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Rest In Peace Synoid Gammacor


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So, devs failed, as usual.


I would understand these nerfes, if new gear could replace the nerfed one.


But no, devs continue to make absolutely useless, totally not fun nor interesting low rate content and only sense that most players feel when buying / crafting brand new content (gun or frame) - dissapointement.


For 1 year, there are only 3 good weapons made: optikor (just another version of dread), synoidal gammakor and soma prime. How many good frames were made? None.


Every game content should hold players in this game in such a way: "heey! Cool gun/frame/etc! I wanna level it up and spend some of my time and resources for that". And what actually happenes?

"New weapons? Well, they made stupid useless guns for punching lvl 5 mobs on mercury. Again. No thx, it doesn't cost even my weapon slot, not saying of my money or time."


As for me, gammakor was a sustained-dps-status-gun. I was glad that i can take optikor/dread as main weapon while having good automatic pistol.

Now, there's no auto-pistol and that means: no semi-auto for main weapons.


Devs do everything to S#&$ up all good ideas they previously made. GJ.


Do you like melee weapons? Cool! Let's make such patches so these weapons could be used only for jumping!

Do you like unstandard weapons like rocket launchers? Ok, let's nerf them! Only rifles allowed rofl!

Do you calculate dps and think about utility? Hey! Take this S#&$ we made: brand new panther and agdjagara and new useless ripkas and 8k-dps chomak!! Give us your money for spitting while playing with our brand-new-S#&$!


WTF really?

Seems that devs are out of any new ideas and that means that game soon will be dead..


We ask for new utility weapons: may be some turrets that can be placed on the ground as main weapon, or pistol + shield combo for defense. Or good alternate fire on weapons (remember shock rifle from Unreal?). Or at least some utility items in weapon slots that deal no damage but provide unique functions (defensive or attack-buff-fields, mines, traps, disabling movement/shots items etc)..


And what do we get instead?

Nerfing favorite toys instead of giving new favorite toys?

Giving cosmetic items such as useless "for rank" weapons?

Giving low rate "for rank" frames?


When i started to play warframe, i was glad buying some platinum... I could spend it on usefull stuff like vauban or potatoes. Now i do not know if devs deside to nerf another favorite toy, so i'm just afraid to spend money and time on getting new effective weapons.. The only good thing here is that there's no good weapons and frames from new ones.


So, after getting and testing new frame (and it will last less than a weak), i'll stop entering this game till next patch, or any new patch were i will see some good and effective guns / frames.

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What i really dont understand - where is the feedback??? DE allo? What is your word?

Its the Forum. We come here not to talk to each other. We can do it at any other place.

How many posts and pages this thread need to get? When you will answer?

We're all listen you. Please dont think that all will calmdown in few days by itself.

Community is disappointed. Better start doing some steps to correct this situation. Time to show to your commutiny that you are really interactive.

If this post or thread will not get answer even from forum admins in near time... I think not many people like when someone ignoring them.

I hope moderators will do their work and take this thread to DE.

As for now, all players who spent dozens of hours on this ingame item please accept my condolences.I was really glad to have nice weapon with 5 formas and catalyst that dealt 5,6k of any combined elemental damage. And it was used deservedly.

I spent my time on it too. I expect that DE understand what time is it and what role it has in life of adult(not 19-25 yo) man.

So all this text was about the respect to community.

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What i really dont understand - where is the feedback??? DE allo? What is your word?

Its the Forum. We come here not to talk to each other. We can do it at any other place.

How many posts and pages this thread need to get? When you will answer?

We're all listen you. Please dont think that all will calmdown in few days by itself.

Community is disappointed. Better start doing some steps to correct this situation. Time to show to your commutiny that you are really interactive.

If this post or thread will not get answer even from forum admins in near time... I think not many people like when someone ignoring them.

I hope moderators will do their work and take this thread to DE.

As for now, all players who spent dozens of hours on this ingame item please accept my condolences.I was really glad to have nice weapon with 5 formas and catalyst that dealt 5,6k of any combined elemental damage. And it was used deservedly.

I spent my time on it too. I expect that DE understand what time is it and what role it has in life of adult(not 19-25 yo) man.

So all this text was about the respect to community.

i dont see conversation here,just crying and anal fire in every post about nerf one of the best secondary weapon

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i dont see conversation here,just crying and anal fire in every post about nerf one of the best secondary weapon

I assume it because you didn't read well.

Players who have *conversation* in this thread described all the problems with nerf clearly.

And those who think that it wasn't so just saw that they were wrong.

As for you... you looks like just a fat troll. So please post smthing related to tread, not your personal opinion.

Most ppl listed their math, another told about investments of time and money that losed.

Its not a drama. All people here just want to say that business  in real world didnt go well with such attitude.  

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Whoa they nerfed the damage too? o -o


They didn't. It's just a misconception from people who haven't touched the Synoid since U16 hit.


Old Synoid was 210 damage per tick, 2 ticks per second. New Synoid is 28 damage per tick, 15 ticks per second. It still does 420 DPS in one second; the only difference is that it now costs 15 ammo during that second instead of 2.

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I assume it because you didn't read well.

Players who have *conversation* in this thread described all the problems with nerf clearly.

And those who think that it wasn't so just saw that they were wrong.

As for you... you looks like just a fat troll. So please post smthing related to tread, not your personal opinion.

Most ppl listed their math, another told about investments of time and money that losed.

Its not a drama. All people here just want to say that business  in real world didnt go well with such attitude.  

to you,im have 28 formas returned when de nerf warframe slots,so you gonna tell me how much time YOU invest?its just fun read now how people cry, when there a lot of good secondary weapon and how fast you can lvl up it now,compare to old days.

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Good sir i see that you didn't get it. Also i see that your words guided by insult only. We have the problem here. And this problem repeated by DE over and over again. I invested much time as for me, and i appeciate it as well as all who are in this tread, and we played warframe not a few days too.This game, which we all love, must not be a waste of time.

Synoid Gammacor nerf may be the last straw for most people. So DE have to do nothing but buff this stuff again. If they decided that it was OP, let them offer to us few choises. We can vote for one of them.

But it should not be like this - we make it like that and fat point. 

No one will play game in which no endgame stuff. All that presents now are just handicapped stuff with few exceptions. One of this exceptions was S. gammacor.

We need the solution from DE. And they should be pleased that we want to help them resolve this crap situation here. In common disappointed people just quit game and don't launch it for months, and many will simply delete it.

So lets make people happy again and play warframe in good mood.  
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Good sir i see that you didn't get it. Also i see that your words guided by insult only. We have the problem here. And this problem repeated by DE over and over again. I invested much time as for me, and i appeciate it as well as all who are in this tread, and we played warframe not a few days too.This game, which we all love, must not be a waste of time.

Synoid Gammacor nerf may be the last straw for most people. So DE have to do nothing but buff this stuff again. If they decided that it was OP, let them offer to us few choises. We can vote for one of them.

But it should not be like this - we make it like that and fat point. 

No one will play game in which no endgame stuff. All that presents now are just handicapped stuff with few exceptions. One of this exceptions was S. gammacor.

We need the solution from DE. And they should be pleased that we want to help them resolve this crap situation here. In common disappointed people just quit game and don't launch it for months, and many will simply delete it.

So lets make people happy again and play warframe in good mood.  


you srsly?you say you play warframe not few days and think gammacor was good in late game?did you even try him on 200+lvl mobs?all insults in this thread because someone stole toy from kids,why no one dont complain about ex nerf?because no one give a F***,thats how this community work.

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They didn't. It's just a misconception from people who haven't touched the Synoid since U16 hit.


Old Synoid was 210 damage per tick, 2 ticks per second. New Synoid is 28 damage per tick, 15 ticks per second. It still does 420 DPS in one second; the only difference is that it now costs 15 ammo during that second instead of 2.


Actually, DPS was nerfed massively.


You count only theoretical damage potencial.


On practice, i had 2 status on gammakor, magnetic and gas (about 6k damage per tick from gas).

Burst dps was 52k, sustained dps was 48k. If i shooted on pack of enemies (10 in vaubans vortex, for example), it gave me AOE gas damage 6k x 10 each second.

It means that i had additional 60k damage per second from status.

So, previous dps against 10 targets was:

52k + 6k*10 = 112k.

sustained dps was: 48k + 6k*10 = 98k.


Now, i have on same build:

45k burst dps (was 52k)

31k sustained dps (was 48k)

additional 1k dps AOE gas (was 6k aoe).


Let's calculate new dps against 10 targets:

45k + 1k*10 = 55k dps

sustained dps: 32k + 1k*10 = 42k.


55k dps against 112k.

42k sustained against 98k.




And i'm not saying here that having 35 bullets per second is total crap on high level content.

I'm not saying that new gammakor build has to cancel fire rate and lower it for ammo economy.

I'm not saying that now i have to place mutator and mod that loweres fire rate.

Because in this actual build, stats will be:


fire rate: 9,6

crit 14,8% (x2)

status 71%

burst dps: 10k

sustained dps: 9k.


With such stats, i can just pick quanta with 20k dps and that's it.


So please stop mentioning that "base dps remained the same" because it is bullS#&$.

Edited by Atomic_Cybersystems
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Nothing that I said was wrong. The base burst DPS is the same.

The sustained DPS takes a hit from the reduced M1-holding time per mag, and overall DPS takes a hit from having to build the weapon differently. These are obvious consequences of what happens when ammo efficiency is reduced.




Why aren't you using Lethal Torrent on that last build? And what the bloody hell is Creeping Bullseye doing there? You're reducing the fire rate for the sake of efficiency, yet the damage per unit ammo isn't improving because you're using Creeping Bullseye instead of an actual damage mod. You are literally losing out on both damage and ammo efficiency because of the lengths you are going to reduce fire rate. No wonder the thing's so weak.




Forma aside, here's a standard "efficient" Synoid build that I made by mindlessly throwing mods together. 

That's 32k Burst, 24k Sustained.

Edited by SortaRandom
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you srsly?you say you play warframe not few days and think gammacor was good in late game?did you even try him on 200+lvl mobs?all insults in this thread because someone stole toy from kids,why no one dont complain about ex nerf?because no one give a F***,thats how this community work.

Please dont show to public that you are merely rage-kid. As i told before give respect to people. 

And DE we all here still waiting. Where is the answer?

Or this topic must appear on all warframe resources?

This is not a "one-way street".

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Прощай синоидальный гамма, дружище, ради тебя и красавца локи прайма я играл в эту игру, я буду вспоминать наши вечера проведенные вместе с забвением! T_T P.S. верни мои полярки они тебе больше не нужны! (

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If you want to complain about a Syndicate weapon, complain about this one.



Secura Dual Cestra do 2 (30 to 28) more damage for 2.5 (12.5 to 15) less fire rate.

Much less accurate (vs. Pinpoint accuracy)

Huge recoil (vs. no recoil)

1.7x more reload (3.5 s to 2 s)

Less than half reserve ammo (210 to 450)

Requires wind-up

50 (33%) smaller clip (100 to 150)

Worse crit stats (5%/1.5x to 10%/2x)


Proc restores Shields instead of Energy (Not worse, per se, but different.)

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Once again, DE proved that the game is not worth the time ..

Meaning to swing something interesting, if after updating it becomes not interesting at all?


Okay, have fun playing other games. I'm sorry your super 1337 MLG pr0 scrub cannon got nerfed, and that there's no other secondaries in game (because synoid wass apparently the only one that ever existed on warframe) but if the game isn't worth your time because of this then that's one less toxic player.

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I've bought more than 15k platinum for 2 month of playing. To try weapon and choose best kit...all the rest was just to reach rank.  So I will not repeat my mistake...no forms...no sintez forsing...till anybody from DE will share list of let's say...ALREADY BALANCED  weapon which we can use without scare of wasting time and money.

Edited by sun-master
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Try aiming before you shoot. You can't drag it around like a laser pointer to find your target anymore, make sure you center the crosshairs on an enemy and then burst them. Use it like a scalpel, not a broom.

The point of the automatic beam weapons is actually to use them as a broom.  If I wanted a scaple I'd use a semi-automatic weapon like the Vaykor marelok that will kill anything in a single shot at extreem ranges.


The change didnt actually just change the overall damage of the weapon it changed it's entire gameplay style to the point it may as well have been a completly dfferent weapon.


I'd suspect it would have gotten less flack had they just nerfed the damage down to 150 than the changes they made.

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So! As we see NO answer from DE after 2 days. NO gammacor fixes.

BUT! It was new hotfix patch. 

REST IN PEACE RHINO and good bye warframe.

This developers prooved all that people thought about them.

Thanks to all who participated in this and related treads.

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