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Players Rank 10 And Up, You Guys Need To Stop Doing This


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I am not going to put in to the title. Those of a specific play style usually of a higher level, need to cease and desist,

and this is not about press 4 game play. also its not really people of a lower mastery ranks fault that they are that low. I have seen all to many times. "HT1 Mastery rank 10+ only" Typed in to chat so many times. Vets are not letting anyone else play. LOW LEVEL MISSIONS. Through what i can only describe as a lack of understanding how the game works. Even when i am MR13 I have joined a match as a banshee, when no one specified what frames they want, and they literally remade just to get away from the freak using banshee. I understand that people like things a certain way and yes its their key they can set it up as they want. But when you are 20 minutes in to a T1 and the host  panics because he does not know how to shoot  someone in the face and decides to leave because he just can't grasp how kill an enemy of such a low level that you could give them an evil stare and it will kill them. It wastes every bodies time and is annoying as all flaming nora. All because vets don't know how to play


I wouldn't call that a vet, I'd call that a moron.


I mean, if you tried, you could get rank 10 in under 2 weeks.

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i would of titled the op " you morons need to stop" but i earned 1 warning point recently, would rather not get a second so quickly


So long as you know.


There will always be good players, and bad players.


You have those few that are good, and improve, you have those few that are bad, but are willing to improve.


Then you have those that refuse to learn and just never improve because they think they're always right.


It's not difficult at all to rank up, so, some people are offended at being generalized into such a group.


I understand what you mean by bad players being bad, but the truth is..




They are always going to exist.

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Rank 16 player here, reporting in. I've only ever played for fun, players can play as they want to play, and shouldn't be telling others to treat T1 as though it's T4 unless all parties agree to treat it as such.

Am I just an edge case here or is the thread title just badly worded?

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Rank 16 player here, reporting in. I've only ever played for fun, players can play as they want to play, and shouldn't be telling others to treat T1 as though it's T4 unless all parties agree to treat it as such.

Am I just an edge case here or is the thread title just badly worded?

It's probably badly worded, But I will put it down to me just not caring all to much with how i word it. and its gotten my point across anyway. so profit

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I saw a guy in the recruting tab a few days ago asking for a team of 1000+ cc players, "synoid gammacore required".

For a T1 survival.

Like i said as long as that would be a multi hour run. If it would just be for an average 30 minutes than that is just levels of pure dafuqness of which i can not get my head around 

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People who openly request what they want before they start, i am kinda fine with. Its still stupid to think you need 4 corro projects +1000 cc what ever best specter 4 brakk soma nikana mega invis nova excal, on a T1. But i don't want it to turn in to that 20 minutes in

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Reminds me of the time I was leveling Frost and joined some guy's T1 defense. He spends like five minutes interrogating me about my build and what my plan was going to be and invites me. Shocking no one, the defense flies without a hitch...but then he calls it at wave 15. It wasn't even a good reward IIRC. No one involved here was rank 10+ though.


That weirdness aside, I don't really have an issue with people looking for cookie-cutter team comps. That's what radiation procs are for

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Just the other day I got into a T4D with a group of randoms. A Nova who was spamming slow-prime before the first wave had even come through the doors, an under-equipped Volt who wanted to play hallway hero and needed reviving every other minute, a Loki who failed to disarm a single bombard, and myself. Players under rank 10, you guys need to stop doing this.

Edited by ShederovBlood
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Ok, my thoughts on this...

I have only been a couple of times with groups like this so most of the time we just sun around and hit things with a stick. Now I am just new to that Mastery 10+ crowd as I got Mastery 10 last week. However just past weekend had somewhat weird experience with this exact issue. Was invited to join a group that wanted to do T3S for 40min. Joined the group as they did not have keys, I put a key down and started the mission. About 3 minutes in they found a place to hold up and started spamming the group chat that I was ruining their game by running around and killing things and I should go sit with them in that corner and just let them spam 4 all the time. I ignored them for about 5 minutes then they finally got mic-s connected and started abusing me verbally for not complying with the rest of the group and killing their chance to get far enough on the mission as I was drawing some enemies away from them by running around. I eventually got tired of this and joined them in the corner there.

Now since it was my key, I don't think it was fair of them to shout and curse at me for not sitting in a corner and spamming 4 when the game was easy enough to run around solo and hit things. Its not like I was activating any air canisters as we got enough from the kills we were doing.


I have also once joined a mission where they told us to follow instructions over the mic, and since that was made clear before the mission started I was fine with it.


I don't really have anything specific against either type of gameplay as long as I know what I am getting into before I start, so if I don't feel like sitting still and spamming 4 and want to hit things with a stick, I leave the group and go with someone else.

If I don't really want to put too much effort into it and want to freeload and spam 4, I swap my weapons for something that I want to level up and go with the group :)


Personally I am more of a casual player so I don't plan anything, just go with the flow :)

Edited by (XB1)The Lylmik
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I played a T4 Survival with a group of higher end players. I went "man-mode" going Melee only for the first 10 waves. After that started getting very difficult, then I popped out some weaponry. We left at 45 minutes, had a blast.


As a caveat though, when I play Trinity, I view my job as support. Keep everyone topped up on health and energy. Besides, if you always have energy, then you can channel melee all the time for extra fun.


I'm also the guy who thinks "grinding" and "farming" is neither fun, nor productive. I'd rather earn while enjoying the core game mechanics. If you turn it into a "job" then it's not a game any more.

Edited by PlebbyMilliner
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MR 18, casual tenno, chiming in.


Master rank is the worst way to gauge the skill of your fellow tenno.  I've met several rank 5-9 players who're far better than I am.  I depend on skill spam to reach 40 minutes in t4 surv because most pug squads only have one or two corrosive projection equipped.  Personally, I frown upon "press 4 to wipe" frames, but at the same time I don't disapprove of that style of play because I do it myself.


If DE didn't want us to play this way they would've removed "press 4" a long time ago.

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