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Anti Afk Timer Kills The Only Viable Hydroid Build


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they can if they build correctly [torid]

and there is no reason to not use torid for it is aoe+highest dps primary

I wasn't aware everyone had to set up their own builds around what you want to do.


Allies can't do any damage to any enemies in the puddle. None. The only damage they're going to do at all is when enemies come OUT of the puddle, and I'm sorry but a Torid isn't going to kill them all that quickly.

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I wasn't aware everyone had to set up their own builds around what you want to do.


Allies can't do any damage to any enemies in the puddle. None. The only damage they're going to do at all is when enemies come OUT of the puddle, and I'm sorry but a Torid isn't going to kill them all that quickly.

So It is ok if I have to build around others as you mentioned but ''I wasn't aware everyone had to set up their own builds around what you want to do.''

hypocryte much?

I mean srs?Do you even think before typing?

If you have problem with MY gamestyle you build around YOUR problem for It does not COncer ME

logic use it sometimes pls

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So It is ok if I have to build around others as you mentioned but ''I wasn't aware everyone had to set up their own builds around what you want to do.''

hypocryte much?

I mean srs?Do you even think before typing?

If you have problem with MY gamestyle you build around YOUR problem for It does not COncer ME

logic use it sometimes pls

Yeah, here's how you build around others as Hydroid:


1. Do something other than Undertow all the time.


That's it! Congrats, now you're actually being useful!

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Yeah, here's how you build around others as Hydroid:


1. Do something other than Undertow all the time.


That's it! Congrats, now you're actually being useful!


Yeah, here's how you build around others as Hydroid:


1. Do something other than Undertow all the time.


That's it! Congrats, now you're actually being useful!

#useful[that is literally what my build is]

#implying i can use undertow build and do something else effectively without death

#such usefull tips n trick  i reblog this


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#useful[that is literally what my build is]

#implying i can use undertow build and do something else effectively without death

#such usefull tips n trick  i reblog this

Useful? Your build groups up enemies and keeps anyone else from damaging them at all until you feel like letting them out, which you don't even have to do because you say your energy never drops low enough for it to run out.


It's your own fault for creating such a niche build, and what you do have heavily promotes a solo playstyle and little else. Again, I'm glad you get flagged for being AFK -- you're so incredibly lazy that you can't bother moving a few feet every minute or so.

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Useful? Your build groups up enemies and keeps anyone else from damaging them at all until you feel like letting them out, which you don't even have to do because you say your energy never drops low enough for it to run out.


It's your own fault for creating such a niche build, and what you do have heavily promotes a solo playstyle and little else. Again, I'm glad you get flagged for being AFK -- you're so incredibly lazy that you can't bother moving a few feet every minute or so.

and frost bubble is bad because you can not shoot in it with most weapon +

it slows enemy

and limbo is bad because you can not shoot enemy with his effect on [backflips and rolls solve this but u still can not pick globes and items in it]

and speed nova is bad because monsters run faster and destroy artifact end-game

and vauban is bad because his jump-pods can jump u from map

U can not see only negatives

every frame is bad if u focus on them

It is about how you use stuff for what reason

I use It to win games and i find it to be quite decent reason


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The AFK timer is creating more problems than it aims to solve right now. including non-afkers losing void rewards. 


It seems the AFK logic only takes movement into account and not anything else. 


there are other bugs in the Void rewards as well splitting the team into 2 uneven parts of the rewards, where a group gets the first set of rewards, and the other group gets the other part. 


Keep raising the issue in a respectful way, but don't let it die. DE will get their hands into it and fix. 


(hopefully soon soon, not Soon™)


Consider this:


That the afk timer was introduced to fend leechers away from good honest folks.


It created problems for innocent players, who died late in long runs after burning revives, and other smaller subsets of people who play and somehow fail to meet the afk detection criteria.


The apparatus was destructive, if not useless, as you'd be more stressed out in longer runs, worried if the afk system will fark you over, and if I were a specialised afk leecher, I now still have multiple ways of leeching that cannot be detected by the system.


Then without fixing a faulty apparatus, DE considers extending it to draco spammers, who are typically found immobile in a single spot, casting skills. Hence the thread where a poor sod gets his exciting puddle build utterly deposed by further afk system tweaks that patch notes didnt mention.

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and frost bubble is bad because you can not shoot in it with most weapon +

it slows enemy

and limbo is bad because you can not shoot enemy with his effect on [backflips and rolls solve this but u still can not pick globes and items in it]

and speed nova is bad because monsters run faster and destroy artifact end-game

and vauban is bad because his jump-pods can jump u from map

U can not see only negatives

every frame is bad if u focus on them

It is about how you use stuff for what reason

I use It to win games and i find it to be quite decent reason

You're coming up with some really bad examples for your comparison. No one shoots into a Snowglobe, and the slow is not a negative. Banish's design is intentional and a negative. Speed Nova is a niche build but is intentional (there's a reason you only see it against Infested). Vauban's Bounce is intentional.


Not being able to damage enemies inside Undertow is both intentional and a negative. I'm focusing on something bad because it's actually a thing. You can't just ignore it.


Then without fixing a faulty apparatus, DE considers extending it to draco spammers, who are typically found immobile in a single spot, casting skills. Hence the thread where a poor sod gets his exciting puddle build utterly deposed by further afk system tweaks that patch notes didnt mention.

Please don't defend the guy who actually never has to leave the immunity of Undertow. There's a very real difference between people standing in place and spamming 4, and someone who sits in Undertow forever.


That difference is that the former group is actually doing more than the latter, despite both standing still.

Edited by Vargras
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You're coming up with some really bad examples for your comparison. No one shoots into a Snowglobe, and the slow is not a negative. Banish's design is intentional and a negative. Speed Nova is a niche build but is intentional (there's a reason you only see it against Infested). Vauban's Bounce is intentional.


Not being able to damage enemies inside Undertow is both intentional and a negative. I'm focusing on something bad because it's actually a thing. You can't just ignore it.


Please don't defend the guy who actually never has to leave the immunity of Undertow. There's a very real difference between people standing in place and spamming 4, and someone who sits in Undertow forever.


That difference is that the former group is actually doing more than the latter, despite both standing still

You are ignoring the fact that enemy you caught is pernamently cced  that does mean they can not dmg your obiective or capture points so you are perfect deffender 

there is actually no other deffender this good in some situations

it is 100% instant cc that lasts 4ever NERF PLS

spammin 4 with macro +with set up right movement is worse than clicking 3 yourself

clicking 3 yourself is at least not instant game-win

clicking 4 is

but 3 is punished by anti afk

where 4 is not

so actually afker that use automatic play get rewards

I who play the game with weak challenging frame do not

this thread is also about afk timer as whole 

I just pointed out that there are build negatively affected by false possitives


It's funny how this entire topic could have been avoided if the OP just moved once every minute or so.


It's funny how this entire topic could have been avoided if the OP just moved once every minute or so.


It's funny how this entire topic could have been avoided if the OP just moved once every minute or so.

2 lazy 2 move 4 no r3ason

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You are ignoring the fact that enemy you caught is pernamently cced  that does mean they can not dmg your obiective or capture points so you are perfect deffender 

there is actually no other deffender this good in some situations

it is 100% instant cc that lasts 4ever NERF PLS

spammin 4 with macro +with set up right movement is worse than clicking 3 yourself

clicking 3 yourself is at least not instant game-win

clicking 4 is

but 3 is punished by anti afk

where 4 is not

so actually afker that use automatic play get rewards

I who play the game with weak challenging frame do not

this thread is also about afk timer as whole 

I just pointed out that there are build negatively affected by false possitives

It's instant CC, yeah, but at the cost of doing pitiful damage and preventing anyone else from also damaging them. That's a negative.


You keep going on and on about how people who spam 4 MUST have macros set up to move them around -- have you ever considered that they're manually moving around? I mean, either way, they're actually moving, which is more than what your build does. It's not surprising that they don't get flagged for AFK, no matter what's going on at their end.


Your ability is a toggle. You press it once and that's it. No more input required from you. Sorry, but this takes less effort and work than what people who spam 4s do. You're not playing the game, you're picking a spot, pressing 3, and sitting there for minutes on end. Having a "weak challenging frame" is irrelevant when you're purposely using no health or shield mods (which you have admitted to doing), and you're in a state of complete immunity. There's nothing weak about being invulnerable, and there's nothing challenging about swallowing up any and all enemies that step on top of you. Not only that, but your "build", in which you press Undertow once and simply sit there for as long as you want, is the only build I can even think of that might be affected by the AFK system. No one else is seriously going to stay completely still for 2 minutes in this game, especially when movement is constantly emphasized.


You continue to try and play yourself up as the victim, and how great at the game you are, and I'm just not seeing it.

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It's instant CC, yeah, but at the cost of doing pitiful damage and preventing anyone else from also damaging them. That's a negative.


You keep going on and on about how people who spam 4 MUST have macros set up to move them around -- have you ever considered that they're manually moving around? I mean, either way, they're actually moving, which is more than what your build does. It's not surprising that they don't get flagged for AFK, no matter what's going on at their end.


Your ability is a toggle. You press it once and that's it. No more input required from you. Sorry, but this takes less effort and work than what people who spam 4s do. You're not playing the game, you're picking a spot, pressing 3, and sitting there for minutes on end. Having a "weak challenging frame" is irrelevant when you're purposely using no health or shield mods (which you have admitted to doing), and you're in a state of complete immunity. There's nothing weak about being invulnerable, and there's nothing challenging about swallowing up any and all enemies that step on top of you. Not only that, but your "build", in which you press Undertow once and simply sit there for as long as you want, is the only build I can even think of that might be affected by the AFK system. No one else is seriously going to stay completely still for 2 minutes in this game, especially when movement is constantly emphasized.


You continue to try and play yourself up as the victim, and how great at the game you are, and I'm just not seeing it.

your only argument so far is that i kill slower,now you are deffending macro users 

if i would want to afk i could just u know... go actually afk putting no effort in game setting up movement macro so i do not get marked afk

but how is deffending obiective and helping team afking?

afk=away from keyboard

what is next? you will set up new definition of afk?

afk= Ausing Fundertow Kforever?


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your only argument so far is that i kill slower,now you are deffending macro users 

if i would want to afk i could just u know... go actually afk putting no effort in game setting up movement macro so i do not get marked afk

but how is deffending obiective and helping team afking?

afk=away from keyboard

what is next? you will set up new definition of afk?

afk= Ausing Fundertow Kforever?


Your entire build is based around sitting in Undertow indefinitely.


Please explain how this is different from AFKing. Also explain how this makes you better than macro users (when you have no proof of anyone even using them).

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Your entire build is based around sitting in Undertow indefinitely.


Please explain how this is different from AFKing. Also explain how this makes you better than macro users (when you have no proof of anyone even using them).

1. because you stay in your chair with hand on keyboard and you are the one who controls your game not some software,it makes me better because I just do what game let me do in very tactical smart way and I do not do anything against ingame rules

Yes It is about sitting undertow but you forgot that it also heals your team by like 30% hp in every 1,5 second

so you are also vital support for every teamate

frost bubble is about spaming bubble

hydroid undertow is about undertow

i do not see some real difference here if frost coul cast new buble instantly every 30 seconds that would make u happy?

well that is what macro users do

and it is what i do not like

u call it to be same like using undertow but fact is it is not


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1. because you stay in your chair with hand on keyboard and you are the one who controls your game not some software,it makes me better because I just do what game let me do in very tactical smart way and I do not do anything against ingame rules

Yes It is about sitting undertow but you forgot that it also heals your team by like 30% hp in every 1,5 second

so you are also vital support for every teamate

frost bubble is about spaming bubble

hydroid undertow is about undertow

i do not see some real difference here if frost coul cast new buble instantly every 30 seconds that would make u happy?

well that is what macro users do

and it is what i do not like

u call it to be same like using undertow but fact is it is not

Now lets go over why you made this topic in the first place: because you were getting flagged as AFK. Your build requires you to be in Undertow. Okay. I get that. What I don't get is why you're seemingly incapable of moving once every 1-2 minutes. Your build is extremely hands-off, to the point that you may as well be AFK, even if you really aren't.


I also don't understand why you keep mentioning macro users. You've yet to show any kind of proof that most people who spam 4 are using macros to move around.

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Now lets go over why you made this topic in the first place: because you were getting flagged as AFK. Your build requires you to be in Undertow. Okay. I get that. What I don't get is why you're seemingly incapable of moving once every 1-2 minutes. Your build is extremely hands-off, to the point that you may as well be AFK, even if you really aren't.


I also don't understand why you keep mentioning macro users. You've yet to show any kind of proof that most people who spam 4 are using macros to move around.

well i m 2 lazy to move for no reason 

it is like playing frost and go out of bubble every minute  just for lulz

I do not say anywhere that every 4 spammer is afk macro user I say If u afk u do it with macro to avoid afk detect rendering whole AFK detection USELESS

punishing only players that do no AFK because they WANT to

I go sleep now It is 4am GN

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