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Idea:pvp Isn't Broken (Cept Iron Skin)



The past few days I have been seeing a lot of PvP broken threads(don't worry this isn't meta complaint) so I am going to help all of you with some simple solutions to overused weapons

Kogake: these are very difficult to quickly react to and counter if you aren't host. So the important thing to avoid them is to use verticality and staying alert. If you see them coming they likely have stamina drain. If you have a gun out. Do a backflip or dodge roll after they begin the copter. Then after they recover follow up with a few shots before coptering away.

Paris series: all 3 Paris are 1 shots to excal and mag, 2 shot for rhino and volt and 3-4 shots to iron skin. If you have mag remember shield polarize gives you 15 free over shield and can give you the highest effective HP. Excals beware you need to stay highly mobile to avoid it and ensure you do not approach the sniper head on.

Rhino series: I hate iron skin personally. You need high dps to knock it out and be in range to kill the guy. This makes fighting rhino a mind game. Most rhinos keep 50-100 energy in reserve for iron skin so you need to prioritize a naked rhino over all targets. Removing his iron skin forces a recast so getting the jump on rhino removes energy he could use offensively.

Any other weps or frames causing trouble? Post em below and I will get to testing tonight.

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The thing is DE said no one power should be the always go to. Iron skin is the only power to use.

Also with bow one shots and kogake, it creates a very polarized meta. There is very little room, add lag to you or your opponents and this becomes not a competitive platform.

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Everyone is  spamming '1' and '4' like their life depends on it. People are slide attacking everywhere while holding the channeling button and managing to get a kill, or at least tear off all the shields and most the health of those it hits.



Also, toxic players in there. Jeez, just today I ran into another two. One who told me I was bad for using the Kogake but spammed a strun wraith and Volt's 1...


There are a lot of things that need to change before it becomes balanced.

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Rhino series: I hate iron skin personally. You need high dps to knock it out and be in range to kill the guy. This makes fighting rhino a mind game. Most rhinos keep 50-100 energy in reserve for iron skin so you need to prioritize a naked rhino over all targets. Removing his iron skin forces a recast so getting the jump on rhino removes energy he could use offensively.


I would add: don´t engage an opponent using abilities if you yourself are naked and don´t have an obvious edge (unless you are confident). It is easily abusable how many players just ignore the energy respawns which allow this kind of rhino spam but if you yourself are collecting energy as well than you should be able to counter their abilities with your own.


But since you are asking op - how do you deal with bullet attractor from mag and excals ult. I am playing mag quite a bit and unless I screw up bullet attractor is almost a sure kill espescially if I am using a bow - of course one can try to escape but is kind of hard with a gigantic bubble following one around. With excal the ult seems unavoidable - unlike Volt it doesn´t spread slowly just is an insta gib in a fairly big radius. Even when I see it coming and try to get away with a front flip it usually still catches me since the cast animation is so short.

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Everyone is spamming '1' and '4' like their life depends on it. People are slide attacking everywhere while holding the channeling button and managing to get a kill, or at least tear off all the shields and most the health of those it hits.

Also, toxic players in there. Jeez, just today I ran into another two. One who told me I was bad for using the Kogake but spammed a strun wraith and Volt's 1...

There are a lot of things that need to change before it becomes balanced.

Yep, sadly I doubt DE is honestly dedicated to balancing pvp Edited by Aodan
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Rhino Prime with arcane vanguard and iron skin is very OP.

But beside that things are in a good place IMO.


Actually now that I think of it, it's sort of better than any other part of the game. It doesn't feel like it because balance is so crucial in PVP, but it is. There's no "Press 4 to win" or "perma invis god mode" available, for the most part you have to think and use skill and deliberation.


Things could be a lot better in PVP mind you, warframe has never been a balanced game, but PVP is getting closer to a good place. And I hope it does spill over to the rest of the game, making it a less brainless grining game.

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if it weren't so extreme bugged. I haven't played one match so far that worked smoothly. Cephalons disappear left and right, people spawn outside the map or not at all...terrible. Can't even exit the match as long as it's running...have to forcefully quit Warframe.

Edited by Vandole
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Rhino Prime with arcane vanguard and iron skin is very OP.

But beside that things are in a good place IMO.


Actually now that I think of it, it's sort of better than any other part of the game. It doesn't feel like it because balance is so crucial in PVP, but it is. There's no "Press 4 to win" or "perma invis god mode" available, for the most part you have to think and use skill and deliberation.


Things could be a lot better in PVP mind you, warframe has never been a balanced game, but PVP is getting closer to a good place. And I hope it does spill over to the rest of the game, making it a less brainless grining game.

This was my thought after the first couple of matches as well.

Its fast paced, pretty well balanced, no obvious go-to weapons/builds (Aside from rhino iron skin) and accessible and competitive from a low lvl.

Personally didn't have problems against Kogake with my bo, even killed 2 of them in a row simply by out positioning them and making use of its longer range. The stamina drain augment on melee seems brutal though. 60% whether from damage or total drains stamina quite fast i think.

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Game doesn´t need parkour in a world of air rocket melee and air copter.

Yes, it doesn't need it. But it is much funnier to use parkour, air melee and coptering than only air melee and coptering.

A parkour-unfriendly map design makes gameplay slower and forces us to spam 3 buttons.

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Bows should just be 2 hit kills on close range, and 1 hit kills in long range. I hate how they can just get one lucky shot in a long fight of me firing at them and they just kill me instantly with it as Chroma.

I logged in to try out pvp and noticed that even tho Im lvl 30, I couldnt use any powers. Was this because they are locked or lack of energy?


Lack of energy. Look for energy around the map, kind of like Unreal Tournament.

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Bows should just be 2 hit kills on close range, and 1 hit kills in long range. I hate how they can just get one lucky shot in a long fight of me firing at them and they just kill me instantly with it as Chroma.


If they are consistently landing lucky shots then they aren't lucky. The Paris is a closr-midrange install gib in this game mode. Hence why you need to approach the players using it from angles they don't expect or immediately after they preform an animation that cancels the draw.
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I find the pvp fairly balanced all frame ultimates are one shot killers. As for weapons I have seen all kinds and not had an issue with any of them. I prefer melee, wall running, sliding and blocking when someone tries to empty a clip at me. If I have the energy throw in a blind and have a good night. I'm glad it's based on player skills and not cookie cutter builds.

Just my opinion though.

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