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Spectre - Sniper/support/scout Frame [With Nooby Art]


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*While I refer to spectre as a "he" below, the frame could just as well be female (as in the new art). It's mostly the theme and skills so far.


Spectre is a frame focusing on mid to long range combat offering fire support from afar. His skills are suited for sniper rifles but will work with other weapons as well. He is fast and nimble lacking health and armor while having a fair shield and energy capacity.
While squishy Spectre has excellent survival capabilities by the use of skills. He may provide temporary cover for allies as well as dps buffs.
By the use of augments the tactical options are improved further offering a greater set of options and synergies.

Health: 85 (255 max)
Shield: 100 (300 max)
Energy: 150 (225 max)
Armor: 50
Stamina: 125
Speed: 1.25
Polarities: 2x 20px-Naramon_Pol.svg.png
Aura Polarity: 20px-Naramon_Pol.svg.png


Changed speed from 1.2 to 1.25 (in line with Loki)

Called shot:
Energy cost: 25
Additional targets: 1/2/3/4 (affected by power strenght 50% per additional target)
Range: maximum range between targets - 2m/4m/6m/8m

Spectre amps the next shot making it seek out additional targets if the shot connects.
Augment: Targeting Systems – when an enemy is in sight all enemies prone to be hit by called shot will glow. Surviving enemies will show up on the map for all allies. (Bonus: Targeting Systems also provides your weapon with a 1.2 m punch through).

Energy cost: 50
Duration: untill HP drops below 35% (augment: 5 seconds cloaking, affected by duration mods)
Health restore: 50/75/100/125.

Spectre engages a safety system teleporting him to a random location if taking heavy damage. Blink also restores a small amount of health.
*After teleporting there is a small cooldown before Blink can activate again.
*To sooth some frustration of possibly blinking into an even worse situation - blink is now upgraded with a small aoe stun at the exit location. (TheLegend 64312)
Augment: Preperation – Activating Blink will place a device at the current location. If Spectre takes damage he will now return to the location where Blink was first activated (maximum range of 35m, after that a random location will be used)
Augment: Shadow Step – Spectre will now have limited cloaking after being teleported (low HP activation).

Breathing Room (ghost bubble):


I'm in no way an artist, but the blue lines are kind of where a shoulder armor could go and a helmet with "antennas", the "X" shape is also an idea for a the shape of the drone, and how it could attach to the back

Energy cost: 75
Duration: XX seconds. (initial unbreakable cloak: 5 s, or X seconds affected by duration mods)
Range: 2.5 M (affected by range mods)

Spectre creates a field that hides his presence while remaining stationary. Inside, Spectre and any allies also receives a boost to fire rate and faster reload time.
Breathing room will initially cloak any ally within, but after a short while enemies in proximity will break the façade.
The skill won't be "dispelled" by enemies entering the field, but the cloaking will be - recast to receive cloaking again.
Augment: Improved Odds –Breathing Room now offer greater bonuses to fire rate and reload speed as well as having the chance of nullifying the ammo cost of firing. Enemies that enter Breathing Room breaking the stealth will also be stunned (100% electric proc).

Tactical Drone:
Energy cost: 25 energy on cast, X energy/s while steering, 75 energy on detonation.
AoE damage on detonation: XXX Blast.
Range (bomb AoE): XX Meters

After engaging a special version of “breathing room” Spectre spawns a steerable drone. The drone can fly on its own and will not be detected unless enemies comes very close. Pressing “fire” (mousebutton 1) will make the drone warp in a bomb creating a massive explosion centered on the drone. Pressing alt fire (mb2) will take you back to controlling Spectre. Walking up to the drone and pressing “use” (x) will retrieve the drone and return the casting cost worth of energy.
Augment: Greater Drone – Spectre has become an adept user of the drone, enabling him to use the drone to gather resources and use it as a scanner (provides radar (25m) for the team as well as marking enemies with a glow much like when enemies are targeted by blade storm).

*Edit: I imagine the drone to have some kind of HP/Shield so it can get destroyed if used recklessly - what do you think about that? Visually I imagine it sitting on Spectres' back as part of his warframe, hp/shields of drone affected by your shield and vitality? Starting at perhaps 125/125 (675/675 with vitality/redirection, 825/825 with vigor/redirection/vitality)

Steering the drone will be like flying with Archwing, forward(W), backward (S), left (A), right (D) - jump (Spacebar) is up, croutch (ctrl) is down. Moving forward goes in direction of reticule.
X - interact with any object you could normally interact with.
* Drone may be operated to revive fallen allies. But I think it might be a bit odd to revive yourself. Although you would have to be already in Drone-mode to have this option, having Spectre go down.
"Fire" Detonate explosive.
"Alt fire" - switch back to Spectre (press "4" again to return).

If approached from behind the drone may "zap" an enemy (much like the stealth attack) this will knock out the target for a moderate amount of time while dealing minimal damage.

Possible art reference:

The silhouette, and general theme of this.

An idea of the drone, althoug not looking like that.

Shoulders - hexagons.


General theme of hexagons.

Edited by Lactamid
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i only got confuse with the name (Spectre/Specter) but it's really good, like better than 90% i see here

I got that as well, "spectre" is the english spelling while "specter" is american. Word told me I spelled wrong so i checked it on google XD.



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I really like this idea. its better than most i have seen, but one thing i would suggest is that blink gets a cooldown timer. How you have it now people would be unkillable aslong as they have energy. 

Thought I had written that, but good call. I'll edit that in. Thanks!

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Whoa, that's awesome work, mate. I really like it.


Not sure about «Breathing rooms» though, DE always wanted to minimaze the «camping» (well, yeah, not in case of Def missions, hah).


Aside «Blink» suggestions, got some ideas about «Tactical Drone».

Well, since it's a Tactical one:

1) What if it could drain and convert enemy shields replenishing the Spectre ones (and his allies as well).

2) Deploy the mines, which will drain energy & stamina from nearby enemies and create an orb, so you can pick it up.

2.1) Deploy the mines, which will attack and stun nearby enemies with electricity and high proc-chance (only for those enemies who's not on your LoS?)

2.2) Shockwave: when the Spectre HP drops below 50% and your Drone's active he'll release a (pulsing?) shockwave that will knockdown/ragdoll enemies allowing you to retreat.

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Whoa, that's awesome work, mate. I really like it.


Not sure about «Breathing rooms» though, DE always wanted to minimaze the «camping» (well, yeah, not in case of Def missions, hah).


Aside «Blink» suggestions, got some ideas about «Tactical Drone».

Well, since it's a Tactical one:

1) What if it could drain and convert enemy shields replenishing the Spectre ones (and his allies as well).

2) Deploy the mines, which will drain energy & stamina from nearby enemies and create an orb, so you can pick it up.

2.1) Deploy the mines, which will attack and stun nearby enemies with electricity and high proc-chance (only for those enemies who's not on your LoS?)

2.2) Shockwave: when the Spectre HP drops below 50% and your Drone's active he'll release a (pulsing?) shockwave that will knockdown/ragdoll enemies allowing you to retreat.

Glad to hear you like it :)

I understand that DE wants to keep us moving and not camping too much. Which is a fair point. However we do have quite a few abilities that go into that category. I've tried to "balance" the campy skill(s) with this in mind.

Having cloaking is very powerful, and that has to come with some way for the enemy to counter or at least get a chance to get us even while cloaked. The breathing room skill has that "team cloaking" that only Ash has via augments. With this you have to stay still however which might make it problematic. You can't stay to long either as it is on time, and after a while the initial "fail safe" cloaking will break if an enemy enters the field. (they can still hear us shooting and stuff like that).

To make the most out of the skill you'd need to think about your placement, which I think is an important aspect. Will this benefit you or the team most?


The drone might work with mines, but I feel like it might make it either op or possibly create odd controls, you could probably just use 1-2-3-4 for "drone skills" if you liked, but that might be overkill (playing the drone more than the frame).

The idea was a remote detonated bomb (a big aoe like the other frames, but with a twist). Thinking of it I thought it was a bit to narrow of an approach so perhaps you could use the drone in more ways.

The furthest I could stretch is perhaps that you could sneak up on an enemy and use stealth melee finisher (that X button ;). But I do like the idea, thinking outside the box.



if you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaally wanted to focus on the drone you could just skip the alt fire switching out and have the alt fire be your secondary weapon being carried by the drone (if drone dies you would have to go fetch it). pressing 4 to switch maybe, or some unuserfriendly - you have to fly back to Spectre and press X to switch back (don't do that DE).

Edited by Lactamid
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I really like the idea of the drone and the team cloak of breathing room. And I personally think that the drone is perfect how it is. It gives a massive aoe damage ability to a frame that wouldn't normally be in the range of most of the enemies. Allowing it to carry your secondary would just have people taking the angstrom and hiding as far away as they could.

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I really like the idea of the drone and the team cloak of breathing room. And I personally think that the drone is perfect how it is. It gives a massive aoe damage ability to a frame that wouldn't normally be in the range of most of the enemies. Allowing it to carry your secondary would just have people taking the angstrom and hiding as far away as they could.

Glad to hear that. I too prefer the drone to not be a whole other frame-kind-of-drone. The initial idea was to call in some artillery strike or the like, but as mentioned above it evolved a bit to make it more interesting.

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i feel like spectre is a cool idea. with snipers being effectivly useless, it would be great to have someone able to use them to their full potential.

While I don't know what "the full potential" might be in warframe, it would be nice to give snipers some love.


Except for the fact that this game is compromised of 98% close quarters maps...

More or less, this is also why he is a bit more rounded than simply sniping. I would however appreciate some larger tiles at times.


Called shot could be used pretty much at any time - crowded or not - but might work well in stealth situations giving a nice little bonus or taking out enemies before they get alarmed.

Blink could be a lifesaver in situations where you get surronded, or if you go in for melee and it backfires.

Toss up breathing room to save a downed teammate or to just buff the dps of your friends.

Tactical drone can be used to sneak in and scan a room, or when you're low on health - help you reach the best position for that big aoe.

Put on some augments and you'll have even more options.

Edited by Lactamid
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I think blink should be aimed like the itzal's blink. This would let players get to perches where they would take less hits than normal and encourage sniping even more. Also having it random could just put you in the middle of the fray again.

Well, it's not a "teleport". It's more of a defensive mechanism. It's a skill you will have to weigh the usefullness of. Learn when to use it and when not to. It might very well put you in an even worse position, but it may also get you away. Perhaps an innate stun on arrival is in order. Now it might be too frustrating for this game, I don't know. But it is also a skill that will give you a second chance + restore some health. With augments this skill can be even more reliable.

I also wanted to avoid the teleport to get to places, with the comming parkour improvements and the other skills offering cloaking, it's something requireing an amount of skill. Your fellow tenno may also provide that teleport if so needed.

Edited by Lactamid
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besi idea i eda seen

Thank you very much.


Wow, I would really like that. He could really be a nice fire support Warframe, and an excellent choice for using sniper rifles. I picture him like on the second concept art, with a scout cape, but I do dig the first one too. +1

I imagine playing in solo, sneaking up somewhere - using the drone to scout, switching out, running forward. Positioning yourself - aiming - blam.

a pack of enemies goes down.

Then perhaps a couple of friends drops in, now your dealing with masses of enemies. Again you take a more solitary position, picking off enemies from range. Then using the stealth and speedbuff to increase your kill rate. When things get more intense you can fly in and nuke with your drone, helping out like you're right in the thick, while still keeping relatively safe.

If enemies get to you there is still a chance of escape with blink, and if allies so need it you can pop breathing room in a more offensive way - increasing the teams dps. Even using it to buy time if someone gets downed with the temporary invisibility at start of a the skill.


With the augments you could also provide support like radar (something that is extremely helpful at times, but you just need that damn corrosive projection aura too much :) or stay safe while manning you drone as a remote carrier sucking up pickups.

Some may even find melee useful with the slightly higher stamina and the blink safety teleport + healing/cloaking.


There are ways to get creative :)


I picture him as some cross between Loki and that first picture, the silhouette (minus the hammerhead) and his skills having some hexagon-theme along with smoke. The drone I picture to be "X-shaped" sitting on the back, like one of those 4-propeller RC-drones there are today, but with no propellars.


Please feel free to coment more. And if anyone want to try some concept are feel free to do so, my skills are limited XD.

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Thank you very much.


I imagine playing in solo, sneaking up somewhere - using the drone to scout, switching out, running forward. Positioning yourself - aiming - blam.

a pack of enemies goes down.

Then perhaps a couple of friends drops in, now your dealing with masses of enemies. Again you take a more solitary position, picking off enemies from range. Then using the stealth and speedbuff to increase your kill rate. When things get more intense you can fly in and nuke with your drone, helping out like you're right in the thick, while still keeping relatively safe.

If enemies get to you there is still a chance of escape with blink, and if allies so need it you can pop breathing room in a more offensive way - increasing the teams dps. Even using it to buy time if someone gets downed with the temporary invisibility at start of a the skill.


With the augments you could also provide support like radar (something that is extremely helpful at times, but you just need that damn corrosive projection aura too much :) or stay safe while manning you drone as a remote carrier sucking up pickups.

Some may even find melee useful with the slightly higher stamina and the blink safety teleport + healing/cloaking.


There are ways to get creative :)


I picture him as some cross between Loki and that first picture, the silhouette (minus the hammerhead) and his skills having some hexagon-theme along with smoke. The drone I picture to be "X-shaped" sitting on the back, like one of those 4-propeller RC-drones there are today, but with no propellars.


Please feel free to coment more. And if anyone want to try some concept are feel free to do so, my skills are limited XD.

He does seem quite useful in most situations. His abilities are original and seem more than capable both for stealth and room cleaning, without being just "spam 4 to win". I like him more and more each time I read this topic!


I do like the 1st concept art too. With such theme, he would look much more like a soldier or a special ops agent, with a scifi look, in the same way Vauban looks like in some kind of uniform. Those floating hexagonal holograms could set a theme for his abilities. And I'm in for a weird, functional-looking helmet like the one in that picture!


Here, I just found a theme for him :)

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He does seem quite useful in most situations. His abilities are original and seem more than capable both for stealth and room cleaning, without being just "spam 4 to win". I like him more and more each time I read this topic!


I do like the 1st concept art too. With such theme, he would look much more like a soldier or a special ops agent, with a scifi look, in the same way Vauban looks like in some kind of uniform. Those floating hexagonal holograms could set a theme for his abilities. And I'm in for a weird, functional-looking helmet like the one in that picture!


Here, I just found a theme for him :)

I hope so. I've tried as hard as I could to find skills that could be useful in both low and higher tiers of gameplay, as well as having some "flavour" or theme that isn't already in the game. The goal is of course that every skill should be used, and to offer some optional gamplay. You could probably spawn the drone and almost instantly nuke with it, but then again, you don't have to. I feel that using 3 and 1 together from range is one of those "signature combos" for this frame :)

One thing that might be problematic is vauban with bastille augment and breathing room. noone can enter the zone to break stealth. how ever there is upkeep and there are ways to achive pretty much the same result (frost, ash).


Loving that 1:st art, looks fantastic. Always been a fan of the non prime Loki too so some kind of utility/buff/damage dealer/sneaky frame with a tactical/functional technological look would be supersweet.

PS: sweet tune!

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I hope so. I've tried as hard as I could to find skills that could be useful in both low and higher tiers of gameplay, as well as having some "flavour" or theme that isn't already in the game. The goal is of course that every skill should be used, and to offer some optional gamplay. You could probably spawn the drone and almost instantly nuke with it, but then again, you don't have to. I feel that using 3 and 1 together from range is one of those "signature combos" for this frame :)

One thing that might be problematic is vauban with bastille augment and breathing room. noone can enter the zone to break stealth. how ever there is upkeep and there are ways to achive pretty much the same result (frost, ash).


Loving that 1:st art, looks fantastic. Always been a fan of the non prime Loki too so some kind of utility/buff/damage dealer/sneaky frame with a tactical/functional technological look would be supersweet.

PS: sweet tune!

You did manage to find quite an unique flavour of skills for him. This game really shines when unique things with curious mechanics are involved. Of course there will be "cookie builds/combos", but I don't think that would be bad; just a secondary effect. Also, there are no Warframes yet oriented to sniper/scout roles.


Yes it does. Spectre would really shine with a technological looking to his design.


I've been looking for some inspiration for his drone. I like the concept of it being usually attached to him as part of his suit, as does Chroma's pelt. I found several that could be interesting for this:

- http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/175/1/5/fuse_attack_drone_by_meckanicalmind-d6ajths.jpg My personal favourite. Instead of the propeller, it could have this "hover ring" instead: http://www.abload.de/img/drop_shipmmlf.jpg

- http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131020160816/starwars/images/f/f2/Sith_probe_droid.png

- http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080303121816/starwars/images/0/05/Prowler1K-SS.jpg

I hope this helps expanding the concept.

Edited by Necroledo
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There might be, some will likely go for max damage, others for time, max energy etc. I just hope there is still use for all of the skills.

Been trying to make some sort of concept art but as I don't even have photoshop, and ain't very good at drawing/painting/animation it's been slow.


I'm trying to work in some sort of prototype for the drone on the back, but it's hard.

The idea is to make it have either 3 or 4 "limbs" with and engine on each end. So that when it attaches on the back there is an "X". If 3 limbed one part of the "X" will be extended as an antenna....yeah so...bit hard :P

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