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End Of Rushing, New Type Of Units In Game...


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There has been a lot of suggestions, some probable, others not so. some feasible, others not so.
But I can really only think of one implementable (already implemented before actually) way to curb loners (not just rushers, stallers as well, as long as you don't stay with the group).

The answer is clear but we all turned our eyes away, as voicing the very name may bring it back from the Hell it was condemed oo...

bring back the Nervos (no. please don't...)

Edited by smithf
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Why is it that you hate rusher?


Because they rush and you can't take your sweet time killing enemies?

Most Rusher kill everything in their path for you. If any mods drop all you gotta do is pick it up. Isn't life easy?


Because you can't take your time getting credits from lockers?

What are you going to do with 200 - 400 Credits from that locker?


Because you want Materials like Rubedo and Alloy Plates?

Why don't you do solo and take your sweet &#! time opening every locker, breaking every container for 20 - 30 minutes. Instead of joining an Online game and slowing people down.


Because Rusher rush your Alert game?

The reason people do Alerts is for the Reward from "?" or the insane amount of credits it gives. So why don't you hurry your &#! up and stop complaining.


The solution has been there the whole time. PLAY SOLO If you don't like rushers. Other than gathering Materials which you should be doing solo or in a private match, there shouldn't be any reason why you aren't rushing in the first place.

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so, no one really liked about getting the enemy factions their difficulty up?

Here's some ideas about mobs getting buffed...

Grineers = Ballistas do armor ignore and actually shoots long range

Corpus = leech ospreys - instead of draining shields slowly, it should drain it all instantly

Infested = more enemy types, srsly.... they need something like uh.. spitters from L4d or hydralisks from Starcraft. 

Edited by iBread
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The problem isn't slow people.

The problem isn't normal paced people.

The problem isn't rushers.

The problem is when a group of slow people gets a rusher.

The problem is when a group of normal paced people get a rusher or a slow person.

The problem is when a group of rushers gets a slow person.


The notion of additional tougher units is a great idea, but is unrelated to fast pace or slow paced players.


What people fail to grasp when they offer up, making the game harder as a tool to slow a rusher down, this also slows the slow people down even more.  So as both become slower, the desparity between speed has not changed.


If you're concerned about people playing at a different rate than you, be it faster or slower, then don't play online, its very simple.  You've made a decision to play online and accept that you might not get a teammate who plays like you, is similar to your skill level, uses skills, helps with objectives, rezzes etc.  These are all things you accept anytime you select online mode.  Stating otherwise is blatant disregard of reality, you are being just as selfish in this regard as anyone who plays differently than you.  You are just as much the problem as you are the solution, and the same goes for them.


This is the best post i've read about this "problem" and i agree 101% !!


I think a possibile solution could be improve the matchmaking system allowing like this:


As soon as we click on a planet to start a mission appears a popup that ask us to decide our playstyle to create (or join) the mission.

For example "Speed Run" or "Blood Bath", after this simple choice the game creates/queue us in the proper "gamestyle's filter" so that we wont meet people that wants to play the game "the_other_way_we_dislike"


Simple as that, an ingame filter like the one just implemented in Diablo 3 patch 1.8 where, when u make a game, you can decide if that game will be a "farming run" "boss run" "mission run" etc etc... and ppl will be able to look for that specific type of game they wanna play!

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I liked the idea of insta-lock enemies from L4D series.

You will never see a lone survivor rushing in Versus modes. Hunter can be scary if you're alone but is a joke if there are 4 of you.

Besides, don't we already have something similar? Nauseous Crawler or whatever they are called. Just let every faction have something similar and buff them so they can get you easily. As long as they keep the spawning rate down, 4 Tennos shouldn't have problem but someone rushing might

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Im sorry for the wall of text...


While on the idea of trying to accomodate rushers and slowpokes, none of the ideas proposed so far *other than the ones about putting in a 'playstyle' pick at mission select) will really work unless they also simultaneously fix a few issues currently in the game. Some maps the waypoints are so wacky your team ends up spreading out just to find out which way is the proper way to go. Just last night i played a mission where right after killing Hek, the way point it set immediately was so far off (a good 3/4 of the entire map away) and through so many vents above rooms it was impossible to follow. Normally its fine, but the odd times it does this are very frustrating. There are also the situations where you have to collect from multiple data stations, im sure some of you have spread out to collect them before, especially in the ones which require 4 sets and then the stupid 2nd objective gives you ANOTHER 4.


So in both those situations above, what does the game decide you are doing? You're not rushing and you're not lagging behind. Is it going to punish you because it set a waypoint 100 rooms away and you're trying to find it? Or is it going to punish you because you're all running around trying to get to all the different terminals in a decent amount of time?


The 2 man doors are great, when they dont bug out. 2 man elevators would probably make people quit, as some Loki's will switch you off an elevator just to be an @$$, good luck getting further. The laser doors at the moment probably cause me more grief when im playing at a normal pace than when im rushing or lagging behind. Its even worse when its NOT laggy and the collision actually works and u cant simply just walk by harmlessly but the camera for it is around the bend being set off by the rushing player. And to top it off they dont kill the enemies, who then instead of chasing him, come for the guys lagging behind.


There's really a few issues all tied in together, its not just rushers and slowpokes. Rushing and taking your time are just strategies, the same as spreading out to grab all the data terminals, the same as sticking as a single group. The AI just has flaws in how it handles certain playstyles. And those flaws tend to end up griefing particular players. And you would also need to consider how to handle things when the games aren't full.


Personally I dont care about just the rushers or the slow pokes. The solo rusher is still going to have to wait for the rest of us, and if its multiple rushers then I'll happily take my time clearing the mobs blocking me and taking the mods and resources while the extraction timer ticks down.


And to end this wall on a less whingey note, I propose just for humor's sake that the extraction timer be shortened, and if the timer expires, all the members of the party get flooded by nervos and the mission ends in 'success'.


just my 2c =P

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