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How Much $$$ Have You Spent On This Game?


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like several other founders in this thread, i got into the game back in CB 


i think i had played for like 3-400 hrs or so by the time that i got to the point of being tired of constantly having to sell weapons to free up space to get something else


additionally i was really having fun and i enjoyed the game (clearly i had already gotten 100+ $$ worth out of the game)


but in recent years i really scratch my head at some of the design decisions and directions that DE has been going in


currently i have no plans to ever increase my support of the game past my $50 founders pack, not unless DE makes some srsly drastic changes this year... 


rework/fix nullifiers - immune to punchthrough, no lanka, stationary bubble from spawned robotic proxy instead of mobile


address core base dmg mods - remove/rework existing mods, weapons should gain +5% base dmg per rank for +150% base dmg at rank 30, mods should be for MODDING not out of necessity, multishot as well needs tradeoffs/downsides


ammo 2.0 - the current issues around sniper ammo and castanas/bows/etc is ridiculous, as well as the launcher nerf (give them at least what bows get), no consistency across the board, ie shotguns/sidearms dont have the same problems


powerspam - 1-3 abilities largely underutilized except for a few frames with strong CC in their 1-3, most ULTs need tgt caps and/or LoS mechanics (RadJav design-wise really could use a total overhaul, but if not then take it back to what it used to be, and let Blind shine again)


resource drop locations/amounts - completely makes no sense logically, this stuff is all over the place and from outside, it looks like DE just doesnt care at all, for something so simple, that it remains unaddressed for so long is disconcerting 


cant hit grineer fans or corpus cameras overhead with mid-air melee - try it with a glaive, ya... 


fundamental play incentive issues - nekros desecrate should be a ground effect AoE like oberon's hallowed ground, encourage players to actively play more and powerspam/p42w less ; nothing wrong with frames using powers, but when all u do is run around and press 1 button... =/


energy 2.0 - the system is going in the wrong direction and needs an overhaul, make the #1 ability for all frames generate energy based on dmg/# of enemies hit/etc (obviously adjust powers to compensate/balance this change), remove blue balls, rework nrg restores (maybe they should be more expensive to build), integrate individual different base frame nrg regen rates (adjust a few mods to be multipliers based off of the baselines instead of flat regen like ES), give all frames an equilibrium line (ie nrg only naturally regens up to a certain point, say 40-60% of total reserve, this could be adjusted with mods as well), now frames are incentivized/required to use their #1 to build up nrg to be able to use their ULTs, and/or they can slowly regen enough to be able to use their 2/3 often enough


and then of course arghwing/fishwing - this year really will see if DE can successfully integrate this ingame, atm it is a seperate/clunky add-on that feels really bad/sad, and DE basically gave up and took the cop-out method by making the frame completely cosmetic instead of having the frame have some meaningful function/affect ; i really think this was a terrible idea and arghwings would be better treated as weapons/gear than trying to replace the functions of the warframes (are we really going to have 20+ arghwings? becuz if not then arghwing is going to continue to be an incredibly dumbed-down version of the game, but a much better option is to let the warframes stay the stars and have arghwings just MODIFY THEIR POWERS)


picture this : each arghwing tweaks existing warframe powers in a different unique way, thus rhino still gets iron skin in space, loki can still go invis, nyx can still cause chaos, but just with some changes to address the different environment and the arghwing, doesnt that sound cool? ya, but of course DE spent over a year in manhours NOT doing that =/


sry bout the /megarant, but i kinda like WF, i just wish that DE would pull their head out so that i would feel like giving them some more $$$$


atm however, i dont =[

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I have not put a cent into this game and been enjoying every bit it even though I have not. I have over 600 hours and farmed everything in game and I currenly have over 1k plat by reaping what I have sown. I usually use plat for cosmetics that I know I absolutely like and for prime parts or sets that I am not able to get by farming.

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Oooh i dont know, there was a steam sale during christmas and Warframe had like 20-% off on platinum purchases... maybe around 100-160$


Edit: reviewed my history, around 300$... not that it matters DE is worth it!

Edited by PureBlade
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