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Damn I Love This Game [Thanks De]


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So i have been playing this game for a while now, i started on a diff account a long time ago.

things have changed a lot, and i love it.

The new UI... WOW! it was like getting a whole new game! the ship and everything wow..


with all the praise i have for this game it of coarse has its problems, im really hoping the new PVP will alleviate its biggest one which is burnout. i know its hard to make lengthy content that people wont just breeze through, were like baby bird's... and when mamma DE comes back to the nest with a nice tasty morsel we gobble it up and chirp for more XD


i know there has been a lot of fuss over the new frame, you reveal it and some people don't like the helm, then you change it and some people want it changed back.. well you just do you DE, im happy with anything you choose cause i know you want whats best for the game.


With the year fully in swing and our first major update coming along i cant wait to see what else you guys have deep in those brains :D



((maybe this should have been in off topic... sorry))

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Core gameplay is still repetitive/boring imo.

such a substantive contribution to the thread.


I was literally lost in space until I read this. The skies have parted and all is so clear to me know. 

Edited by RawGritz
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I can agree with those whom say this game is repetitive. Maybe in the further future when players can give addons or more player created content will be available in game and they fixed the pvp content and the pve (AI) and realeased atleast 100 frame then the game potentialy could be fun.


Ps: The potential, fan arts, warframe designs keep me in this game only. 

Edited by Sziklamester
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Yet you're still here. 



such a substantive contribution to the thread.


I was literally lost in space until I read this. The skies have parted and all is so clear to me know. 





Then you should obviously not be playing the game?

Is it normal here to act this hurt about someone giving out their own opnion on the state of the game, or is that just a thing you guys have?

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Is it normal here to act this hurt about someone giving out their own opnion on the state of the game, or is that just a thing you guys have?

Tis the norm, Excuse my cynicism. Hat tip for respecting an opposing opinion

Edited by Jeigo
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Is it normal here to act this hurt about someone giving out their own opnion on the state of the game, or is that just a thing you guys have?

No one seems hurt at all to me. Who I responded to, tried to derail the OP's thread about how happy he is with Warframe. They chime in offering nothing substantive, only to say "Still boring to me." You should have expected verbal decapitation from the community. 


Now back to your original thread already in progress.

Edited by RawGritz
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