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Of All Warframes, Why Frost?


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My intuition tells me you know why. My intuition also tells me this reason was purposely left out of your three arbitrary examples. My only conclusion is that they used in game statistics to make their decision. Perhaps frost has the lowest retention rate of all frames. People who own him play less games with him. Its all a ploy to please less people so as a pyramid reward system where you need to feel bad for yourself first b4 you have the privledge of being rewarded.




AND YES FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY PLEASE CHANGE THE V SLOT ON EXCAL IT REALLY HURTS. If it werent for the fact he's all golden a beautiful, objectively is a massive nerf to Prime Excal. There are only two V mods and reach isn't that usful on him concidering contunuity makes his q go longer not reach.


 Your intuition guides you wrong. I get 0 special treatment as far as details goes. I'm only here to enforce the rules. I had no idea Frost Prime was the reward, in fact I thought it was the Engineer Frame until popping back into the forums about an hour ago.

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My thoughts are that they will slowly release different prime frames during special events or for plat. The reason why I think they released frost is not because of who he is but what role he takes. What I mean is my theory is based around the idea that they release primes in order of type of frame, offensive(Excal), defensive (frost), stealthy(loki, ash, etc), and utility(nyx, banshee, etc).


Just my thoughts on primes based on no facts at all.

Edited by wolfenstian
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I'd have ventured it'd be a better idea to release a few Prime weapons at once, or a new set of alternate helmets. That way, you've got a higher chance of giving each player something they enjoy using. As it stands, in my case at least, I think the Frost Prime blueprint will be accumulating dust in my Foundry for many, many months to come. It's nice and all, and I'm grateful for the fact that DE's basically given us this warframe BP for free (minus the inevitable farming to get its parts), but I, like many other players, I suspect, don't like Frost simply because it doesn't suit our play style.


That said, I think the extermination event was a really cool idea, and props to DE for pulling it off, as basic as the implementation was. These sort of things shepherd the community together and adds a sense of unity of purpose. However, it might be a good idea, in the future, to look for rewards that are more appreciable by a larger portion of the playerbase. I know you can't please everyone, but you can hit a larger percentage. Of course, this statement doesn't take into account the theory that DE's working to make Prime versions of everything.

Edited by SilentCynic
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 As soon as I saw what it was, I wondered a few things.  Even added to a topic about what I considered.


 It started just like this thread basically, with why Frost.


 Was he the most played?  Was he the most often completed warframe?  Was he the frame owned by most players?  Was he the one that was finished?  Was he the one that while drawing Frost they came up with two ideas and joked that one of the ideas was prime?


 It could have just been luck that picked Frost.  What I really started wondering more then any of the previous ideas is, why wasn't it a choice of some sort?  If people didn't want Frost, could there have been some other option in any way?


 I think the situation that would have reduced complaints the most, and pretty much eliminated any legitimate complaints would have been if they could have offered a choice of any frame to become prime.  If people could have chosen their own, then people complaining would have been absolutely full of it.

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Hey guys,


I'm making this thread because of curiosity.


I'm confused as to why Frost, of all things, got a prime version, it's not like Frost is the most popular Warframe out there, he's not iconic (as far as I know).

Excalibur Prime makes sense, he's the 'poster boy' of Warframe, and is a starting 'Frame.


Frost just seems like an odd choice. Many players, myself included, don't like frost at all, which makes Frost Prime a bit of an underwhelming reward. (this would happen with any Warframe, there would always be someone who doesn't like it)

Don't get me wrong though, I'm not complaining to DE, it's a free gift, so I would never complain about it.


I'm just wondering why Frost of all things, got himself a Prime version.

(my opinion would be different if the Prime version has new abilities, we'll just have to wait and see)


What are your thoughts on the subject?

Maybe it was a hint from Devs to you Frost haters that you should use Frost? Every decent group needs a Rhino or Frost... and Frost > Rhino.

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maybe i've been a tad passive-aggressive but i feel like if you're making a new thread you're obligated to have a better reason then "well i wanted this frame!"


I didn't make the thread? LOL

Just chiming in that I agreed with the OP's sentiment. Although there would be unhappy people no matter what frame they choose to prime *shrug*

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I didn't make the thread? LOL

Just chiming in that I agreed with the OP's sentiment. Although there would be unhappy people no matter what frame they choose to prime *shrug*

i'm aware that you didn't make the thread. guess my use of "you" is kind of S#&$ty. 

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So I was complaining about how we got Frost Prime before... Then I found this gem:




I take back whatever negative things I have ever thought about Frost!! ALL PRAISE OUR SMEXY TOP FRAME! 





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Probably chose Frost because he's probably one of the more balanced frames currently ',' almost all the frames have something broken in abilities at present, and the only thing I can picture that's wrong with Frost is maybe his 2 is a tad lackluster. But not nessisarily as bad as any other frame out there (Say, Ember or Nyx.)

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Ok, so you take popular frame, alot of people use and already maxed and... give us recoloured version with minor tweaks, that will also requre Reactor to intsall?


Why not just make it frost SKIN? Or Prime will sport new Unique skills, that wont drop anywhere?

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So I was complaining about how we got Frost Prime before... Then I found this gem:




I take back whatever negative things I have ever thought about Frost!! ALL PRAISE OUR SMEXY TOP FRAME! 





What I dislike about alot of Warframe fanart - effing messy long hair under the helmet. In reality that would cause so much freaking pain to user XD

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they seem to be promoting a new "prime" class of frames overall, and have also discussed having warframe abilities usable by any frame. I imagine we will see mods and perhaps other things that are usable only with prime setup (sort of like the new paris mod doesn't work with other rifles)

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