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  1. Vanilla Nova fresh out of the foundry is a walking nightmare
  2. I'm curious how merging rivens is going to work with riven slot limitations.
  3. "Lonely Dastard iso Damsel" unedited #moframe23 #movember
  4. I had to practice this one quite a bit. Memorizing where the canisters drop was probably the most useful part of the practice. I found the 6th canister too far from the action to be of much use. Mag bubble is how I did it. Just watch out for the venomous eximus.
  5. This particular one was before the new update. Haven't run into the energy orb one yet. That sounds fun.
  6. There are times I have turned off haven to allow shields to rebuild or it wasn't needed, or whatever, and the shield drain continues with no enemies around. Anyone have an idea as to why?
  7. What does that mean? Isn't that dependent on the frame (or loadout slot if you prefer) you navigated to the cave with?
  8. Is the school that gets that focus determined by the warframe you're wearing when you navigate to the cave?
  9. Can you please lower the cooldown or expand its range to make it more useful?
  10. I have been curious about this for years. edit: by how many times, I mean the total across the entire game.
  11. My understanding is that you have to talk to Mother in the open world, which means you're either already pugging (and people doing their mining or fishing or whatever) or alone. Is there any way to jump into one without having to go into chat and spend 20 minutes trying to find 3 other people?
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