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[Known Bug] Game Shuts Down Automatic Or Crash After Mission Or Leaving Squad


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hi everyone,  since the update 16 yesterday i have the problem of the game automatic shuts down or crash after doing a mission or leave a squad, anyone else has this problem, its not really a big deal i just start the game again, i'm sure they will fix it, bu someone have to report this right, i love this game its awesome hehe

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hi everyone,  since the update 16 yesterday i have the problem of the game automatic shuts down or crash after doing a mission or leave a squad, anyone else has this problem, its not really a big deal i just start the game again, i'm sure they will fix it, bu someone have to report this right, i love this game its awesome hehe

Yes I have the same problem.  You mention you are able to deal with it.  I cant load a mission without the game closing.  So essentially right now I am limited to watching Trade channel, anything else crashes the game.  I do hope the problem gets fixed ASAP.

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I disagree with OP. This bug is a game breaker. Happens to me every two missions or so. It seems to happen when entering the map or leaving the map, whether exiting to the Liset or going to a mission. It's also happened a number of times hitting L2 to bring up the recruit chat. It happened once leaving my squad. It'd be great to see a fix ASAP.

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So after updating last night I came home, launched the game, updated and went to go try one of the new stealth missions...only to have the game crash after the initial nav screen. No blue screen or error msg or sound. The game just closed. So I restart the game get one mission in(which was nice btw) then after the mission I open the nav screen again to look at the current alerts/invasions...game crashes again. No error msg. Launch game again, open nav try to look syndicate mission game crashes instantly...no error msg. To be clear I can hit options to enter the menu and could check the inbox/clan menu etc fine, bought a bp off the market no problem. After the initial nav screen attempting to look at any of the alert menus(invasions/syndicates/alerts) etc or opening chat causes the game to crash with no blue screen/error msg at all. Obviously this makes the game kinda unplayable atm. Anyone else having problems with this? I've had lag/disconnects and the odd crash before but never with no error msg. hope this gets fixed soon as I was hoping to get a few things done in the game before bloodborne comes out as I'll be busy with that for a good while after.

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So it's not only me... I was playing warframe on my ps4 almost non stop and then... But now, i just feel depressed playing this game...This really needs a fix. It's only me, or game loading now more slower? Like after yellow bar loading, there was black screen loading, now they added one more loading screen or it's just my imagination? Maybe it's because almost after every mission "PUFF" and i already in main ps4 menu! Still remember first one, when i was thinking maybe i accidently pushed ps button... NOPE!!! <_>

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I merged similar reports. We need more information to help solve this, so if you do get an error message, please post it. If you experience this bug, please, try deleting your Warframe saved data in your PS4 system storage. 

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This is hitting me also, it seems any time I spend more than 2 mins idle. This includes the title screen with the intro music after the scan for updates. But 2 mins plus on Liset if you do anything like checking/flipping chat channels or going to the star chart the game just exits and closes with no error message. I even uninstalled the game and update and reinstalled same problem. I have also deleted the warframe saved data per DE Drew suggestion listed above. Still same problem. 2+ mins sitting in Liset or after one mission. If I try to enter the star chart, leave a squad or go to chat channels mainly recruit or trade it exits the game and drops me back to PS4 home.

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So it's not only me... I was playing warframe on my ps4 almost non stop and then... But now, i just feel depressed playing this game...This really needs a fix. It's only me, or game loading now more slower? Like after yellow bar loading, there was black screen loading, now they added one more loading screen or it's just my imagination? Maybe it's because almost after every mission "PUFF" and i already in main ps4 menu! Still remember first one, when i was thinking maybe i accidently pushed ps button... NOPE!!! <_>

You most certainly are not the only one.  It does seem as though they added another loading screen also.   The game is unplayable for anyone looking to get something done.  At any moment getting puffed out of the game is not very fun.  

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I merged similar reports. We need more information to help solve this, so if you do get an error message, please post it. If you experience this bug, please, try deleting your Warframe saved data in your PS4 system storage. 

No error Message.   It closes down as if you were to "close application" but without the psn menu in between.  I will try deleting warframe data and report back later.

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I am experience this as well (ps4), warframe closes instantly without any warning or error message. Takes you back to the ps4 homescreen. Happens to me about once or twice an hour, sometimes more frequently for some reason. Usually happens after mission when someone leaves the squad, but recently it has happened a couple times mid-mission and I lost a lot of loot! About a 40min T4 interception run,I opened the ps4 chat window and when I sent message it instantly closed, even though I have sent many messages during missions before and during that same mission as well. I was able to relaunch and re-join my squad but none of the rewards were retained "/ it seems to be a problem somehow related to groups or maybe chat? Idk, just throwing out ideas.

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I am experience this as well (ps4), warframe closes instantly without any warning or error message. Takes you back to the ps4 homescreen. Happens to me about once or twice an hour, sometimes more frequently for some reason. Usually happens after mission when someone leaves the squad, but recently it has happened a couple times mid-mission and I lost a lot of loot! About a 40min T4 interception run,I opened the ps4 chat window and when I sent message it instantly closed, even though I have sent many messages during missions before and during that same mission as well. I was able to relaunch and re-join my squad but none of the rewards were retained "/ it seems to be a problem somehow related to groups or maybe chat? Idk, just throwing out ideas.

Yeah... It's just horrible... I want to add, it's not only for messages and chat window etc. Today i got my homescreen about 3-4 times just in one hour, one of them was when i just started the game, rewards start rolling "PUFF"! Another one was when i started the game (again >_<), but wait! Where is my tea? here you go! ^_^ My character was standing, and as soon i tried to move my stick... Well you get the idea. Is this really something correlating with chat? Group and? I don't think so, as i get it, there is time when you push on the text channel, when it connects to the chat, but in my case it was long before that. As for other stuff...I don't know, for me it's just seems as game was "blowed up" by this 9gig update. There is no errors...I really hope this will not  cause "damage" to  "something". Yeah, i'm a bit of paranoid, sorry for that. Anyway... Developers  .... o(╥﹏╥)o  help us!

Edited by (PS4)TemoteJiku
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Yup samething is happening to me my would crash and get sent back to the playstation menu without an error message or anything. This usually happenis if I leave a squad or someonelse leaves the squad. It also happens whenever i try to switch Chats using L1 and R1. Please fix this I would get this every 30min or less!!!

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So after updating last night I came home, launched the game, updated and went to go try one of the new stealth missions...only to have the game crash after the initial nav screen. No blue screen or error msg or sound. The game just closed. So I restart the game get one mission in(which was nice btw) then after the mission I open the nav screen again to look at the current alerts/invasions...game crashes again. No error msg. Launch game again, open nav try to look syndicate mission game crashes instantly...no error msg. To be clear I can hit options to enter the menu and could check the inbox/clan menu etc fine, bought a bp off the market no problem. After the initial nav screen attempting to look at any of the alert menus(invasions/syndicates/alerts) etc or opening chat causes the game to crash with no blue screen/error msg at all. Obviously this makes the game kinda unplayable atm. Anyone else having problems with this? I've had lag/disconnects and the odd crash before but never with no error msg. hope this gets fixed soon as I was hoping to get a few things done in the game before bloodborne comes out as I'll be busy with that for a good while after.

same exact thing happening to me.

i uninstalled the game and re-installed, still happening. its just about every other time i try and either access a mission or leave the mission choice screen to walk around in the liset. its just crashes to PS4 main menu. no error code.

im playing single player, i haven't entered chat at all. just so you know its not only people leaving a squad or entering chat. hopefully we will get a fix soon.

its getting annoying enough to not play for the time being, gonna put my kubrow in storage so she doesnt die.

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hi ,  i cant get my prime items this way , the game idk if cause of new update but it crashes out of nowhere everytime since a few days now ,  i lost everything i found during void missions for like 10 times now .  Especially when i type to someone it crashes faster but even if i just play and rush cause scared for dc now it shuts down randomly  , its really getting annoying.  I play it on ps4 .  Could it be fixed ..?

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I merged similar reports. We need more information to help solve this, so if you do get an error message, please post it. If you experience this bug, please, try deleting your Warframe saved data in your PS4 system storage. 


This didn't do anything regarding the bug. Ordis looks different now though?

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Oh so this is where my post went. Anyway yeah I spent 45 min today trying to get on the earth relay and buy stuff from the void trader without the game crashing. Not much to report it just quits to ps4 main menu. I can still change frames, use the other liset terminals etc but as soon as I have to go to the nav screen the game goes bye bye. Dunno what else we can add with no error msg or no way to tell when it will crash or just go through like normal, or more importantly why it's only effecting some ppl.


and yeah the colours seems different now for me too. More washed out. Some planets and the liset seem off though I know you've been changing some of the tech stuff last couple updates so it could just be that.

Edited by (PS4)Eldritch_Spectre
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Oh so this is where my post went. Anyway yeah I spent 45 min today trying to get on the earth relay and buy stuff from the void trader without the game crashing. Not much to report it just quits to ps4 main menu. I can still change frames, use the other liset terminals etc but as soon as I have to go to the nav screen the game goes bye bye. Dunno what else we can add with no error msg or no way to tell when it will crash or just go through like normal, or more importantly why it's only effecting some ppl.


and yeah the colours seems different now for me too. More washed out. Some planets and the liset seem off though I know you've been changing some of the tech stuff last couple updates so it could just be that.

Its the new lighting. If you turn off adaptive exposure the colors look richer just watch out for shadows in some tilesets (mainly grineer galleon) the damn shadows even with occlusion and adaptive off are so ridiculously dark now you can't see a damn thing in some areas.

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Here's list of things that I've tried that didn't work:

1.) Uninstalled and reinstalled Warframe.

2.) Opened ports 4950 and 4955 on my router.

3.) Deleted my saved data.

4.) Turned off Adaptive Exposure, Ambient Occlusion, Motion Blur, Bloom, Color Correction, Constant Weapon Trail, and Weapon Element FX.


Warframe doesn't like it when I open the Chat window or Navigation. Without warning or an error message, it forces Warframe to quit and return to the PS4 home screen. It does seem completely random at times. Afer 15 minutes in survival or after a squad member leaves (acquiring a new host), it will close Warframe. As of right now, this is all the information I'm able to give.

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I too had this problem. I saw somewhere on reddit yesterday that this patch added additional ports. So I found the following page, and adding the TCP port range 6695 - 6699 to the forwarding appears to have resolved the issue for me:


Edit: I also added the UDP ports 4950 and 4955, not just the TCP port range, just to be clear.

Edit 2: It started up again, sigh.

Edited by (PS4)biru-o-nomimasu
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In my case suffered de same problem, i live in Colombia im decided to érase the game and reinstall it because to day started to give me warnings that the files was corrupted now when you aré installing the update that weigths 9.32GB reaches 9.12GB, restart again whitout complet the installation, i have already sent several reports about no reply my messages. I would be like to help me find solutions, and i hope to lose my progress in game. Im sent a support request, with attached images. Thanks for your time

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