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De: Don't Re-Release Baro Items Until All Systems Have Received It Once


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This is our first week with Baro in the game on console and I think personally DE took a big doo-doo on console players by re-releasing Continuity to PC Again a second time.

Since we know Console will follow PC release patterns that means console players right now can't stock up extra continuity's and sell them for platinum - because most saavy players know its going to be sold again in a month. (Theoretically we still could, but DE slashed out market and pricing with this move.)

PC players had a month and half of time to sell like crazy and extort the price because nobody ever knew it would be back.... those of us on console don't get that time now.

Please do not re-release items through Baro until every system has gotten it - this also means on the same week we're getting it.... It is not even remotely fair.

And if you do it, turn Baro to RNG and don't let consoles follow PC release, do something to balance the fairness. 

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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you realise thats not possible

How is it not possible exactly?  They can hotfix anything on the PC in a second, if Baro shows up with the same item again just hotfix out... though I'm 99% certain they pick what he has in stock or can atleast dip their fingers in to control it. 

It is just not fair if we know things return and we can't make a market off it on 2/3 systems the game is on. 

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So you're asking DE to not re-release items because you want to get extra plat by hoarding items and selling them at increased prices ?

You're asking DE to help you rip off other players ?

P.S: I used "you" in a metaphorical sense. I don't mean you. I mean the people who try this "hoard items, sell 'em at ridiculous prices" thing. And as a person who uses the Trade chat for emergency items, I find it extremely irksome.

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So you're asking DE to not re-release items because you want to get extra plat by hoarding items and selling them at increased prices ?

You're asking DE to help you rip off other players ?

P.S: I used "you" in a metaphorical sense. I don't mean you. I mean the people who try this "hoard items, sell 'em at ridiculous prices" thing. And as a person who uses the Trade chat for emergency items, I find it extremely irksome.

They let the PC players do it.

Also I'm pretty sure stocking and selling for a higher price is the basis of literally any market on real life Earth and in Video Games.  That's how marketing works.  

It is not hoarding, it doesn't lower anybody elses chance of getting the mods and it doesn't "rip them off" - if anything me sellign it gives them a chance to get it when they previously didn't.  

I don't want to sell my mods for extortion level prices, but I'd like to be able to turn a bit of a profit considering the farm time that goes into ducats.  

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And as far as I remember, Baro was supposed to sell stuff on a rotation. Farming 1500+ ducats in a week and gathering 800000 credits to satiate the hunger of Baro is really tiresome.

It is on Rotation... for PC.  Console swine like me have to follow your pattern, which sucks Orokin Laser Trap Balls. 

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They let the PC players do it.

Also I'm pretty sure stocking and selling for a higher price is the basis of literally any market on Earth and in Video Games.  That's how marketing works.  

It is not hoarding, it doesn't lower anybody elses chance of getting the mods and it doesn't "rip them off" - if anything me sellign it gives them a chance to get it when they previously didn't.  

I get it where you're getting at. And believe me, I hate the hoarders more than I hate myself. But asking DE not re-release items for people who can get it without wasting their time on the trade chat is not fair, by a large margin.

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It is on Rotation... for PC.  Console swine like me have to follow your pattern, which sucks Orokin Laser Trap Balls. 


PC master race! But seriously though blame Microsoft and Sony for making updating things a pain in the &#!.

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I get it where you're getting at. And believe me, I hate the hoarders more than I hate myself. But asking DE not re-release items for people who can get it without wasting their time on the trade chat is not fair, by a large margin.

I'm not asking them to never re-release... I'm asking them to make sure every system has it before they do so.  They could have release Continuity again on PC next Baro visit and I wouldn't be in the least upset because we would have had time with it at its best marketting price.   

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So... you want DE to stop re-releasing content... because of player-set platinum prices and trading in general? Yeah no. Long live the PC updates.

You're taking it out of context.

I don't want them to STOP or hold PC back.  I want them to WAIT until we have it once first so we can market it.  In this case one single more Void Trader visit would have sufficed.  

If we had our own Baro rotation and didn't have to copy yours it wouldn't be an issue - but PS4 players KNOW exactly when it will be back, and that it isn't worth a thing to sell it, because we're forced to follow behind.

And if not having him Wait, could we not have our own rotation then?  I'm sure PC players would cry if we got something first in a rotation though, which is probably why ours is locked to follow...


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I'm not asking them to never re-release... I'm asking them to make sure every system has it before they do so.  


So... you want DE to stop re-releasing content... because of player-set platinum prices and trading in general? Yeah no. Long live the PC updates.


PC master race! But seriously though blame Microsoft and Sony for making updating things a pain in the !.



It is on Rotation... for PC.  Console swine like me have to follow your pattern, which sucks Orokin Laser Trap Balls. 

Can we stop these PC vs Console Mustard-plebian war ?

Okay. Fair points.

Are you a migrator ? Like PC- PS4 migrator ? If not, then you have no idea how the PC trade chat is. Half of the time, I want to stop logging in because the people are either

1. Absolutely $&*&*#(%&

2. Rinse and repeat.

Pray that the PS4 trade stays clean.

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That still doesn't argue against his point , I get and know how to market in trading but tell me , you telling everyone on PC with arguably the most amount of players to wait for console and other systems to release Baro's items which take a long long time just for you guys and xbox to get a tiny bit more plat in trading?

Sorry but this is a terrible idea, there are other ways to make plat too other than buying primed mods and selling for high amounts too.


PC gets stuff first all the time, but normally it doesn't affect our market and its not worth complaining about.  

And while us making "a little bit" of platinum to you seems like nothing, it SHOULD mean something to DE because the platinum console players buy is worth more.  We don't have 75% price discounts etc.  Every scrap of platinum we provide is worth more to DE than what PC players do.  

And you know what, if its an issue that holds PC back then how about we make Baro on rotation for consoles instead of making him wait, its another solution?

There are multiple solutions to the same problem, waiting was just my first idea.  


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1. Absolutely $&*&*#(%&

2. Rinse and repeat.

Pray that the PS4 trade stays clean.

It's not clean, besides spam and profanity its all extortion.  To be honest I consider myself a "white knight" of the trading tab.  If somebody is selling something for 250 and I have an extra I will give it for 200.  If there's a new stance selling for 70 I'll do it for 60.

I always look at 'extortion' prices and offer my goods for lower, that way I can guarantee a sale.  

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That is still not a good idea , console has never slowed down PC's progress of updating and new content and I rather it stay that way mainly because of sony's slow cert system which can takes weeks or months so if DE slows down for PS4 it will take a lot of time and by re-release it will make PC players suffer from new content. Trust me the PC community would not like this and will not take it well.

Sony's cert takes 3-4 days actually.... 

I understand you don't want to be held back.  That's why I updated my previous post.  What if we just put Void Trader on his own Rotation for each console.  Sure sometimes one console will get things first, but its more fair imo than shattering the market for 2 systems.  

The problem with them currently re-releasing of items on a Rotation Trader is that its not rotation for us, so I guess I should have addressed that as the main issue. 

(Also I think you misunderstood... when I wrote "re-release" its because I'm complaining they released it a second time before we even got it once - I would never complain PC got something first, I understand long and well by now that's how it works)

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For DE to do that, they would have to either A, never stop making new stuff for him, or B. Stop him from showing up on PC, trust me they wont do B. You don't like the idea that PC players are setting the pace for the console players? Well thats just something that you are going to have to live with. You can complain but when it comes to a PC oriented game like warfarme the PC players will get everything first, then the console players will get them later due to how games are given updates. As for the rotations, theres literally no way to allow consoles to catchup without the PC players not having the void trader.


What I think your forgetting is that you are on console dude! Theres a chance you might get stuff the PC players didn't, hell we don't even know if the PC and Console versions follow the same exact tables. For all we know, next void trade trip you guys could have primed reach.

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, theres literally no way to allow consoles to catchup without the PC players not having the void trader.


Yes there is, give us our own rotation so we're not on a pattern - I'm also not asking to catch up, I'm asking them to hold off giving you guys things a SECOND time before we get it once... if they want to give you NEW things I would be more than happy because that means NEW things in my future as well.  

But how would waiting an extra 2 weeks per mod stop them making new stuff for him exactly?  They could have given you a new Prime Sugatra or something this week instead of Continuity a second time.  Boom, problem solved.  

It seems to me they aren't making enough stuff for PC is the issue so they've start re-releasing it before we've had it once.  If they had made a single new item for PC instead of Continuity a second time they wouldn't have dried our market.   

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You're taking it out of context.

I don't want them to STOP or hold PC back.  I want them to WAIT until we have it once first so we can market it.  In this case one single more Void Trader visit would have sufficed.  

If we had our own Baro rotation and didn't have to copy yours it wouldn't be an issue - but PS4 players KNOW exactly when it will be back, and that it isn't worth a thing to sell it, because we're forced to follow behind.

And if not having him Wait, could we not have our own rotation then?  I'm sure PC players would cry if we got something first in a rotation though, which is probably why ours is locked to follow...



No, I don't think I am.


Waiting is pretty much holding back but with patience.


Only the ones who check the forums or Mogamu's videos will know. It'll only have an effect on trading, which DE don't control thus they're not going to stop because of that.


The only people that would care if PS4 got something first are PC-master-race elitists who want everything handed to them first. It makes no sense to change the rotation just for traders.

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so uhm, do we actually have confirmation that ps4/xbone are going to have/have had the exact same rotation that PC has had?

I don't think any official post but in one of the recent Dev/Live streams it was mentioned that we follow the PC release to a tee.  

The absolute only reason I can see why they would have done this is to avoid butthurt from PC if we got stuff first by any off chance.  

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No, I don't think I am.


Waiting is pretty much holding back but with patience.


Only the ones who check the forums or Mogamu's videos will know. It'll only have an effect on trading, which DE don't control thus they're not going to stop because of that.


The only people that would care if PS4 got something first are PC-master-race elitists who want everything handed to them first. It makes no sense to change the rotation just for traders.

You're being absurd, its a 2 week wait and it would help an entire 2 consoles worth of players.

I'm sure PC players can wait a whole 2 weeks to get something for the SECOND TIME.

Also I don't think I can explain this enough.  It is a rotation for you, not for us.  

"It makes no sense to change the rotation just for traders."

Giving us a rotation would be fair.

Believe it or not PC is not the center of the world, I can live with being behind updates, I can live with PC getting exclusives, I can live with all of that no problem.  But when a game mechanic suffers on 2 systems because of 1, there is an unfair issue that needs to be solved.  

There are two solutions:

1. Make Baro wait 2 weeks until after we get a mod atleast once

2. Give consoles a Random Rotation of all the same PC stuff so we can atleast enjoy it

I don't know if you live under a rock but 90% of the appeal behind the Void trader was that he stimulated the trading system, and anything that does that is GREAT for DE because trading platinum = profit for them.

Good for players and the devs from a business perspective.    


Yeah..... so DE sold 2 of the same item this week,

What about it ?


I think its a good thing DE do this, to noted other player that the baro item are  repeatable,


I think its for the good of the community,

Yes but couldn't they have waited until next time, one single Void visit?  That way we had time to market it and stuff?

I really have no problem with them re-releasing things.

The problem is we follow your "random" release pattern which shatters our markets.  

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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