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Is There Too Much Stuff In Update 16?


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It´s a long time between updates. 15.13 was a really big update IIRC, maybe U16 had to be at that time but was delayed for some features, they take many finished things and put it in 15.13 and after this, they don´t want to release a major update very close to prime access.


Other option is, they want cool stuff to show at tennolive.

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Underwater Tileset.

J3 Golem


Early stages of PvP 2.0

Parkour 2.0

New Cephalon

Dragon Frame

Most likely a few quests

New enemy types


I think for the amount of time we've had to wait, this is enough.


There's a huge difference here. They decided to hoard and bundle EVERYTHING that was nearly finished into one update. In my opinion it's stupid and it will most likely backfire.


The new syndicate mods were finished a while ago but were withheld so that U16 gets even more stuffed. That's one example.


It all seems to be done so that Steve can say "Our biggest update yet" yet another time. We are I am honestly getting tired of promises gone undelivered and update disasters. Both of which U16 seems to fall for. I'd be happy to be wrong but history tends to repeat itself.


6 months of waiting? Ha ha, you PC people are so funny:P


They become more ambitious and greedy of the " quality " of their updates. We however need to be fair and recognize the long holiday that was there that took out a bit of the time but still I am quite worried that this would be a continuing trend and content famine. Seriously for example at this point I have nothing else to do with my Syndicate reputation than to buy void keys with and the syndicate meters are full and I have nearly 100k reptutaion worth of medallions for each syndicate stored and there is still 3 more weeks till there might be something new to buy with my syndicate.

Don't get me wrong I am not bored per say, I am having fun and time seems to vanish so I can wait. But I do got to admit that the time between Update 15 and Update 16 has been way too long. The amount of actual content seems to have actually become less because we get new tilesets, new weapons, new Warframes etc. at a much slower rate if this continues. Even though meaning that a single update will have somewhat more content in it, the overall amount seems to be less as far as I can foresee for now. I could be wrong though but I am concerned that I am right about it.

Still they work as much as possible and I really hope this is an isolated case whereby they now try to establish a good amount of endgame content for Warframe players once and for all and then flesh it further in the future. Get the foundation finally there for future purposes. I can not wait for the Raids to be there, that is what I wait the most personally. I am also somewhat interested about the upcoming Warframe and PvP. even though I do not generally like PvP. much myself, it seems worth the try. But the amount of time that has gone to get these this update in comparison to what will be released as far as we know? Not worth it I think.


Wonderful game .. those who have been here since before fall 2013 are aware of the major content overhauls that have taken place since then. So many new game modes, enemy types, melee rework, u.I. rework, boss reworks, weapon and weapons rework, frames and frameworks. Pets bosses game modes reworks. Graphic updates and performance updates. Trade clan dojo alliance, so mayny ways this game has grown.

Did you all forget about u 15.5? That was like a mini update. And with all the new stuff coming (don't forget relays) I'm impressed the majority are actin like chdren upset becAuse they have to wait till Christmas w to open presents mommy bought in September ..

C'mon guys lets give them a break

As for bus I rarely experiencemany and of the ones I encounter few even really affect my gaming experience

My advice is to download open broadcast so that you can record video to send to them when you happen to stumble across bugs or f6 them and submit support tickets

Do your part. It's like politics. If you don't organize inform and vote you can't complain when someone you don't like wins this

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I'm glad for a massive update that's actually "massive" rather then something that's trickled like a faucet for months at a time before completion. Not too mention the hotfixes nonstop if this content took its dear time one after the other, id hate too be the people fixing Warframes bugs then because as soon as I finished one bug another one pops its head up.


Again massive update.....allot stuff, I see no problem we get tiny content all the time no need for more tiny content.

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Oh spare me the baloney ~ You can be an apologist if you want.


But at least have the decency to not be a deceptive apologist.

So I'm wasting time trying to explain things to you with rational arguments and facts and you call me out on indecency. get out

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