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Magazine Capacity Mods Need An Increase


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I haven't seen any "hot topic" threads on this issue so far, but magazine capacity mods for both rifles and pistols are pitifully low.


They need to be 60% instead of 30%. Even with a weapon like the Gorgon, you can only achieve a maximum of 117 rounds in the magazine. 30% is a pitiful multiplier for magazine size. I'd be happy even with a 45% max.


With a 60% increase, you'd be able to bring the Gorgon's magazine size max up to 144. Or, perhaps, bring the Grakata up to a reasonable 96, even. 60% gives the Sicarus a nice, even 24 rounds to work with, instead of an odd 19.5 rounds. Doesn't make much sense to keep it at 30% anyhow.


Give the shotgun magazine cap mods an increase to 90% so that they do have a noticeable effect.

Edited by Vaskadar
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the problem with them right now is, while some guns could really use the higher % some would be outright OP.


a gorgon with double the rounds in a clip is blatantly overpowered.


same with a grakata, its suppose to be about bursting down a single target, not holding the button down and wasting a small group.


reload time is suppose to matter. not making clip sizes so massive you only need to reload when everything is dead -_-

Edited by MetalGerbil
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I was just gonna post this in regards to the Rifle Magazine Mod.


So tell me the point in this DE.


Why would I upgrade my Magazine Mod from 20 to 25% **being the final stage (Sorry if #'s are wrong I am at work), not increase my clip size from 5 to 6? It just stayed at 5? No point in me upgrading it, was just a waste of in game currency. 

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the problem with them right now is, while some guns could really use the higher % some would be outright OP.


a gorgon with double the rounds in a clip is blatantly overpowered.


same with a grakata, its suppose to be about bursting down a single target, not holding the button down and wasting a small group.


reload time is suppose to matter. not making clip sizes so massive you only need to reload when everything is dead -_-


We're only talking 27 extra rounds in a Gorgon magazine... 144 rounds isn't double, either. It's a 60% boost, guy. Also: I get that previous to Update 7, the magazine sizes were ridiculous, since you could acquire a boltor with 117 rounds in the magazine. That's a 95% increase. A 60% increase is pretty reasonable by comparison, especially since it takes up 9 mod slots.

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Okay now that's over with, I agree. I think all magazine capacity mods should have the same cost as the shotgun's- 2 base cost with 10% increase per level. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maxing out Fast Hands and Quickdraw is more effective in most cases (namely the guns who have normal-to-fast reload rates to begin with).


I don't mind the 14 rounds on my Viper as I can reload it in a blink.


But yeah BTT, magazine size mods are subpar right now.

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The problem is with pistols is the vipers and the bronco. If the max ammo can give the bronco the second or third extra shot, it gets crazy. Im pretty sure the clip size mod for the pistols was made for the bronco because it barely gets to that third shot. They showcase the three shot bronco in the loki preview video.


Also, if vipers start getting to the point of having 50 shots per clip(for the twin) then itll make the afuris obsolete.


The grakata doesnt apply to the need for a bigger clip with its solid reload and already large clip. The snipertron on the other hand needs some love in the magazine department.

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The problem is with pistols is the vipers and the bronco. If the max ammo can give the bronco the second or third extra shot, it gets crazy. Im pretty sure the clip size mod for the pistols was made for the bronco because it barely gets to that third shot. They showcase the three shot bronco in the loki preview video.


Also, if vipers start getting to the point of having 50 shots per clip(for the twin) then itll make the afuris obsolete.


The grakata doesnt apply to the need for a bigger clip with its solid reload and already large clip. The snipertron on the other hand needs some love in the magazine department.

Bronco shouldn't be receiving that one extra shot with only 30% as far as I know, since mathematically, that's nonsense. Plus, leaving magazine mods in their current state means that there are a lot of uneven reloads/magazine sizes. What is worse, is the fact that you can't squeeze out full 3-round bursts with a sicarus with only a 30% increase, 19.5/3 does not equal a whole number, but 24/3 does. Burst-fire pistols would benefit a lot from a change to 60%.

It wouldn't necessarily make the Afuris obsolete, since the Twin Vipers can't reach 50 round mags split between the two weapons.

A 60% increase to the Snipetron (cringe, what an awful name) magazine would bring it up to 6 rounds. That's alright in my book.

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bronco gets 3 shots with a max mod.....

Still doesn't make it 4 with a 60% increase, so... yeah. Waste of mod energy to add full magazine size mods.

Seriously though, the Vulkar/Snipetron and other certain rifles need that 60% boost to justify the 9 mod slots it costs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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