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The Butchery Of Frames

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That fact that you can make these massive leaps but refuse to see a dragon shows just that: you're refusing to see it, nothing less.

Or the fact that i can have these massive leaps and still can't make sense of the dragon just means that it's DE's fault for not adding enough evidence to support the idea that it's a dragon.


I want to see you do a leap and show me how you came to the conclusion that it's a dragon ? Go on, analyse it and find a way to justify dragon-like head on a completely unsuitable body. You won't right,  because its too much work for you and you have just dug yourself into the ground based on bias that it's a dragon because DE told you so and because you've seen a gif of it breathing fire.


Im not refusing to admit that its a dragon on purpose just to spite you and DE, i just can't see it as a dragon based on reasons i provided above.


I really put far too much effort into trying to let everyone see my point of you, but it's all wasted. I feel like doing something productive now, im done with this crap.

Edited by kiteohatto
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Or the fact that i can have these massive leaps and still can't make sense of the dragon just means that it's DE's fault for not adding enough evidence to support the idea that it's a dragon.


I want to see you do a leap and show me how you came to the conclusion that it's a dragon ? Go on, analyse it and find a way to justify dragon-like head on a completely unsuitable body. You won't right,  because its too much work for you and you have just dug yourself into the ground based on bias that it's a dragon because DE told you so and because you've seen a gif of it breathing fire.


Im not refusing to admit that its a dragon on purpose just to spite you and DE, i just can't see it as a dragon based on reasons i provided above.


Didn't you agree that it does look like a dragon but was way too subtle after -Jack.Of.Blades- broke it down for you yesterday? You've been very inconsistent on your stance in your posts regarding the topic and similar comparisons. I think you're arguing and complaining for the sake of arguing and complaining now. 

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Didn't you agree that it does look like a dragon but was way too subtle after -Jack.Of.Blades- broke it down for you yesterday? You've been very inconsistent on your stance in your posts regarding the topic and similar comparisons. I think you're arguing and complaining for the sake of arguing and complaining now. 

If we break it down, there is barely enough evidence on Chroma that suggests that he is a dragon themed. As soon as you can see 1 thing that supports the idea of a dragon then another thing pops up that counters it.


So you end up with:

seadragon head (the dragon evidence) sigh

bulky body(counter evidence)


smooth skin(counter evidence)

tail(hard to even tell what it is)


we can't even tell if he is a sea creature, but the body tells us that he is not, lack of gills/webbed fingers


In food terms this frame is a quiche of warframes. Im sure it has unique taste but you just don't know what's inside of it anymore, its all mixed together.

Edited by kiteohatto
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Or the fact that i can have these massive leaps and still can't make sense of the dragon just means that it's DE's fault for not adding enough evidence to support the idea that it's a dragon.


I want to see you do a leap and show me how you came to the conclusion that it's a dragon ? Go on, analyse it and find a way to justify dragon-like head on a completely unsuitable body. You won't right,  because its too much work for you and you have just dug yourself into the ground based on bias that it's a dragon because DE told you so and because you've seen a gif of it breathing fire.


Im not refusing to admit that its a dragon on purpose just to spite you and DE, i just can't see it as a dragon based on reasons i provided above.


I really put far too much effort into trying to let everyone see my point of you, but it's all wasted. I feel like doing something productive now, im done with this crap.


It's been broken down for you by me and other posters like, literally dozens of times. And every time it's met with a "lol, don't see it". If anyone's dug in here it's you, considering how little you offer and that absolutely ridiculous justification you gave.


At this point you might as well just be making stuff up.

Edited by vaugahn
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It's been broken down for you by me and other posters like, literally dozens of times. And every time it's met with a "lol, don't see it". If anyone's dug in here it's you, considering how little you offer and that absolutely ridiculous justification you gave.


At this point you might as well just be making stuff up.

I have not seen you offer anything, anything to back your "facts" up. I have not seen you explain why Chroma screams "dragon themed" at you. Im really, really getting sick of you and 2 other people replying with the same. "stop whining" "you refuse to see it" "i don't believe you" "you provided no evidence so you are wrong" bull, between like...3 different yet similar threads.


Just, stop. I will stop too, for everyone else's sakes.

Edited by kiteohatto
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I have not seen you offer anything, anything to back your "facts" up. I have not seen you explain why Chroma screams "dragon themed" at you. Im really, really getting sick of you and 2 other people replying with the same. "stop whining" "you refuse to see it" "i don't believe you" "you provided no evidence so you are wrong" bull, between like...3 different yet similar threads.


Just, stop. I will stop too, for everyone else's sakes.


Feel free to look at like, any of my posts. Seriously. I'm not gonna type all that out again. Talking to you is like talking to a wall.

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face it people, this new Frame looks as much as a dragon as every other Frame we have atm ... I mean nearly all Frames qualify as being 'Dragon themed' especialy with the cosmetic helmets and scarves and armor and stuff ...


I think ash is visualy the least special frame, and seeing some of these design elemenst being rehashed here triggers negativity ...

Looks like a quick mudbox job to some of us ...


but I as well think, the new frame is not very inspired at all

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I was arguing with one of the dudes in this thread on another thread but that was purely because I didn't like his attitude.

I don't look at Chroma and instantly think "dragon". I look at Chroma and immediately think of that Lephantis head that spits crap at you.


First impressions mean a lot to people and that's my first impression of Chroma. I'll always think of him not as the Dragon Frame but as the Infested Frame. That said, I like the look and I'm happy it's not some bullcrap stereotypical 'dude in spiky armour with dragon face helm' that people seem to have been expecting.

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I like it.  Chroma. Not the meat dress.  That's a waste of damn food.

I dont doubt the abilities. But I will have to place paper in the middle of the screen to dont see that ugly "design".

Or that super nice DE tactic - introduce ugly frame and then guess what - a skin only for 75p :D

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face it people, this new Frame looks as much as a dragon as every other Frame we have atm ... I mean nearly all Frames qualify as being 'Dragon themed' especialy with the cosmetic helmets and scarves and armor and stuff ...


I think ash is visualy the least special frame, and seeing some of these design elemenst being rehashed here triggers negativity ...

Looks like a quick mudbox job to some of us ...


but I as well think, the new frame is not very inspired at all

Exactly what i got from the look as well. It probably was a quick mudbox/zbrush job in the first place. It takes more effort to make something pleasant looking while keeping the theme easily recognisable but original and true to the game, instead we got a mutant model with screwed up proportions that doesn't match the theme it's trying to be.


Are you a fellow modeler ?

Edited by kiteohatto
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If we break it down, there is barely enough evidence on Chroma that suggests that he is a dragon themed. As soon as you can see 1 thing that supports the idea of a dragon then another thing pops up that counters it.


So you end up with:

seadragon head (the dragon evidence) sigh

bulky body(counter evidence)


smooth skin(counter evidence)

tail(hard to even tell what it is)


we can't even tell if he is a sea creature, but the body tells us that he is not, lack of gills/webbed fingers


In food terms this frame is a quiche of warframes. Im sure it has unique taste but you just don't know what's inside of it anymore, its all mixed together.


There is no such thing as "counter evidence" to a dragon. Some dragons have fur/hair and some don't. Some don't even have wings or they may have 11 wings. You're basically saying that if the dragon doesn't fit a particular cliche mold, then it can't be a dragon. 


Some random dragons taken from google.


The point is that there are many molds for dragons. Some are the typical 4 legged, scaled, winged, firebreathing beast. Some are wingless, long slender body, horned, with hair. Some generally don't appear to be draconic at all but retain some traits seem in the common molds. It all depends on the person that came up with the creature and since dragons are a fictional creature, the potential for their appearances can be limitless. So yeah, your "counter evidence" claim is null. You're refusing to see any obvious draconic traits that have been applied to an obvious humanoid wearing a suit because you want to.













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There is no such thing as "counter evidence" to a dragon. Some dragons have fur/hair and some don't. Some don't even have wings or they may have 11 wings. You're basically saying that if the dragon doesn't fit a particular cliche mold, then it can't be a dragon. 


Some random dragons taken from google.


The point is that there are many molds for dragons. Some are the typical 4 legged, scaled, winged, firebreathing beast. Some are wingless, long slender body, horned, with hair. Some generally don't appear to be draconic at all but retain some traits seem in the common molds. It all depends on the person that came up with the creature and since dragons are a fictional creature, the potential for their appearances can be limitless. So yeah, your "counter evidence" claim is null. You're refusing to see any draconic traits that have been applied to an obvious humanoid wearing a suit because you want to.













Its a flying snake or a damn crocodile-looking beast that spits fires.

Only two what you posted looks like it :D

COME ON - dragon isnt flying eel or a damn worm :D

Edited by Woras
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Its a flying snake or a damn crocodile-looking beast that spits fires.

Only two what you posted looks like it :D

COME ON - dragon isnt flying eel or a damn worm :D


I'm going to assume you're like 12 years old based on that response. You need to experience a little more games, books, movies, and media to make an informed opinion, child.

Edited by EmptyDevil
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There is no such thing as "counter evidence" to a dragon. Some dragons have fur/hair and some don't. Some don't even have wings or they may have 11 wings. You're basically saying that if the dragon doesn't fit a particular cliche mold, then it can't be a dragon. 


Some random dragons taken from google.


The point is that there are many molds for dragons. Some are the typical 4 legged, scaled, winged, firebreathing beast. Some are wingless, long slender body, horned, with hair. Some generally don't appear to be draconic at all but retain some traits seem in the common molds. It all depends on the person that came up with the creature and since dragons are a fictional creature, the potential for their appearances can be limitless. So yeah, your "counter evidence" claim is null. You're refusing to see any obvious draconic traits that have been applied to an obvious humanoid wearing a suit because you want to.













The difference is...those dragons have consistent design throughout, you can tell they are dragons just by looking at them. They stick to 1 type of reference and refine it, change it and add their own twist to it. You can tell which can fly, which can swim, you can see where the artist took the idea from.


What we have is a creature that borrows too many differnt things from other creatures that you can't make a sense of it. I don't know how else to explain it.

Edited by kiteohatto
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this froums text editor does not let me quote or copy/paste anything ...


@kitteohatto  yes, I try to work myself through some mudbox models at the moment as well ^^ ... if u are an expereinced modeler, organic looking stuff is done in almost no time with these programs today ...

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I'm going to assume you're like 12 years old based on that response. You need to experience a little more games, books, movies, and media to make an informed opinion, child.

So you playing hard, huh? Hi, kettle, name's pot? You think I generalise dragon appearence, so you generalise everyone who disagrees with you as "kids"?

Go get some GF or something, you seem frustrated :D (another great general answer, is it not?)

And no - going on all like "but thats how its supposed to look, you just dont know! [insert_hipster_response]" is really off here.

Designers wanted universal dragon - but got so ugly, not even words describe :D

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I just think Chroma's design is strange in that he has that elongated dragon snout usually reserved for serpentine-style dragons while having a massive bulky body. A more solid and sturdy helmet design that is still dragon-like would've made all the difference, or a thinner and more serpentine body.


If you stuck Frost's head on Limbo's body, it'd look pretty weird too, right?

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So you playing hard, huh? Hi, kettle, name's pot? You think I generalise dragon appearence, so you generalise everyone who disagrees with you as "kids"?

Go get some GF or something, you seem frustrated :D (another great general answer, is it not?)

And no - going on all like "but thats how its supposed to look, you just dont know! [insert_hipster_response]" is really off here.

Designers wanted universal dragon - but got so ugly, not even words describe :D

Playing hard? You are the first person i referred to as a kid and it definitely wasn't because of your generalization of dragons. "Go get some GF or something, you seem frustrated." Some GF? What are we oranges? Another great general answer to what? Do you even know what general means?


Wow, please stay in school. That second statement or whatever it was you were trying to say is horrible.



I just think Chroma's design is strange in that he has that elongated dragon snout usually reserved for serpentine-style dragons while having a massive bulky body. A more solid and sturdy helmet design that is still dragon-like would've made all the difference, or a thinner and more serpentine body.


If you stuck Frost's head on Limbo's body, it'd look pretty weird too, right?


This is a good opinion. You don't exactly agree with the design but at least you aren't bashing it or actively trying to incite unrest in the people that do like it. Wish more posts were like this.

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Playing hard? You are the first person i referred to as a kid and it definitely wasn't because of your generalization of dragons. "Go get some GF or something, you seem frustrated." Some GF? What are we oranges? Another great general answer to what? Do you even know what general means?


Wow, please stay in school. That second statement or whatever it was you were trying to say is horrible.



I see arrogance gives you nice ego boost. Not that it matters anywhere at all but I'll let you be happy about it :D

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I don't think you know what arrogance means...

Of course I dont - Im a kid, dont you remember? 

Your age little bit gets on your memory, does it not? :D

...make sure to keep your hand steady when aiming for headshots......or aiming at all.

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