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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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You guys are in the wrong game if you are up in arms over the look of something.


Your excessive vanity is most unbecoming of a Tenno

This makes no sense. Its a game, a power fantasy, playing it is an act of self indulgence.

Caring about the aesthetic (things that highly skilled people train hard to get good at doing) shows no additional amount of vanity.

Not to mention much of Warframes monetization strategy is based largely around cosmetic choice.

Seriously stop belittling the importance of visual art in some misguided attempt to defend the game.

Edited by Ronyn
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You guys are in the wrong game if you are up in arms over the look of something.


Your excessive vanity is most unbecoming of a Tenno


Really? In a game where we can change the colors of our frames, weapons, sentinels, kubrows, lisets, and dojos and can add cosmetics to our frames, sentinels, melee weapons, lisets, and dojos, you think that looks aren't important? I'd say you're in the wrong game if you don't understand that.


"Your [ignorance] is most unbecoming of a Tenno"

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Everyone isn't hating on Chroma. It's just a few people that dislike him causing a massive fuss in the forums and a few people that do like him, expressing that he is fine the way he is.


So we're going to assume that most people like him, just because?

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"and a few people that do like him".


So, then what about the rest? Don't care? Like? Dislike? Just because there are a few people here talking about the frame, doesn't mean that there aren't other people elsewhere who have opinions on the frame.

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So, then what about the rest? Don't care? Like? Dislike? Just because there are a few people here talking about the frame, doesn't mean that there aren't other people elsewhere who have opinions on the frame.

"So we're going to assume that most people like him, just because?"Just fixing what you said with what the poster really said "and a few people that do like him".

don't really care for the rest of what you said because it's all speculation and an argument on speculation is redundant .

Edited by -Jack.Of.Blades-
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Arguments I see across the forums:
1. He looks like a Seahorse.
2. He looks like an Ant-eater.
3. He looks like a Platypus.
4. He looks like Jarjar Binks
5. He looks like you.

TBH, he's designed after the Greek Dragons. His name is derived from the Greek word "Chroma" which essentially means colors and this naming signifies his ties to energy color and powers. For ***k's sake people, get original. All you want is some old, cliched tanky looking Eastern Celestial Dragon or European and Irish inspired scaly Rhino rip-off. Go original or don't play the quest.

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"TBH, he's designed after the Greek Dragons."No DE devs have clarified on that as of yet.


"All you want is some old, cliched tanky looking Eastern Celestial Dragon or European and Irish inspired scaly Rhino rip-off. Go original or don't play the quest."if you mean the fan concept then yes most were expecting a rhino like physique but not a rhino rip off per say.

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Arguments I see across the forums:

1. He looks like a Seahorse.

2. He looks like an Ant-eater.

3. He looks like a Platypus.

4. He looks like Jarjar Binks

Cause his helmet gives that off. There is a seahorse snout sticking out of his forehead.


TBH, he's designed after the Greek Dragons. 

If by Greek dragon you mean Cetus, that is a Greek Sea serpent (not a dragon). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cetus

If by Greek dragon you mean Draco, that is at least a dragon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draco_(constellation)

However neither Cetus nor Draco have the seahorse-cone-with-bulbous-lips head design so that doesn't explain anything.


 His name is derived from the Greek word "Chroma" which essentially means colors and this naming signifies his ties to energy color and powers.

Which also fits with Chromantic dragons from D&D who's color denotes their elemental power. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromatic_dragon


Steve let us in on that design direction a couple livestreams ago.



 For ***k's sake people, get original. All you want is some old, cliched tanky looking Eastern Celestial Dragon or European and Irish inspired scaly Rhino rip-off. Go original or don't play the quest.

There are actually quite a few ways to go with dragons that would be original enough to not necessarily fall into that category but still be more recognizable than a seahorse shaped head.

Edited by Ronyn
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Pfff. The only thing I interpret in this strawpoll is that "haters" (or mildly dislikers^^) are more active to promote their disappointment.


When there is a poll in Council or generally promoted by DE, I would actually give those numbers a bit of attention.

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So does that mean we should ignore ALL forum feedback on the basis that the silent majority may or may not think something different?

Does the fact that the displeased generally make more noise than the pleased mean that we should ignore complaints because there may or may not be a bunch of people who like something but just haven't spoken up?

Do you want your complaints discounted based on what may or not be felt by those who wont speak up?

Perspective is tricky....  


The forms represent a sample size. A group of vocal individuals. That's all. If we we were to get a real consensus of the player it could go in any number of ways. It would be folly to assume we know what the silent majority thinks about anything. 

That in mind DE should use the forums as one of many sources of feedback that they factor in.

No more, no less.



There are many other unique, original and deviated versions of other stuff DE has put out was received without the big negative explosion.

The reality is that its not as simple as "people like original things VS people don't like original things".


Let us not use these sort of oversimplifications to dismiss other peoples viewpoints.


This guy knows what he is talking about.

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Everyone isn't hating on Chroma. It's just a few people that dislike him causing a massive fuss in the forums and a few people that do like him, expressing that he is fine the way he is.

Not just a few people.


I am aware that I and many people have commented many times. You don't need to tell anyone that. You are quite vocal too I notice. 


I also see more people that have said that they dislike him and then stop commenting than I have seen said they like him and stop commenting. 


Likely they are getting sick of us arguing and I don't blame them. 

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Pfff. The only thing I interpret in this strawpoll is that "haters" (or mildly dislikers^^) are more active to promote their disappointment.

I put that there as a counter to someone claiming there were a "few" people involved in this issue. Clearly there is more than a few.


As for the validity of the poll, well  it is just another source to consider.

As I said before- 



So does that mean we should ignore ALL forum feedback on the basis that the silent majority may or may not think something different?

Does the fact that the displeased generally make more noise than the pleased mean that we should ignore complaints because there may or may not be a bunch of people who like something but just haven't spoken up?

Do you want your complaints discounted based on what may or not be felt by those who wont speak up?

Perspective is tricky....  


The forms represent a sample size. A group of vocal individuals. That's all. If we we were to get a real consensus of the player it could go in any number of ways. It would be folly to assume we know what the silent majority thinks about anything. 

That in mind DE should use the forums as one of many sources of feedback that they factor in.

No more, no less.



Also keep in mind that there have been many straw polls thrown up on the boards the last several months.

Most don't get that big of a response. So even if it is "all haters" it showcases that this issue has called out more of them than usual. yes..that still counts as something to take note of.

Edited by Ronyn
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If by Greek dragon you mean Cetus, that is a Greek Sea serpent (not a dragon). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cetus

If by Greek dragon you mean Draco, that is at least a dragon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draco_(constellation)

However neither Cetus nor Draco have the seahorse-cone-with-bulbous-lips head design so that doesn't explain anything.

I think he just got a greek name with appearance of eastern depiction of a dragon (serpent like)


I wonder how would chroma react to disco ball of mirage.

Edited by Hueminator
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I put that there as a counter to someone claiming there were a "few" people involved in this issue. Clearly there is more than a few.


As for the validity of the poll, well  it is just another source to consider.

As I said before- 



Also keep in mind that there have been many straw polls thrown up on the boards the last several months.

Most don't get that big of a response. So even if it is "all haters" it showcases that this issue has called out more of them than usual. yes..that still counts as something to take note of.


If I look at millions who play warframe... maybe it's really a few. However I don't want to harp on it. You are probably right that there are enough people to make this issue real.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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Well, of course you'll want to assume that there are just as many or more people who like Chroma or don't care about it. After all, your position wouldn't look as good when all indications point to you being in the minority. It's easy to say that most people agree with what DE says. After all, who disagrees with something DE does, right?

 (This isn't really just towards you, but your comment leads into it well) Neither side really has a claim towards being the majority. What's people need to realize in this debate is just that - we don't know which side is the minority until (and no sooner than) someone polls exactly half of the warframe-playing population and gets their opinions. TBH, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of people simply said "I don't care what it looks like, I want a new frame to play with."

The vocal outcry towards the design of the new frames has been happening more the more players the game gets. With Hydroid, everyone complained that "pirates aren't ninjas!" Then they complained that "Magicians don't belong with space ninjas!" Then they complained that "Cowboys aren't ninjas!" What I'm getting at is everyone has their opinions about things, and those opinions differ. What I personally believe - for example - is that people are more prone to go out of their way to right their negative opinions than those who are happy (I don't know what it is about the modern world that makes it so, but from my experiences on different sites, that's what I've notice).

Go to Netflix. Look up a B-movie. You will see a ton of negative reviews about how it's terrible, the acting stinks, the effects are low budget, the humor is bland, and all the things that in effect make B-movies B. What you won't see is as many reviews from the fans of B-movies (such as I), because we know and accept what a B-movie is, and enjoy that. There's normally no desire on my part (continuing the example) to explain why that B-movie isn't bad to those other people, because they have different preferences that don't merit the same enjoyment, and everything they complained about is actually a positive review to me. Hopefully that kind of sums up my thoughts on the whole "more people here than there" thing.

And, because I've been enjoying the chance to post all sorts of pictures in this thread, here's a dragon we've all seemingly forgot about (till now): Spyro


And another breed from good old DnD, the faerie Dragon


And a "special" Dragon that appeared once in a comic fighting vikings


And one more out there "Dragon", this time from a sci-fi monster flick (and in fact only known as Dragon to movie's vikings)


Gosh darn I love linking these pictures. This thread is the most forum fun I've had in a long time!

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 The vocal outcry towards the design of the new frames has been happening more the more players the game gets. With Hydroid, everyone complained that "pirates aren't ninjas!" Then they complained that "Magicians don't belong with space ninjas!" Then they complained that "Cowboys aren't ninjas!" What I'm getting at is everyone has their opinions about things, and those opinions differ. What I personally believe - for example - is that people are more prone to go out of their way to right their negative opinions than those who are happy (I don't know what it is about the modern world that makes it so, but from my experiences on different sites, that's what I've notice).

You are seriously going to sit here and pretend there was an outcry of similar proportions for any other frame? Because there wasn't. The only frame to get hate close to the amount Chroma is getting was Limbo. And most of that was because you could troll very hard with his powers at release.

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