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Volt 4th skill much too strong


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I play Volt and i have to say the 4th skill is crazy overpowered.

1 button and can toast a whole army of enemies and if I'm lucky I find some energy at the toasted enemies i can use it again ..and again ...

If you use warframe mods with Powerrange the skill becomes even more ridiculous.

I hope this will be balanced soon because some friends refuse to play with me if i use the skill (I know, ridiculous).

I think a smaller range would do the trick like 60%-75% reduced.

The 3th Skill by the way is a bit expensiv ...75 energy for this shield ...

Edited by antimab
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4th skill is just fine it does what its supose just just like mags 4th skill does the same thing. And well dont use the skill when u play with people then i never use it when i party with people i only use it when i solo.

Mag's 4th ability has nowhere near the range. Imo volt should be wide area of affect, but low damage. Make it so it can kill mobs, but not bosses and commanders and give it a lesser effect the further away from the player it is.

Or they could make it be low damage with the same range and it stuns mobs/bosses.

Edited by Aggh
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4th skill is just fine it does what its supose just just like mags 4th skill does the same thing. And well dont use the skill when u play with people then i never use it when i party with people i only use it when i solo.

4th skill is just fine

And well dont use the skill when u play with people then i never use it when i party with people i only use it when i solo.

4th skill is just fine

dont use the skill when u play with people then i never use it when i party with people

4th skill is just fine

dont use the skill when u play with people

Just going to leave this as it stands.

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hey community

Volts 4th skill has advantages and disadvantages

advantages: 1.the attack is strong against robots and elektronic and really nice to destroy turrets and cameras (wunderfull to stay undetected).

disadvantages: 1. if you play against infection and ther is no elektronik things to destroy anymore this attack does 0 damage.

2. if you have to destroy the reactor your 4th skills lose all his power when you play against grineer and infection.

so in my opinion volts 4th skills is okay the only thing who disturbing me is the fact that i can 2 hit the strongest boss in the game (pluto boss).

but there are much more ridicilous bug abuse against bosses :)

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so in my opinion volts 4th skills is okay the only thing who disturbing me is the fact that i can 2 hit the strongest boss in the game (pluto boss).

so in my opinion volts 4th skills is okay

i can 2 hit the strongest boss in the game (pluto boss).

volts 4th skills is okay

can 2 hit the strongest boss in the game).

4th skill is okay

2 hit the strongest boss

Just going to leave this as it stands.

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It's supposed to be overpowerd, it's your last and more powerful ability, besides, Volt is a HIGH DAMAGE Warframe, read the description, and you're exagerating, is not that powerful and sometimes, if there's no electric elements, (lights, cameras, etc) it doesn't deal any damage and you waste your energy

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It's supposed to be overpowerd, it's your last and more powerful ability, besides, Volt is a HIGH DAMAGE Warframe, read the description, and you're exagerating, is not that powerful

Alright, since you seem to think I am whining because I don't have Volt ... I am riding the lightning. I went to Hades and triggered the Ulti, watched the Boss take 5 hits of 6000 damage each and keel over. That is a boss, dying from me walking into the room, pressing 4. That is not "exagerating". And it is, most definately, "that powerful".

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Skill is pretty much useless against infected ancients. Works fine clearing the mooks but the ancients appear to take no damage from it at all. Also seemed like some of the non infected bosses I fought werent effected by it either. On defense missions It tends to only have a single use since all the fighting is in 1 room and you blow out all the electric elements on the first use and wont even effect grineer or corpus units afterwards. The only real Issue I have with volt abilities are the energy costs for the 2nd and 3rd skill vs what small amount of utility they actually provide.

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It's supposed to be overpowerd, it's your last and more powerful ability, besides, Volt is a HIGH DAMAGE Warframe, read the description, and you're exagerating, is not that powerful and sometimes, if there's no electric elements, (lights, cameras, etc) it doesn't deal any damage and you waste your energy

There is always a room you can lure mobs / bosses into if you don't have lights where you are. And even if there weren't, that's not a good enough balance for the massive damage and aoe.

Edited by Aggh
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The main reason volt is balanced is the fact that vs infestation it does almost no damage vs elites. Think of it this way...

Ember = Infested

Mag = Grineer

Volt = Cronus

Ember and Volt are a bit stronger imo, but mag does good versus all the types so it's why she's handicapped some on range.

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They nerf the damage or the insane range. If it's the range then I suppose they added incentive for volt users to try out mods that increase power range. I'd still rather them take a look at the 2nd and 3rd skills though. I mean skill 2 is basically a turbo sprint that burns 50 energy per use. Not exeptionally useful in most cases to be worth that much energy. Skill 3 burns 75 energy and pops up a relatively small immoble energy wall that you can use as cover from bullets. IMO not really useful either since physical cover is generally abundant and also infested dont use bullets. Also don't think it does anything vs shockwaves either.

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They nerf the damage or the insane range. If it's the range then I suppose they added incentive for volt users to try out mods that increase power range. I'd still rather them take a look at the 2nd and 3rd skills though. I mean skill 2 is basically a turbo sprint that burns 50 energy per use. Not exeptionally useful in most cases to be worth that much energy. Skill 3 burns 75 energy and pops up a relatively small immoble energy wall that you can use as cover from bullets. IMO not really useful either since physical cover is generally abundant and also infested dont use bullets. Also don't think it does anything vs shockwaves either.

Uhm...I'm not really sure to be honest, they didnt nerf damage since it still 1 hits normal enemies, and about range I'm not sure, because i have like +100+% and mine reaches pretty far, but it definitely isnt as devastating as it used to be. There is also a mass delay (about 5 seconds) for the lights to get blown out

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I think it might be broken accidentally now, I just used it about three times to test and it did no damage to enemies attacking me in melee range.

As in they had full health and were standing next to me and I used it and afterwards they still had full health.

I'm hoping that this is a bug or a hard reset of the skill. I'll be checking in every once in a while in future to test more though.

Edited by Baldur
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I agree that before was overpowered, so that only using 1 time, I could clean three rooms if I went running by them, but now 70% of the times that I use it causes no harm and sometimes the mobs which are surrounding me, kill me when I'm floating :S... and when it works even using rare mods and being lvl.30, it only lasts 3 seconds and kills up to 5 mobs at close range only... It's become completely useless, even the 1st skill is more powerful/useful now :X

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The problem why it does no damage anymore is because if the lights are broken ...they are broken ....so you can't use the skill again, just read the skill description.

But now the skill has become a bit too weak ... maybe something between like it is now and it was, would be a better

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The best looking skill in the game! Great job devs!! I don't even care when my friend is using it because it looks awesome! And actually compared to other classes that skill is OK.

sry dude, thats not the point here ...and do you mean the prepatch version of the skill ?

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