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Warframe If It Were A Visual Novel

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ENTER: The Lotus' Academy for Gifted Tenno


Excalibur: The player

Volt: Fabulous friend.  Never said to be gay, but he's so fabulous so ehhh.

Nekros: The creepy one

Ash: troublemaking best friend who pulls pranks on everyone at the same time.

Mirage: The entire cheerleading team

Rhino: Star Football player

Nova: Joyful happy Loli

Ember: Science club member.  She saves them a fortune on bunson burners.

Hydroid: Science teacher.

Mag: another science club member

Zephyr: Botany teacher


All prime frames are just seniors


Vor: Old grumpy janitor

Alad V: Board of education member who wants to shut the school down.

Sargas Ruk: Gym teacher


Lotus is the headmaster.


Ordis is excalibur's crazy butler.


The sentients would be a rival school.



Valkyr would be head of the wrestling team.

Frost would be in the kendo club.


Banshee: Music club.  Obviously.

Phorid is a class pet.

lephantis is the school mascot.


Stalker is school bully.

The grustrag three are stalker's posse.

Edited by Gaminus
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Saryn: The tsundere beauty every boy dreams of.

Nyx: Yandere girl with huge hair.

Limbo: The un-cool kid who knows too much?



Trinity: Nerd, shy girl that everyone avoids for no actual reason.

Oberon: The school`s fat dude. Nuff said.



Mesa: The one that always brings her own bento to every possible situation.

Frost: Businessman who stalks highschool girls in his limousine. 

Edited by Elannor
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Saryn: The tsundere beauty every boy dreams of.

Nyx: Yandere girl with huge hair.

Limbo: The un-cool kid who knows too much?



Trinity: Nerd, shy girl that everyone avoids for no actual reason.

Oberon: The school`s fat dude. Nuff said.

those,frost and mesa missing



Edited by Xatheon
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ENTER: The Lotus' Academy for Gifted Tenno

Excalibur: The player

Volt: Fabulous friend. Never said to be gay, but he's so fabulous so ehhh.

Nekros: The creepy one

Loki: troublemaking best friend who pulls pranks on everyone at the same time.

Mirage: The entire cheerleading team

Rhino: Star Football player

Nova: Joyful happy Loli (for the love of god please no)

Hydroid: Physics teacher.

Ember: Science club member. She saves them a fortune on Bunsen burners. Actively avoids Frost.

Mag: another science club member

Zephyr: Botany teacher

Saryn: Chemistry teacher

Vauban: electro-physics and steel workshop teacher.

Banshee: Band/Choir teacher

Frost: Stoic band member, never really talks to anyone and usually hangs out in the lower halls due to the cooler temperature. Actively avoids Ember.

Trynity: School Nurse.

Nyx: Tough and smart tsundere that (not so) secretly likes Excalibur, and is main heroine

All prime frames are just seniors

Vor: Old grumpy janitor

Alad V: Board of education member who wants to shut the school down.

Sargas Ruk: Gym teacher

Lotus is the headmaster.

Ordis is excalibur's crazy butler.

The sentients would be a rival school.

Nailed it, but I do like the idea of Saryn being the popular girl of the school.


Edited by Dr.Schanbel
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Wait, Ash does pranks and not Loki?

C'mon, we all know:

Ash is the "cool dude" that normally doesn't speak and shows up out of nowhere.

And if he says something, he says it with a very high voice o3o


the rest is nice^-^


edit: wait, you totally forgot Loki, I can't see him in your list.... *thinks about it* ... nevermind o.o

Edited by Fabpsi
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Wait, Ash does pranks and not Loki?

C'mon, we all know:

Ash is the "cool dude" that normally doesn't speak and shows up out of nowhere.

edit: wait, you totally forgot Loki, I can't see him in your list.... *thinks about it* ... nevermind o.o

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