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Everything posted by Zagrax

  1. Bruh, you want them to give you every prime access for the next ten years? Expect the price tag to be closer to like 5000 USD, and that's at a discount. If you just mean every minor supporter pack that's like 40$, the price would need to be like 1k. Even the original founder pack got you the exclusive items and 8k plat at the highest tier, nothing like what you're suggesting.
  2. I too have noticed this issue and would like to request that DE set dispos for brand new weapons close to where they think they should be (but slightly under, can always buff it later) so we don't have to wait a year for our rivens for variant weapons to "mature"
  3. Still no fix for zaw katanas with skins on them having double sugatras after -years-
  4. Having just gotten my old Ash (who is well built) in SP circuit, I can say this. Bladestorm should go back to the "Press 4 to target enemies in a radius and execute them." the marking nonsense is cumbersome, downright clunky, time consuming, and aggravates my hands as a keyboard and mouse player. Make pressing 4 again while bladestorm is still running cause Ash to teleport to the closest enemy to help with the murder. I know it got tweaked in response to DE taking a stance against "Press 4 to win" nukes, but we have frames now that can do 4, 1, etc and win. (Citrine, Saryn, Octavia, etc.) Shuriken should just have armor strip and a slash proc built in. Make seeking shuriken do..something else like make it fire more shurikens with aggressive homing at 360 degrees to function as a radial armor strip.
  5. As per title. Not sure if this was an art decision or not, but Nekros default helmet in particular has large black sections that cannot be recolored by any means. Nekros is painted the brightest white from "Smoke" yet large sections are uncolorable, particularly the sections I am looking at while playing. Nekros Helmet (back metallic section, face) Nekros Prime Helmet Nekros Raknis Helmet Nekros Shroud Helmet Default Skin (back, leg loops) Prime Skin (Back, Cape Bits, Leg Loops)
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