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Make A Grenade (Or Some Other Explosive) As A Gear Item.


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     I know that most players are resistant to anything that has to be thrown (I think because they don't want to put fourth the effort). There are several weapons that send explosives into the enemy in ways that are sometimes deemed OP so why not make a gear item that explodes?

    I seriously doubt that it would upset the balance of the game any more than the Penta, Ogris, and the Angstrum (which I will get very soon now) already has. That and you mean to tell me that of all of the technological innovations that the Tenno have done creating their own weapons and the re-do's of enemy weapons that they couldn't figure out how to make a Tenno grenade? Really? Half of the guns in this game fire bullets. Which is gun powder ignited to propel a projectile forward.

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I mean we pretty much already do wince we have the Castanas, the Penta, and Vauban's actual grenades... I don't see a huge issue with it as long as it has a short arc. Give it a 5-second timer, maybe let them stick to enemies... Could make for an interesting weapon class, as long as it's a secondary using sniper ammo.


It's not a matter of effort, it's a matter of balance. Vauban players use grenades all the time and have no problem with it. The issue would be making grenades gear or something of that nature.

Edited by UpgradeInProgress
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The main problem with grenades is that they wouldn't do anything that a warframe ability wouldn't.  Bringing along fire grenades?  Why not bring ember?  It's not that the grenades would be imbalanced, it's that there isn't a reason to have them when half of the characters in the game have abilities that are equally destructive.

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Yep. If the enemies can throw us with nades and vaubans can do almost the same then why not just give us some nade to use in the right place? In a game which means grinding and gearing and gore a bit shamely we haven't nades yet for maximalize the gore. Whom say not fit for the warframes theme is just dumb or half moron. We aren't real ninjas and no have max only one frame which ninja like.

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Yep. If the enemies can throw us with nades and vaubans can do almost the same then why not just give us some nade to use in the right place? In a game which means grinding and gearing and gore a bit shamely we haven't nades yet for maximalize the gore. Whom say not fit for the warframes theme is just dumb or half moron. We aren't real ninjas and no have max only one frame which ninja like.

I know right.

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