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★JOIN FLOW★(With Everything Everyone Else Has)★But wait there's MORE!★


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See....KIttens OWN teh interwebs!


You're invite will be coming SOON!


EDIT: Tenno, you are already a part of a clan or you have a pending invite...please clear that up and I can purify you of all that is less Awesome.

Hurray! Clearing it out nao, gotta say bye to mah old clanmateys :3





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Congratulations Flow!


You have Earned yourself a Trophy and you have made history!

Flow will forever be remembered as one of the TOP Mountain Clans in the Tethra Event. Not too bad for an otherwise "Not So Serious" bunch.

One of the best feelings anyone can have is that feeling you get when you achieve a goal that at times felt was impossible to reach.

This feeling is the result of an immediate sense of satisfaction created by the sudden realization that all of your efforts were not made in vain, its a great feeling that only gets better the harder you've worked to posses it.

My dear Flowbians, you are that feeling for me. Each day of the Tethra Event I was fortunate enough to bare witness to the efforts made by you to ensure we stand in a respectible position in the rankings.

Each day my personal reward meter was on full simply by witnessing the clan work together to achieve a common goal. Events bring out the best in some people, I witnessed the best get even better as the competition stiffened.

Simply put, I feel like I have really achieved something great in the Flow.

One year ago I dedicated  great amounts of time to a goal and invested a great deal of myself into ensuring that my goal (Clan Flow) made a presence in the Warframe community.  

If asked, I could not measure the return on my investment you have given me in numbers.

The success of Flow can only be measured in feelings, and as such I could not feel any better about my investiment than I do right now!
Creating Flow has been a labor of love for me from day 2...day 1 was complicated. This event has effectively reinforcement for me what I already knew from the start.

That we are Awesome!

Thank you to all who supported Flow in the Tethra Event. Below I have selected 10 individuals whom I would like to thank with platinum for their dedication to the clan, and their ability to reach within themself to find the motivation to TRY.

Trying is all we had to do. Never Stop Trying in What Ever You Do!


<<Flow Clan's Platinum Prize WInners>>

Before I begin to list all of the winners of this competition I want to first point out the TRUE first place winner in this event: DRASIEL

Had it not been for Drasiel's efforts over the past year this clan would NOT be where it is today, she has nutured and carried Flow through rather tough times, but she always managed to keep it together and encourage the Clan to have fellowship and activity.

Drasiel is Priceless in my opinion, there is no amount of Platinum that I could reward her for what she has done for us. So the REAL top Prize should go to Drasiel!

But she's already like rich as hell, so we're gonna give out the rewards to the following honorary Flowbians:

1st place: sshawnsamuell: 400 Platinum Reward
(This man is responsible for our last minute resurgence, without his efforts we would have surely fell to 4th place)

2nd Place:Squig: 300 Platinum Reward
(Squig has shown consistent effort at all times to be a helping hand, in this event he stepped up his game even further and assisted me in countless runs to improve scores)

3rd Place: Ruby_Rose: 200 Platinum Reward
(Ruby_Rose was one of my first responders, taking independent action to improve the bottomline, Ruby is highly responsible for our initial surge in the leaderboards)

4th Place: Akinit: 100 Platinum Reward
(Akinit played a large part in the final push to victory, pushing himself to endure sleep deprivation to ensure we reached our goal and beyond, even while suffering from health complications, a true soldier of Flow)

5th Place: CY13BERPUNK: 100 Platinum Reward
(CY13BER displayed exceptional ability to be patient and work through difficult situations when attempting to run for high scores with new players to warframe, his ability to stay positive and respectful while trying to negotiate such a task is an unrefutable sign of premium leadership capability)

6th Place:MattQaz: 100 Platinum Reward
(MattQaz impresses me with his devotion to Flow, though our play schedules seldom cross, I can see that MattQaz is doing anything he can to advance the Clan, During this event I witnessed him assisting fellow Tenno on several occasions.

7th Place: Anoroc: 100 Platinum Reward
(Anoroc is constantly positive and energetic when it comes to helping out with clan related things. This event was no exception, Anoroc took to this with unbridled wrath.

8th Place: Sparkysparkyboomman: 100 Platinum Reward
(Sparkysparkybooman along with Squig spent a great deal of selfless time helping run the lesser equiped Flowbians through the event to improve scores and provide assistance in achieving the needed requirements for rewards; this type of team spirit cannot be ignored)

9th Place: Hippienut: 100 Platinum Reward
(Hippienut was more than willing to lend his exceptional skill and gunner ferocity to the table when the Flow clan needed him most. Hippienut is the one person I would choose if I needed a dead eye crackshot to stop the bad men.

10th Place: Hadronox: 100 Platinum Reward
(New to the Clan, Hadronox immediantly began looking for ways to assist Flow, Hadronox is responsible for helping many Flowbians close the gap between the mediocre and the higher scores. Ask him about his ultimate mod buying and drop rate/location guide! <<Highly recommend you do before you ever sell or buy any mods using the free market.

Clan Flow will be Hosting a Reward Ceremony in the Flojo.

This will be in what is now the current spawn location known as the Upper Echelon Living Quarters and Ceremonial Hall.

The current decorations in the Ceremonial Hall will need to be completed before the rewards are dispensed among the public.

Please look for the event in your steam community group calendar.

<<Please Donate to decorations in the Ceremonial Hall so that they can be complete on time for the Rewards Ceremony!!>>

Congratulations FLOW, we did it, and I cannot wait for the next Event!



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Hopefully you have room for one more! Wanna get my 300% hotter buff ASAP.


Sent you a friend invite 2ply and hoping to join the beauty that is Flow tomorrow!


One of our recruiters has already got you added. Welcome to the clan :)


I almost lost our thread Flow...


But we had an Angel watching over us.


Thanks DE_Megan for helping me sort through those techincal difficult....


YAY customer service excellence!




Guys here is my topic about New Event Clan scoring:




Please read this and leave a comment.




checking it out and adding to our steam groups "Find clan member posts on the forums" discussion.

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Skeptical of this contest




baka111 Congratulations!


You have WON a Free Rhino Prime Chasis Blueprint!


Great submission!

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hi!   im friends whit Ittia,    i was wondering if i could join and support ur clan ?      do you guys do many events?


Of course we always need more support =)! We will begin doing clan events soon, stay tuned :D


tomten200i, you either are already in a clan or have another clan's pending invite. Clear that (and let us know) so that you become part of the 300% hotnes!!!!


Can I join the clan, pelase?


Invite sent =)!

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