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Matchmaking [Error] Could Not Deliver Invitation


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Bump. I've been having this issue ever since I started couple of weeks ago, today my friend downloaded the game to his new PC and we were hoping to play together but nope, if I try to invite him it gives me the "could not deliver invitation to x" error and if he tries to invite me it says I'm offline even if I'm in navigation/mission/chat whatever I'm doing.

This thread is on since over 9 months, it's ridiculous 

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I just got this problem yesterday. DE please fix. I try hosting a public game and no one can join me. I try inviting friends or people to my dojo to trade, invite failed to sent or host unavailable. People see me as offline. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was trying to sell smth, sent an invitation to a buyer and this error occured. After that he attempted to send me an invitation to his dojo, and it happened again. He said that he's going to try to re-log. I did the same thing. After logging in again I tried to search for him in the chat, stayed there for an hour. But he wasn't there.
This Orthos Set is still waiting for him in my inventory :c

The point is, this problem needs to be fixed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 minutes ago, Jakku said:
  1. There is no menu for matchmaking
  2. You can not see current teams be it active or recruiting and searching.
  3. After missions someone immediately starts another mission, you auto vote and or go with said person on random mission.
  4. You Que up for said sortie and or invasion only to migrate host and start some random mission.
  5. After 100% complete mission you lag out then have to restart game only to realize the team had finish the mission and you progress is lost. Reconnecting to team doesn't work hence no rewards. An complete waste of time and effort!




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