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Difference between ammo on the floor


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Hi, i find really annoying just to randomly pass over a bunch of ammo hoping that one will be the one i need for my weapon.

Maybe a change on the ammo clips 3d model or their textures, maybe change the color of that yellow marker that let's you know that that's ammo.

I suggest that because i'm always in situations where i run out of ammo and then go sweeping the whole map, separating from my teammates, stepping on every little box with a yellow marker just to find that all of them are sniper ammo.

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Hi, i find really annoying just to randomly pass over a bunch of ammo hoping that one will be the one i need for my weapon.

Maybe a change on the ammo clips 3d model or their textures, maybe change the color of that yellow marker that let's you know that that's ammo.

I suggest that because i'm always in situations where i run out of ammo and then go sweeping the whole map, separating from my teammates, stepping on every little box with a yellow marker just to find that all of them are sniper ammo.

Agree whole heartedly. this was one of the first things i thought about while playing.

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yepp im thinking about the same "looking for ammo" issue.maybe it could be like in dead space,some kind of holo-text.but then obviously the devs should work on make the ammo icons for all of the weapons so idk...but would be nice

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Color coding would defintely be simple and not requiring any additional nomenclature within the given universe. There aren't that many ammo types either so it could also include slightly different shapes as well to suit particular weapon types (like slightly smaller containers for regular pistol ammo versus rifle or sniper ammo).

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Total agreement on the color-coding, it´s quick and simple, give them a glow if you want, makes the clips easier to find when all heck breaks loose.

Just make sure to use different enough basic colors, there are games out there that work with yellow and orange, makes it hard to differentiate.

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Another way to make ammo types stand out might be to make the ammo drops for the currently equipped weapon glow stronger than other ammo types.

I think this would be a better way to go. Decrease the golden glow effect on ammo you don't use (make it still visible, so you can identify it to other team members in case), and increase it if you're using a weapon that uses that ammo.

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I, in every single way, Would appreciate this being implimented in some form. The different colours is a nice idea. But perhaps the "Glow stronger when ammo for your currently equipped weapon is around" would be a good idea. Switching weapons would allow you to take stock of what ammo is where as thy change glows. At least I think that would be pretty handy!

I think this deserves it's own paragraph....With the pop-up text (borderlands-esque) It would break the kind of setup that warframe has in place right now. No single part of the UI/GUI is kind of ethereal and un-attatched from the screen. It's all well and firmly in place. So a popup text/icon indicating what ammo type it is would break the theme, unless it appeared in a little box somewhere on the screen. The only thing that is kind of against my statement, is that the window on the bottom right above ammo, does almost turn out like a door would. But it's still technically "attatched" to the screen.

Anyhow, that's just what I think. I am curious to see what you guys think as well...perhaps maybe even an admin/dev comment would be good too!

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This would be nice. Or they can just make the ammo universal. Or they can change whatever algorithms are in control so that it is more likely to drop the ammo you need, it is frustrating to have a bunch of sniper ammo laying around as my Braton is running on empty.

At the very least, changing up the look would be nice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guns only use 1 type of ammo, and when you are running dry its frustrating to run over countless packs of unused amunition to find the right type. I think it would be a huge quality of life update if the ammo used in your primary was blue and the ammo used by your sidearm green. Anythoughts?

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