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Sign If You Are Grateful For The Operation Rewards.


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I still don't understand why there is people mad at this, I think is great, I already have frost lvl30 and with reactor but who gives a sh!t that frost looks awsome plus it gives me something else to level up :D



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Yeah, I'm pretty happy with this outcome. I love my Frost, and the Prime version looks even cooler.


I just wish I didn't have to wait two weeks to get him. Hopefully we aren't talking about having to grind a tiresome boss like Kril for weeks to get his components like we did for original Frost.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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actually I represent the majority, you represent a small minority 

a potato or plat would make everyone happy, hence, it is a suitable reward


You keep saying that, but I've yet to see anyone other than you express legitimate disappointment in the rewards. Others have responded with critiques and areas in which the devs could have done better yes, but you seem to be the sole voice saying "these rewards are crap!". If that's your opinion then fine, but please don't presume to speak for the majority when the full extent of your reasoning seems to be, "'cause I said so".


If you want to prove you speak for a majority then please do so. Do not sit there and tell us we're wrong when you have provided nothing with which to legitimize your argument.




silent majority, I speak for many


Again, please prove this.

Edited by JerryMouse13
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I already have a regular Frost, Potato'd, @30.


I am so happy about this Frost Prime I could die. DIE! I love this event so much. Especially with how Primes are going to behave with the Orokin maps, it means i'm not stuck using a frame I dislike. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa So happy.


DE, please, more events like this. Ilu.

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Eh to be honest, I didn't need a reward. I love this game to death, even if i'm not a super badass it's so well done and put together it blows my mind. That being said, I am very very happy with the reward, i have frost already but can not wait to see what the prime is like compared to the base one. 

I do have one complaint though......because of this game, i have no idea what people are talking about at work the next day when they are discussing these tv shows they watch. All I know is sleep, work, and  warframe!

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I have to say I love the rewards we got! I have been wanting Frost for some time now, and now we have an even better Frost! It was an easyish goal, and i'm surprised so many people are unhappy to get free stuff. Guess ther will always be a few ungrateful people in every group. 

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I've called no one anything, save for it characterizing them to a tee.  And honestly, Thor, the things, and you know what things I'm talking about, that we've seen today are hardly constructive by any measure of the word.  


If I called anyone a spoiled imecile, it's because they are, not because they have a differing opinion.  I guess since disliking certain groups of people based primarily upon skin colour is a differing opinion from mine, then your message would seem to imply that it would be insulting and out of line to call the holders of this opinion racist?  


No.  We call people names because that's what they are.  I'm sorry, but some of the opinions I've seen today, like the racist opinions that open people to justly be called racist, open some members of this community to be called spoiled imbeciles.


At least we know that you're on our side since, you know, you posted here instead of sending a PM.


Also, I hope that you invite this challenge instead of suppressing it.  


First: Yes, I am pleased with the event rewards.

Second: I don't disagree that a lot of the feedback has been less than constructive, but that isn't reason to dismiss everyone who was unhappy about the event - I've seen a lot of good ideas for future improvements, less "OMG EVENT SUCKED DE IS THE WORST" and more "Overall well done, but future events might look at X and Y". I hope you'll agree that the latter is something that DE appreciates and that needs to be encouraged.

Third: There is a vast difference between calling someone a racist and calling someone a spoiled imbecile. In fact, the latter could be said to fall under the category of intolerance that racism promotes.


I know what you're trying to accomplish with the thread and I do approve of the general idea, but denigrating everyone who wants to give constructive advice for future events is not the way to go about it.

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I wouldn't go as far as calling someone "imbeciles", but this has my signature because :


I'm grateful -- to say the least -- for this big surprise. I didn't expect anything...100 000 credits was one part, but an exclusive Prime Frame?! Are you kidding me? Never would have thought of that.



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Signed. Cheers DE.


Can we please have more events like this. It brought everyone together. Apart from the obvious fun of slaughtering the bad guys, I really enjoyed  the cryptic hints. Excellent stuff.


Really looking forward to update 8, and any other stuff you bring our way.


Also, can we please please please get a hint of the weapon Frost Prime is holding (looks like a sawn off Boltor) :)

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I'm a sucker for unique rewards, even if they're essentially just cosmetic.  Really appreciate the event rewards, especially the credits, since, while I've grinded my fair share, I'm not one of the people who was sitting on millions and millions of credits from pre-7.0.

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It's a Prime model, what is there for someone to say other than express gratitude to DE for it? If it's anything like Excalibur Prime, then it's likely that we'll only be seeing it given to Founders. Really, the only thing I, personally, have to grip on about is the fact that it doesn't come with a Warframe slot: but that's just me. This was a unique opportunity to get our hands on exclusive content. Anyone claiming that "Why X? It should have been Y!" while throwing around insults to DE might think that the reward wasn't suitable, but they aren't talking for the majority. I just hope they weren't discouraged by what happened in the regional chat today. I'm usually on EU West/East, but I hopped onto NA East when the progress bar was nearing 100% earlier today, just to see if a DE employee would say anything.


... I wish I never went there. I hope Steve didn't get a headache having to read through spam, lock the chat twice and ban troublemakers.

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