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Warframe Concept: Galen, The War Surgeon (2/27/15, Minor Tweaks!)


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Just a concept that's been floating around in my head. I love trinity to death, but would like to be able to mix it up with a different healer (Sit down Oberon). No concept art because potatoes can't draw.  Kind feedback is, of course, appreciated. 



Name: Galen's name is taken from the fascinating Greek Physician, who...did stuff. 


Visual inspiration: I picture a merger of modern surgeons, mixed with the image of the Plague Doctors of old, though with more of a lean towards the modern practitioners of medicine. Actually, let's go full-on plague doctor. If anyone is moved to doodle something up, it would be MOST appreciated. 


The AWESOME member CruelCrow was willing to throw his hat in the ring with a rough sketch! Thanks dude!''





HEALTH: 150 (450 max)

POWER: 150 (225 max)


SHIELD CAPACITY: 75 (335 max)




AURA POLARITY:  D (Rejuvenation)




 1.  Clear - 25 energy

Galen emits a 5/6/7/10m radial shockwave that knocks enemies away and does 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 electricity damage  with a 100% chance to proc
Affected by strength mods

Augment: Shock Therapy
Radial blast now deals radiation damage and with guaranteed confusion proc.
2. Monitor- 50 energy


Galen ties himself to all nearby player controlled allies with heart-monitor styled energy beams for 7 / 9 / 12 / 15 seconds, providing healing overtime for allies and himself (10%/15%/20% of total health per second). Allies who go into bleedout while connected will trigger a Flatline, causing the beam connected to that payer to straighten and flash rapidly. Bleedout is slowed by 20%/ 25% / 35% / 45% while the Flatline is active. Allies cannot connect to Monitor while already in bleedout. 
Affected by range,and duration mods.

Synergy effect: If Clear is casted in range of a downed monitored ally, said ally will immediately be revived with 25% health, also effected by power strength.
Augment: Emergency
Casting Monitor again while a connected ally is downed will cause Galen to teleport to the downed ally. 
3. Aether- 75 energy


Galen throws a canister of gas which detonates and deals a single 150/250/350/450 gas damage tick within a 10/15/20/25 meter range. After the tick of damage the fog remains for 6/10/14/18 seconds and all enemies that remain within the radius are slowed and have their accuracy reduced.
Affected by range, strength and duration mods.

Synergy effect: If the cloud of gas is effected by clear, all enemies will take 50% total of Aether's damage as a panic inducing fire proc. Ends the duration of Aether. Not effected by mods.
Augment: Anesthesia
Aether no longer does damage. Instead it offers 20%/35%/50% Damage reduction for all allies that remain within the cloud. The interaction with Clear increases the range of the Electric proc to cover the Gas radius. 
4. Operating Room- 25 energy (toggle 10 energy per second)


Galen summons a circle with a radius of 10m (fixed) around himself that negates all status effects, completely replenishes the health and shields of all friendly targets and prevents enemies and their projectiles from entering the circle. Allies are unable to cause damage while inside the circle. 
Affected by Power range.

Synergy effect: Casting Clear while inside the circle replenishes 25% of allies total energy, not effected by power strength. Effect is limited to the circle. Clear's power cost also ignores efficiency mods while Galen remains in the circle.
Augment: Paramedic
Operating room's circle follows Galen as he moves, maintaining the same properties. 
Edited by (PS4)spider59234
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This frame is acutally incredibly balanced. We do need some more healing frames out there. Nothing similar to trin though with her blatant full restores. I like how this frame has a nice mix of offencive CC and healing. Kind of how Obiwan should have turned out.


Please make this happen DE! If I could draw, I would help further your concept :D

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Geez hopefully this Warframe Concept won't get lost like this one... https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/396042-%C2%BBwarframe-concept%C2%AB-wendigo-the-malevolent-spirit-art-included/


Don't even know if he's still editing or anything...this actually needs some attention IMO


Forgot to mention the most important part... I also dig this plague doctor concept

How about an ability called buboes --> aim at enemy, and enemy grows a cyst anywhere on its body. Once it explodes, it kills the host (depending on lvl of the enemy) and an AoE viral damage

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Geez hopefully this Warframe Concept won't get lost like this one... https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/396042-%C2%BBwarframe-concept%C2%AB-wendigo-the-malevolent-spirit-art-included/


Don't even know if he's still editing or anything...this actually needs some attention IMO


Forgot to mention the most important part... I also dig this plague doctor concept

How about an ability called buboes --> aim at enemy, and enemy grows a cyst anywhere on its body. Once it explodes, it kills the host (depending on lvl of the enemy) and an AoE viral damage


That's basically Saryn's first skill though, and honestly, I feel like making disease themed attacks sorta encroaches on her turf. He's a doctor, first and foremost and in my mind is most concerned about healing. But a set of augments that reverse his powers could be...interesting....+1 for the food for thought...

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That's basically Saryn's first skill though, and honestly, I feel like making disease themed attacks sorta encroaches on her turf. He's a doctor, first and foremost and in my mind is most concerned about healing. But a set of augments that reverse his powers could be...interesting....+1 for the food for thought...

Holy crap I just realised that.... what are the odds in that...

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How about an ability Euthanasia ---> enemy targeted will kill other enemies before it suddenly dies on his/her own ?



Edit: oh wait that's like Nyx's ability...wow this is hard for me :/

Uh...you mean...basically like Mind control? 


Lol it's okay 

Edited by (PS4)spider59234
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Yes. Just yes.


Plague doctor = must have beak mask


And to any possible haters or lore-criers, they mention a "Great Plague" (see description of Mire), so Galen could be a remnant of that time period as one of the people/things trying to stop the plague. 


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pls dont judge i dont have good software or drawing hands but this frame needs to happen so

this is really loose, just a concept 

don't judge okay

yikes here it is, just a general idea of some traits, also I tried to do a trench coat but I dun goofed

also it was kinda hard to combine modern surgeon with plague doc, idk I just added gloves



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pls dont judge i dont have good software or drawing hands but this frame needs to happen so

this is really loose, just a concept 

don't judge okay

yikes here it is, just a general idea of some traits, also I tried to do a trench coat but I dun goofed

also it was kinda hard to combine modern surgeon with plague doc, idk I just added gloves





Err, I mean, thanks man, I appreciate the effort ^_^ Added to the OP!

Edited by (PS4)spider59234
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So a doctor theme frame sounds pretty awesome, just want to point some stuff out though. The aether skill seemed a bit out of his theme, idk i guess it would be laughing gas kinda thing like they do at dentists. His 4th ability operating room, maybe instantly revives players that are linked with you? it sounds like that skill should be bring ppl to life , oh even that bring back dead player to life.


Anyways nice job!

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So a doctor theme frame sounds pretty awesome, just want to point some stuff out though. The aether skill seemed a bit out of his theme, idk i guess it would be laughing gas kinda thing like they do at dentists. His 4th ability operating room, maybe instantly revives players that are linked with you? it sounds like that skill should be bring ppl to life , oh even that bring back dead player to life.


Anyways nice job!


Thanks for the feedback man. "Aether" was the name of a gas that was basically the earliest form of Anesthesia, and was used by surgeons during operations. It fell out of favor because it is highly flammable, (hence the interaction with clear). As for the operating room bit, I want to keep clear as the insta-revive, and keep OR as an area denial, "safe haven" type skill. But I may put the death Resurrection thing into my next set of augments...just need to figure out how to make that mix with the rest of the power interactions. 

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Feels kind of OP.

Very good at reviving, attackign and CC, but I would like to see this in Warframe.

True, but it would probably lack the stats of other Warframes, The thing I like about it is the synergy, all of the abilities work well with eachother.


Honestly I don't think it's THAT op, since the revival only gives 25% health with, I think the soul punch augment even gives more than that. It doesn't have the energy restoring properties like Trinity, so this frame would almost be like Oberon with a slightly different focus.

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True, but it would probably lack the stats of other Warframes, The thing I like about it is the synergy, all of the abilities work well with eachother.


Honestly I don't think it's THAT op, since the revival only gives 25% health with, I think the soul punch augment even gives more than that. It doesn't have the energy restoring properties like Trinity, so this frame would almost be like Oberon with a slightly different focus.

Soul Punch uses up all your energy.

Also, paired with trinity, your team becomes invincible in every way. 

Cast monitor, then clear, then blessing.


But I guess it'll be synergy with teammates.

Edited by jjpdn
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Soul Punch uses up all your energy.

Also, paired with trinity, your team becomes invincible in every way. 

Cast monitor, then clear, then blessing.


But I guess it'll be synergy with teammates.


Appreciate the feedback man!


I see what you mean about clear. In my mind, I pictured needed to be very close to the downed ally in order for it to work, which is why the Monitor augment focuses on getting you close to said ally. However as I wrote it, Clear's range is far too large for that to be balanced, so I'll be fixing that. I'm also going to take a quick sweep over my descriptions. He's not intended to do good damage, Aether is a single tick, not a dot, and Clear is pretty weak damage IMO.  His focus is Healing and CC, I just didn't want him to be as neutered damage-wise as Trinity, because he's a burst healer like she is, nor does he have her crazy damage reduction. He's supposed to be taking a risk getting into the thick of things, which balances out ow effective his abilities are. 


As for the Trinity synergy...well, I mean it's Trinity. if played well, she can make almost any team invincible. The thought going into this was that Trinity's focus is keeping players from going down, whereas Galen is focused on making sure they get back up again, like an actual surgeon. Again, I think the incoming nerf to Clear's range will fix that invincibility spam, but it's not possible to balance him around Trinity without making him pointless to use on his own. He's supposed to be a healing alternative.


I feel that clear should be better at reviving than Soul Punch, because Nekros isn't a healer by nature. 

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