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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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Well, they were all designed by the same guy. What about Ash? He's got the same weird wrinkly arms. And Loki is covered in folds and uneven textures, nobody complains about that?


Please. Ash is nowehere near that level of clutter. His helm is smooth, his chest is smooth. He is sleek.


Also, please: there is a point between "doing the same thing forever and ever" and "ditch the old style completely and only do bizarre, garish designs". Mesa is a good example of how they can make unique, new Warframes that fit the original elegance this game used to have. Also, Limbo is pretty sleek, the only thing wrong with him is how the theme was implemented.

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Please. Ash is nowehere near that level of clutter. His helm is smooth, his chest is smooth. He is sleek.


His legs and arms are just as wrinkled as Chroma's. And like I said, Loki is covered in folds and patterns designed to mimic clothing. 

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His legs and arms are just as wrinkled as Chroma's. And like I said, Loki is covered in folds and patterns designed to mimic clothing. 


But most of their body surfaces are smooth. Chroma looks like he's made of shiny spaghetti. He has just too much going on all at once.


A lot of the most recent cosmetic designs make me question the judgement of the dev team. Mesa's alt helmet was ridiculously ugly. Same with Zephyr's Tengu helmet and Loki's Enigma helmet. And Limbo's alt helmet was even sillier than his default. These items are designed for players to spend platinum on. I haven't seen a single one being used in-game. They are just ugly.

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Hmm... Could be to fly ;D


Nah, they wont let the bird frame fly [zephyr] so... yea. 


Would be cool though.


Maybe he'll be able to sprout some sexy wings made of the element matching your energy color, just as a badass effect for one of his abilities, even if he can't fly?

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Because to them Chroma is ugly. And because it doesn't look like what Endrian made and/or to them it doesn't look like the typical representations of how a dragon looks like, it's an immediate "this is a poc gg wp de"

I could care less what Endrian made. What he made was indeed cool but I would rather see it as a rhino event skin rather than a separate frame.

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copied from the other thread for relevence, but here's what would happen if the gen 1 frames were released today.


Frost: Wow, he's wearing a trench coat, or some sort of gown, like a royal noble or something. Totally not ninja at all! Also wtf is up with his head? It's all flat and weird. He looks like a toilet rim come to life. Terrible design, DE. Really uninspired name too.


Ash: Wow, is that a headcrab? why does he have such weird, flabby arms? Why does he have man boobs? I expected a bad &#! ninja frame, not this kind of weird zombie looking thing with a saggy body. Lame design, DE. Also the name has nothing to do with his design at all.


Ember: Wow, her boobs stick out too much. Misogynistic! What's with those balloon pants she has? She literally has handles on her hips. I don't see anything on here that makes me think of fire. Also that dumb mohawk makes her look like a rooster. Rooster frame confirmed, gg DE. Hello I am a rooster. We expected a fire frame. Also really uninspired name. Ember, because of fire. Like wow.


Trinity: Wow, she has no boobs. Is this supposed to be a healer frame? Looks more like a lobster. What does the name 'trinity' have to do with healing anyway or anything? This frame is really ugly. Also what's up with those protrusions coming from her shoulders? I miss the time when frames were more simplistic.


Excalibur: Wow, just a total rip off of Hayden Tenno's suit from Dark Sector. DE is so unoriginal. He's really boring too, doesn't look anything like a ninja. More like some sort of gimp soldier with weird frog toes. I don't see anything about this design that relates to King Arthur or European folklore. Where's his sword? Terrible design DE.


Nyx: Wow, boobs again. Misogynistic! Also what is up with that tea kettle head? The body design is too bland. Doesn't look like a ninja at all, or anything to do with psychic powers. Her shoulders are exactly the same pattern as Excalibur! In Fact, she kinda looks like female Excalibur with a different helmet. So unoriginal, I liked it back when all Warframes were distinct and unique! Dumb name too.


Volt: Wow, Ew, he's got a weird squid face. Tesla coils on the arms? really? That's so obvious and unoriginal. What's with those feminine gloves and fingers? Looks more like a spellcaster than a ninja. Terrible. Also, really uninspired name. Volt? Really?


Loki: Wow, I was expecting a godlike frame, but he looks like some kind of weird goat instead. What's with his silly pants? He should look more like an actual demon.


Mag: Wow, space face. DE is really losing their sense of originality. Look at those silly candy cane arm warmers she's wearing. Those shoulder plates are totally out of place on her design. It's really ugly. I expected a frame that looked like a magnet, not this bubblegum monster.


Rhino: Wow, we wanted an actual rhino, but instead we got a rhinocerous beetle. DE has let us, the community down. This is an outrage. They should have used the concept art we designed instead

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One detail that bears mention is that Chroma's flamethrower shout appears to be above his actual face (The grey part above his neck) giving the appearance that he is wearing/fused with a pelt.  Makes him look more shamanistic, which is cool.  I personally like the design, we'll just have to see what his powers do.

This isn't a shaman frame. It was meant to be a dragon themed frame. Therefore it is a bad design.

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Completely agree ... the few posting rabidly like they've been brutally betrayed probably account for more than 1 vote - they clearly have a lotta keyboard time on their hands,

Yes I have allot of time on my hands. It's fricken Saturday, I do what I want on Saturday. Did I vote more than once? No I did not. Even if I did the poll would not allow me to vote again. It tracks your IP and you can't vote again from the same IP. Why in the hell would we want to try and cheat a strawpoll?!

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I have to make a ton of effort to see any kind of dragon or even shaman themes in that mess of a frame.

I do see Vauban's body and Ash's arms however. Reusing the assets from old frames is not fine.

that's odd, because I can (depending on whether the 'face' is under the snout, or the snout itself) see both of them quite clearly.

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not gonna lie.... it took me some time to see that frame even remotely looks like a dragon. and i can understand most of the communities up roar over the design. i mean lets look at facts, the community did ask for a WESTERN or EASTERN looking dragon..... its not hard to screw that up. yea DE wants to add their own thing but if you ask your player base what they want and they tell you option A or option B and you deliver option Q....... ya !@!#ed up!! lol


the design is.... hell the design looks on par with hydroid (no...no offence to hydriod players) in terms of appeal and looks nothing close to what the majority of the community asked for. as sad this is, will we see it altered or changed? NOPE!! so to the majority community yes this isnt close to what you asked for but just gotta live with it. just do the common rule when companies treat you as such....



close your wallet. they seem to listen when the flow isnt as great. 

Edited by Noble_One
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Because it was rubbish. We had to wait 2.5 months to see an ANTEATER frame, Borderlands Guardians making their way to Warframe, and not even a proper demonstration of the new weapons.

And NO, we WON'T be getting the new Freerunning mechanics in U16. Geoff himself said it wouldn't be ready.

Not to mention, that destroying the void, means they are destroying one of the most hyped tilesets they ever created. Unless they plan to integrate the void tiles into standard ones to get prime parts, we'll be LOSING an awesome looking and fun tileset just because they refuse to add a token system.

Not to mention, doing that, is actually AGAINST the lore. The Tenno are supposed to be in stasis in Orokin-type ships, IN THE VOID. If there is no Void, no more new Tenno. Same goes for the primes, and their parts. They are all in the void, so if there is no void, no more primes.


much hate for much little information. please show me how the borderlands aliens look like the sentients becuase they look nothing alike  

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Why do people hate on them? Because the internet is the perfect place for people to share their unshackled frustration without taking other people's feelings into consideration.

Or it could be because people, us, have the right to criticise poor design choices. Just a thought.

Edited by TwistyReptile
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He looks like an Asian inspired dragon; 




Also, if there's one thing I've learned from the community, it's that when you get hundreds of thousands of players, there's no way to please everyone. People will always like some things and dislike others, and getting everyone to like the same thing is very tough, if not impossible.



I honestly don't see the similarities.


It's true that you can't make all of the thousands satisfied, but you can atleast make most of them happy. The majority hates this design. It went fine with the other frames as i see it.


Gotta admit though, the design is starting to grow on me.

Edited by ArchTenno
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