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Warframe - The Eye Era; A Warframe-Themed Tabletop Rpg (Update: A Little Bit Of Community Participation Inside)


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Alright, before I go any further I just wanna say this: that name, "The Eye Era", is still a WIP. I wanted something that I felt conveyed the period I've set this RPG in, and the best I could think of was "eye of the storm" - sadly, there's not actually a scientific name for "eye of the storm" that I could use to replace that.


That aside, onto the purpose of this post:


Greetings, my fellow Tenno!


I've been a big supporter of the Warframe game and community for going on two years now, and, moreso, I've been an avid fan of the universe and lore that DE has created for us to play in.  I wish there were MORE of it, but patience is a virtue - and, if that last stream can be trusted, we'll be seeing more VERY soon. I've also somehow found myself watching the RollPlay series on this linked channel for some reason (specifically Dark Heresy). Through the combination of these two things, and my own latent insanity, I've reached the decision to create exactly what the title promises: a Warframe-themed tabletop RPG.


Here's the jest of it:


Since we're currently so unsure about the physicality of the Tenno (or, I am, haven't finished the Stolen Dreams quest yet so I don't know what big thing got revealed there - no spoilers please) or even if they're able to speak or not (though we've all got our opinions on this), and just the general switching Warframes system likely being a nightmare to try and manage balance-wise, I'm taking this setting of The Eye Era in a direction that doesn't involve the Tenno:


Warframe the Eye Era is set in a time period years before the Lotus began awakening the Tenno and shortly after the conflict between the Corpus and Grineer has reached something of a ceasefire.  Tensions still remain between the two groups, many of the commanders of both sides are still deeply embittered to the other, but, for the time being, the leaders of both parties realizing that continued full-scale conflict serves neither of their purposes and so have called off the war.  This has resulted in a temporary pseudo-peace  called "The Eye Era".


Corpus, Grineer, and even Civilians operate together to further their own ends through cooperation, however reluctant that may be, with one another, but what these goals are and why these individuals were brought together - credits?, shared enemy?, commander gone rogue?, rumors of an "infestation" surfaced? - is up for you to decide.  The Tenno are a myth, the Corpus and Grineer reign unchecked, what will you find within the system?


Enter Origin, enter the Eye of the storm, and let your stories be known.




So, I'll just say this: this whole thing is nowhere NEAR being ready for prime time (heh, see what I did there?) so don't get your hopes up of me releasing this to the public (because I WILL be releasing this to the public once its done) anytime soon; but that's partially why I bring this up now.  You see, I'm looking for help on this project.




Now, to all you would-be fan fic writers out there: I'm sorry to disappoint you but I've already got all the writing help I'll be looking for with this project.  NearlyDedicated (creator of the Polemosomology thread of days gone by) and Tymerc (with whom I successfully predicted the Fish Pushers) have already been brought on as direction consultants.




So, as I'm sure you've already figured out by now, the kind of help I'm looking for is one of numbers balancing and system creation.  I've never actually played a campaign of any tabletop RPG in my life (hence the "for some reason" attached to the above Youtube link), and only have the briefest and barest of knowledge in creating working systems for such features as combat and character creation.




The above is an example of what I currently have to work with, so you can probably see why I'm asking for help.  I can create things that LOOK good, but in terms of practical feasibility?  I need a bit of a hand with those sorts of things.   So, I'm looking for someone who has a deeper understanding of such things to step forward and offer their services in helping me and my other associates create something massive and epic for the Warframe fandom to enjoy.


Because it's not about the why, it's about the why not!


If you're interested in helping out, say so below and post... I dunno, your experiences with RPGs?  What is wrong with the systems I currently have?  What you had for breakfast this morning?  Okay, so probably not the later, but something in regards to RPG systems that I could sort of use to gauge how beneficial to the project you might be is definitely needed.  This is a shot in the dark, I know, because I've got zero clue how many - if any - of you people out there might actually be able to help me, but, hey, better than nothing?


I look forward to seeing any applications for this that may come.


I'll see you in Origin, Tenno.

Edited by Morec0
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I played Warhammer back in the day, but I can't say I have much expertise beyond simply using a system like that. I'd be glad to lend any sort of assistance I can though.


I'd check out One Page Rules, the stuff there is generally pretty simple and could give you an idea of what to work with. That's more for the tabletop gaming side of things, if you're leaning more towards pen-and-paper roleplaying I can't offer as much help, though you could check out d20, which is one of the more basic/well known systems.

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Hi Morec, just like vaugahn said, d20 is a very good system, i would particularly say d20 modern, as it takes on all type of futuristic adventures, and combat with futuristic fire arms in comparison to regular DnD.  Now looking at the list of weapons you put, remember that players have to keep track of of their weapons work and how to apply damage, ranges and all that, so combat systems are usually very streamlined, because when you get players you will realize there are those who love combat and those who love storytelling, mostly depends on the group, well whatever you decide, good luck.


If you need help getting into the d20 system or just need some references to it, let me know, my experience playing DnD was just a couple years but discussing game mechanics and adventure scenarios with my brother (who is a DM) is something  I still do.

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I played Warhammer back in the day, but I can't say I have much expertise beyond simply using a system like that. I'd be glad to lend any sort of assistance I can though.


I'd check out One Page Rules, the stuff there is generally pretty simple and could give you an idea of what to work with. That's more for the tabletop gaming side of things, if you're leaning more towards pen-and-paper roleplaying I can't offer as much help, though you could check out d20, which is one of the more basic/well known systems.


Hi Morec, just like vaugahn said, d20 is a very good system, i would particularly say d20 modern, as it takes on all type of futuristic adventures, and combat with futuristic fire arms in comparison to regular DnD.  Now looking at the list of weapons you put, remember that players have to keep track of of their weapons work and how to apply damage, ranges and all that, so combat systems are usually very streamlined, because when you get players you will realize there are those who love combat and those who love storytelling, mostly depends on the group, well whatever you decide, good luck.


If you need help getting into the d20 system or just need some references to it, let me know, my experience playing DnD was just a couple years but discussing game mechanics and adventure scenarios with my brother (who is a DM) is something  I still do.


Thanks to both of you for the links and suggestions, I'll be sure to check them out to develop the whole system further.


As for your feedback in particular, pave: I wanted to maintain the feel of the weapons as they are in-game, especially those weapons that have more unique mechanics to them. The way I see it, personally, if the players want to really get in-depth with the combat events they can pick up something like the Buzlok or the (not pictured) Stug, whereas if they just sort of want to "eh, let's get this shooting over with" they can grab something straight-forward like the Karak, Grakata, or the (also not pictured) Marelok.


Though your statements on being able to return weapon details ARE valid points, I've got sort of examplified character sheets in the total document, though Inventory is listed on the first sheet I' can easily make room for further notes on the second. Like I've said, I've got no experience with this sort of thing, so I don't know how annoying it may get for players to have to check back at notes to know how their weapons work or not - though, I'd imagine if they're the people picking up these more mechanics-based weapons they're a little more okay with it.


Still, LOTS of number-tweaking IS needed, especially in range. In hindsight, 22 meters isn't that far for a gun.

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You can look in wikipedia for actual firearms, it usually is listed the effective firing range, in which you still can target apropiately, and the maximum firing range, which is the maximun distance a bullet can reach. Try and see which ones resemble the game and compare.


In the d20 system, firearms come with a range in which they can shoot with no penalty, it is the first firing range, I believe it would be equivalent to the effective firing range, there is a maximum of ranges increments you can use, but each one adds further penalties to your ability to shoot on target.

Edited by Pavelord
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Hello again forum, and thanks again Pave and Vaugh, the project is progressing nicely because of your assistance.


Anyway, as you may have read in the title, I'm looking for a little bit of community participation - though, really, I'm feeling lazy and looking for an easy way out.


As you can see in the final of the three images in the OP, based on what group within the Grineer you are aligned with your character is assigned a "Defect", these Defects are represented, Storywise, by augmentations and, mechanicswise, by Abilities unique to the Grineer that alter what they can do to some degree.


So, what am I looking for here? Well, aside from the group-specific defects there are going to be a handful of generic ones available to ALL Grineer, so what I'd like to see is a suggestion about what kind of Grineer Augmentation you'd think would be cool to see and a brief description of what it would do. Just remember: it needs to be something feasibly any Grineer could have.


I'm only looking for one, but if there are two I really like I'll probably just throw them right in.


I look forward to all, if any, suggestions. Chow.


*Sits back and beholds the apathy.*

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