without a clan?" Gaius said, slightly shocked. Most Tenno were part of a clan, though some often go out on there own. But Souna seemed as though she would be a leader of a clan. To Gaius, this presented an entertaining challenge. "If you do not mind me asking, why do you detest groups, and why would they put your expertise to poor use?" Gaius was keen on expanding the members of his dojo. And he always had an eye for finding fantastic members.


When Nisha left, Gaius turned his attention to her, frowning as she passed. She was still so young, and passionate. She lacked respect for things, and believed herself to above so much. And it didn't help that Magdalene spoiled her so much. Giving her so many specters could only serve to to do more harm than good. "You are correct." He said to Souna. "She holds an almost insane amount of spirit, that's why we had her join in the first place. She is incredibly powerful, and very quick but she lacks any kind of refining, like an tempered metal. Capable of great things, but practically useless in its current state." Gaius knew that that sounded harsh, but he felt like he had to be. She was like a child, and he had no choice but to be something along the lines of a stern father. "We have tried to teach her discipline before, but she always resents us for it, and then our other Warleader coddles her for it, making it worse. I'm sorry I shouldn't be burdening you with all this, nor should I be defaming her. She is a valued member of our dojo and has helped us all through thick and thin." That statement was true in more ways than one. Hell, even Sebastian had found valued help from her in his pursuits.

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Belrev shook his head, and glared at the Ash. No matter what happens, his allies go first. For escape, survival, and recovery. 


"You, Silver, and Harley are going first. I'll be fine. Getting you three healed up is the objective for me."  Belrev countered.


"Your appendages were blown off, you can barely talk, and the Grineer beat us a bit. Silver's Warframe is practically on the verge of breaking completely, and his body is probably clawed all over. Harley went insane, and almost got herself killed."


"You three are going first. I'm sorry V, but that's what is going to happen. You three are my friends."


"And you three are going first."

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Aegia was just nearing the docking bay when she began to hear a bit of commotion. Granted, she didn't think anything was wrong until she started to have to shoulder her way past clan members. Clan members of what, she didn't know, or pay attention to as she made her way past them. They seemed to be in a hurry to do... Something or some other. She wasn't really interested, and they didn't seem too keen on stopping to talk either. All business it seemed. Eventually she would make her way into the docking bay to find quite the interesting sight before her, making her stop and tilt her head slightly as she took it all in. She'd just gotten the end of a conversation that she couldn't make out, between another Tenno, one of the fancy Prime ones. He was talking to one of those syndicates she'd heard about, Perrin Sequence, if she remembered right. There was a lapse, some murmuring, and then everyone around set back to work. Perhaps it would be best if she tried to stay out of the way for now.


Sure, that would be best, but Aegia liked other Tenno. And this Volt reminded her of an old friend, in frame alone. He seemed to be the one in charge of whatever was going on, couldn't hurt to ask what. With her mental reverie over, she started her way across the floor of the docking bay, straight towards the Volt Prime. She did her best to look as non-threatening as possible -though it was a bit hard to do so when armed as she was- she'd been on the receiving end of a shock from jumpy Volt's before, and it wasn't something she wanted to repeat.


"So, what's with the small army? I'd figure someone like you wouldn't need all this backup for... Whatever it is you're doing." She glanced upwards under her helmet. Perhaps it wasn't the best greeting. She extended her hand out to her fellow Tenno. "A pleasure to meet you."

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"So, what's with the small army? I'd figure someone like you wouldn't need all this backup for... Whatever it is you're doing." She glanced upwards under her helmet. Perhaps it wasn't the best greeting. She extended her hand out to her fellow Tenno. "A pleasure to meet you."

I assure you I'm not trying to pick on you, but you're just talking to all the mean people, Starn. Pwease don't hate me ;w;


The Volt Prime glanced at the offered hand as if the Rhino was trying to offer him a handful of Skate offal. So, pretty much Skate meat in general.


"That's...wonderful for you," the Prime paused as he brushed the offending hand aside, "Look, I'm far too busy to deal with the likes of you. Why don't you do me a favor and go bother someone less important, hmm?"


Without waiting for a reply, the Volt stepped away from his lesser kin, approaching a couple of engineers to bark at them for standing idle and not refueling his ships.

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Seeing Gaius' disbelief upon hearing of her unbound state is something like a compliment to Souna. She knows that many people think of clanless Tenno as less focused, more shady or even less loyal than their vowbound brethren. Neither side of that image is completely correct, of course, but to create an image with the desired effect, one needs to know the assumptions rooted in society. Gaius' reaction basically proves to her that she appears the way she wants to.

"To my very dismay, the dojo I attended before my stasis has not been rediscovered yet." This is not a lie. She had many unfinished buisnesses with people in her old home. Some of which unpleasant, some of which honorable, some neither.  

"It is not that I detest groups, or look down on managing staff. I simply have not pledged my entire life to the Tenno ways to now spend time sitting behind a desk." Her voice gains a certain sharpness with these words. Apparently, this vow and the "Tenno ways" - whatever those might be for her - are of utmost importance to her, signaled by a little tension in her arms and her back as well.


As Gaius talks about Nisha again, Souna listens carefully, most of his words confirming her first impressions. However, she still chooses her words very carefully now. She neither wants to appear to criticise their clan's education practices, nor give away too much of her own former superior's methods. Both agreeing and disagreeing with Gaius' opinion about the girl bears high risks, so she simply does neither.

After she had chosen her words, she used the resulting pause to check her inbox for messages with just a flick of two fingers, no necessity to release her folded hands in front of her belly. The rushing in and out of the canteen hinted at that new ships had arrived, and maybe the one she was waiting for was one of them. But, disappointment again. Most certainly she will not contact this man again. 

"The older a Tenno is when chosen by the Void, the harder it is for them to embrace the rules you must obey to master our gift. The more she gains before, the more she has to lose afterwards. I do not envy her for what lies ahead of her. The road was not easy back in the times of war - and I dare not claim it has become easier now."

Edited by ArrexDrandko
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He sighed and raised his arms up in the air. He then looked at him and put up four fingers. All four of them need healing and not even one person was going to be last. Vandal should be the last and not Belrev in his opinion. It was about time Vandal done something selfless.

He looked his friend dead in the eye, and after a few seconds, he simply sighed. This was a battle he was NOT going to win. To see that another Tenno was similar to him and yet so different brought back words from those he loved most. It reminded him that he should not push away others, but invite them in. He is still like that to this day. But change is good...
Isn't it?
'You don't have to be alone littlest brother. You will need help, and when you do...we will be the first to be there.'
'I love you with all my heart Bel. But you need to know that pushing away the ones you love, is not a good thing.'
'Hey little bro. Remember what the word FAMILY means? It means people who help each other. Who care for each other. Let us do that for once, and not be on the receiving end of being pushed away.'
'You still believe that I can be turned, don't you? Thank you darling. We might be on opposite sides, but if no one else can help you...then I will.'
'Your my best friend B, of course I will be there. But you have to let people help you,. You don't need to face things alone.'
All those sentences, those words of pure love and genuine caring, echoed in his mind. His brothers, his true love, his best friend, his friend slash enemy. 
With a look to the Ash in front of him, Belrev smiled. A small one. But it showed genuine acceptance and companionship.
"Alright. We'll go together. All of us."
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I assure you I'm not trying to pick on you, but you're just talking to all the mean people, Starn. Pwease don't hate me ;w;

"That's...wonderful for you," the Prime paused as he brushed the offending hand aside, "Look, I'm far too busy to deal with the likes of you. Why don't you do me a favor and go bother someone less important, hmm?"

Without waiting for a reply, the Volt stepped away from his lesser kin, approaching a couple of engineers to bark at them for standing idle and not refueling his ships.

Don't worry, I'm perfectly aware of that c:

Aegia glanced at her hand, then over her shoulder as the Prime Volt walked briskly away from her. 'What is WITH everyone on this station?!' She wondered silently to herself as she watched the rather rude Tenno go about his business. Though she really should have expected a Prime to act as such. If they weren't wallowing in self-pity, they were being rude. She sighed and shook her head.

She really wanted the repairs to her ship to be finished. But with this "new management" she doubted that it'd ever be done. She sat down on a nearby piece of hull, using it as an impromptu bench, resting her chin on the palm of her hand and watching the workers mill about.

"Did everyone suddenly get angrier in just a year, or am I just that bad to talk to?"

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He smiled and gave a small chuckle, giving a thumbs up before leaning against the cold wall of the Cichilid. He'd finished his missions, one failed and the other succeeded. He didn't know what one was more important.

"What are you planning to do after your recovery in the Infirmary? Besides recovering of course." He asked, slumping down and sitting against the wall. 


He pointed to his wrist and made a gesture of typing.



"As for Me? A drink, Food, a checkup on her, and just lounging around."

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Fulgurus finished his food, took every trash he left and took everything to the trash can, or at least it looked like it.

He sighed and walked back to the hangar.

There he saw everyone working on two ships which weren't here, when he was in the hangars. He looked around and saw some people who weren't here before too.

But, only one heavily armored person (Rhino) draw his attention to him/herself.

He walked to him/her and asked,

"Hello, is something wrong?"

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But, only one heavily armored person (Rhino) draw his attention to him/herself.

He walked to him/her and asked,

"Hello, is something wrong?"

The Rhino opened her eyes, somebody was addressing her. She looked around, before looking up at the figure inquiring about her. She was half-tempted to check to see if she was dreaming, as this was the first friendly person she'd met on this station.

Aegia shook her head and sighed. "I appreciate the concern, but everything's quite fine. I'm just a bit bored is all, that, and whatever it is they put in the water here makes some angry individuals." She chuckled softly. "My name is Aegia, it's a pleasure to meet you."

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At her words, Gaius let out a loud laugh. "I am offended, Miss Souna. Do I truly appear to you as someone who sits behind a desk all day? What if I told you that there are dojo's that spend most of their time out in the field, perfecting themselves in the way of the Tenno?" Gaius eased into an inviting smile, folding his arms and leaning back. With just a laugh, the formal atmosphere had lifted off of him at least, and he felt far more relaxed now. "I am very well versed in the ways of the Tenno and how to pursue them, and as a Maxim for Arbiters of Hexis, know the importance of them as well. And we do it without any pencil pushing." Gaius was enjoying himself, probably a bit too much. Announcing himself as a Maxim was probably going too far, especially in a Perrin space station, though most members of Perrin already knew this.


Gaius let out a sigh and gave a soft smile. "Your words are true, and perhaps we should change our approach, but it's all the more reason to instill these teachings in her now. The age in which she became a Tenno was a very inopportune one. Where it so that she changed when younger or changed when much much older, she would be wise beyond her years." Gaius reflected on all he had tried with her, and all that she had gone through when joining their dojo. "I think now is an even more difficult time for such young Tenno. There is so much uncertainty these days, far more than there was back in the war. So many decisions and so much mystery is going to be difficult for one such as her. But again, this stresses the importance of the matter even more."

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He chuckled from her joke about water and said,

"Can't really say anything about the water, haven't tried it yet. Maybe that's why I'm still in a mood."

After that, he politely bowed to her and adressed himself,

"I'm Fulgurus."

He crouched in front of her, but kept his distance, to try and make this conversation as less awkward as possible.

"It's actually nice to meet someone who can talk back."

He smiled under his hood.

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Souna smiles a little bit, simply because he misunderstood her and still keeps a good mood. People like him are pleasant to be around, after all she is not enjoying quarreling, despite what some people think of her and her rigid mindset. With a small, opening gesture, she answered his enjoyably elaborate question. Too bad her mimics are hidden, since she still wears her Cierzo-Helmet. She knows that now would be a great moment to make it dissipate, but having caught a glimpse of his curious and openly asking nature, she thinks that it would derail their conversation into less interesting topics and thus decides against it.

"You sure do not look like what you call a pencil-pusher, Mister Gaius. And I did not intend to claim such. I was still referring to your inquiry if I were managing a business, which is a work I would not in the direst of needs enjoy to do." 

"And I do know well of the practical nature of most dojos, although I must say that I am a rather sure there is some paperwork involved, simply to supply a clan with what is necessary to survive and live comfortably."


Souna's hands now and then change a little while talking, crossed fingers with palms upwards, or simply the palm loosely held together with straight fingers. Her gestures are minimal, rare and short, but since she lowers her hand after each of them, they are hard to overlook.


"I suspect you will ask, or think of asking, why I did not join a Clan right after awakening, and I will gladly answer to that: I was busy clearing out problems that arose with some unforeseen complications concerning my statis environment. Bringing myself, my equipment and thus my actionability back to at least decent levels was my top priority. As a man of honor and reputation, you will certainly understand that I would not step before a clan unless in reasonably flawless state." Although her voice was very elegant and wavered not, with her last words she unfortunately thinks back to her first few missions after reviving from the broken cryopod and her other ailments. They were very safe, low-risk-low-reward missions, and still she remembers how ashamed and infuriated she had been about her performance. Good thing that her helmet hides her blushing, though Gaius will probably be able to read her the movements of the visage as a slight look to the left and down - at least for a moment. Then she faces back at him. 


The gesture also makes her look around, and again notice how much the atmosphere around has changed. There are different things on peoples minds, a different mood, a different energy. She can feel it, like a smell crept into the room. An unpleasant one. Her hands separate and fall to the sides of her hips, where her pistols would be - were she not unarmed right now. That is, as unarmed as a avid practicioner of Tenno-hand-to-hand-combat can ever be. 

Edited by ArrexDrandko
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He chuckled from her joke about water and said,

"Can't really say anything about the water, haven't tried it yet. Maybe that's why I'm still in a mood."

After that, he politely bowed to her and adressed himself,

"I'm Fulgurus."

He crouched in front of her, but kept his distance, to try and make this conversation as less awkward as possible.

"It's actually nice to meet someone who can talk back."

He smiled under his hood.

The female Rhino sighed with relief, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. It wasn't her after all! She extended her hand to the hooded figure, smiling under her helmet.

"I'm glad to be able to have an actual conversation though! It seems like the whole time I've been here it's been very... Curt. Would be the nice way to put it." She shook her head. "I came here for some quick repairs to my ship, but now with that Volt in charge all the engineers are focused on everything but my ship. I don't think I'm gonna be leaving this place any time soon."

Edited by Starnsy_Warnsy
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